China Blasts US Human Rights Record


China has condemned the United States’ Human Rights record at home and abroad in an annual report released on Thursday.

U.S. politics is corrupted by money and nepotism, with numerous wars in the Middle East providing a glimpse of how the U.S. government views “lives in other countries as worthless,” according to the scathing Chinese Human Rights report.

Tasnim News reports:

The report issued by the Cabinet’s State Council Information Office also cited gun crime and excessive use of force by police, and touched on other topics including corruption in the prison system, homelessness, racial conflict and gender pay disparity, AP reported.

“Since the US government can’t be bothered to raise a mirror to look at itself, it’s up to others to complete the task,” the report said.

The US is also guilty of rights violations outside its borders, the report said, citing estimates of civilian deaths in Iraqi and Syrian airstrikes, drone attacks and the monitoring of foreign citizens’ communications.

“America is still committing gross violations of other countries’ human rights, viewing lives in other countries as worthless,” it said.

China publishes such reports each year in response to the US State Department’s annual report on China’s human rights situation issued on Wednesday as part of a larger review of the human rights practices around the world.

This year’s report on China highlighted repression against civil society, saying repression and coercion markedly increased. It especially criticized China’s crackdown on lawyers, saying it reflected the government’s insecurity in the face of popular aspiration for the rule of law.

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