City of Orlando Pays Man $37,500 After Police Confused His Krispy Kreme Crumbs For Meth

The white, rock-like substance found in Daniel Rushing’s car was not meth — it was actually tiny flakes of hardened glaze from a Krispy Kreme doughnut.

But because a 2015 roadside test conducted by Orlando police came back positive for an illegal substance, Rushing was arrested on a drug possession charge with a firearm and spent 10 hours in jail before posting bond, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

It wasn’t long before Rushing sued the city for the false results. However this week, the parties officially settled and Rushing received a $37,500 from the City of Orlando.

Two years ago, an Orlando police officer (who has since been reprimanded), pulled Rushing over after officials say he failed to come to a full stop while pulling out of a 7-Eleven store — a suspected drug transaction hot-spot, WFTV9 reported.

Deputies had been in the middle of a drug stake out, and when they stopped Rushing, they said they found a white rocky substance on his car’s floor board near his feet.

When police did field tests, they all came back positive for methamphetamine.

However, a follow-up test conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement determined the substance was actually sugar remnants from Krispy Kreme’s signature glazed doughnut.

Despite the experience, the ordeal hasn’t stopped Rushing from satisfying his sweet tooth every other Wednesday.

He just doesn’t eat the treats in his car, he told reporters.


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