A full moon. A perigee moon. The fall equinox. All joining forces to bring the highest tides on Earth to Canada’s own shores.

Though each phenomenon is, in its way, related to the sky, they all reach down to Earth to alter that most predictable of natural forces.

But in the lead-up to next week, coastal dwellers are in for a rarity: A convergence of all of these cosmic happenings, that coincides with the apex of an 18-year cycle that will make for the highest global tides in almost two decades, peaking on Tuesday, September 29.

That has observers in the Maritimes especially watchful of the waves. The Bay of Fundy between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia famously sports the highest tides in the world.

Tide predicted to be the highest in 18 years next Tuesday in Blomidon. pic.twitter.com/YqD4Aus9T8

— Nathan Coleman (@NateTWN) September 22, 2015



Weather changes, earth changes, cosmic changes and cycles. These are just a few aspects discussed in the work by Pierre Lescaudron in his book Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World – Book 3