BrainBridge, the First Head Transplant System

The part that surprised me was the quickie face transplant at the end.

From the website:

BrainBridge, the first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like stage-4 cancer and neurodegenerative diseases…


BrainBridge is the world’s first revolutionary concept for head transplant system, employing cutting-edge robotics and artificial intelligence to ensure successful head and face transplantation procedures with improved outcomes and faster recoveries.

BrainBridge will be able to conduct face and scalp transplantation to restore functionality and aesthetic appearance. Younger donor tissues reduce the risk of rejection and enhance appearance, with meticulous suturing and post-operative care to promote healing and minimize scarring.

The BrainBridge Head Band, equipped with a Brain-Computer Interface, allows patients to communicate their needs during recovery, control devices, and execute tasks independently using their thoughts, enhancing autonomy and quality of life.


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