Cops Crack Down on Occupy Boston, Arrest 100

Kevin Dolak
ABC News
October 11, 2011

100 demonstrators gathered as part of the Occupy Boston protest were arrested early Tuesday when they moved into an area outside of the designated space, according to Boston police.

Police said that the protested moved from an area of Dewey Square to another section of the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway near Pearl Street near downtown Boston. Officers say they repeatedly warned the protesters they would be arrested if they moved to the new section of the Greenway because they did not have permission to be there.

The protesters will likely be charged with trespassing, according to Boston Police, who added that for safety reasons they could not say how many officers were at the scene.

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63 Responses to “Cops Crack Down on Occupy Boston, Arrest 100”

  1. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”

    —John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    The cops are too stupid to realize that if/when things become violent that they, and their loved ones, are going to be among the first to die.

  2. Boston .. com ” Officials do not want the protesters, who originally settled in Dewey Square, to occupy the space across Congress Street on the Greenway because it recently underwent a renovation project where expensive improvements were added, according to Elaine Driscoll, police spokeswoman.” Seems this “renovation with expensive improvements” is going on all over the country to beautify instead of spending on crumbling infrastructure also while laying off city workers and teachers. DISGUSTING !

    • Lets be careful here. I do advocate spending wisely but don’t be confused about much of it. There are sweeping green mandates that require buildings, lots, parcels, etc to renovate. An example. In many cities, any construction on a building will require the entire building to be brought up to current code. Sounds good? Well what if I tell you that if you have an acre or more all of the rain or runoff water must be retained, filtered, then released into the storm sewer at a contolled rate. Not so simple, and very expensive. Actions have consequences and when the green idiots mandate there are always consequences, usually very expensive ones. I’m all for green technologies but only if implemented and chosen wisely with full knowledge and recognition of the total cost. I firmly believe that NO legislation should be passed without an economic impact study done by an independant analyst.

  3. Check out the economic information being displayed at MANTISINTEL dot com. The bubbles are incredible.

  4. Did anybody really expect for this not to happen?

  5. damn storm troopers.. suppressing the republic!

    • good thing we have jedi wit us with their light-saber flashlights

  6. Of course this is why they will never let this government return to representative democracy.
    For starters, this nation was publicly founded on the ten commandments,so the vast majority of poor dumb sheep would listen to their Masonic Preacher from the pulpit tell them hoe “God” would have them trust their government because it to was “christian”
    but privately, the American Freemasons,who started the war with their fellow mason, King George formed what they like to call a “masonic republic,”To which the King never surrendered nor recognized as independent!!

    Every republic-turned-Empire throughout history has tumbled because the powers that be have always been Zionist, ever since ancient Greece,Now it is the born again Babylon of ancient times repeating history and fullfilling Jesus Prophesy of Babylon the great , the mother of all Harlots!

    America, America, god shed his grace in thee, And He did until you passed Roe v. Wade,
    then you spit in His eye by murdering then throwing away their little bodies into dumpsters around this pitiful nation. 3000 babies every day because it is the mothers “right” to her own body?

    A 9/11 is performed every day in this nation and you pussies worry about solving and convicting the perpatrators of the ONE DAY, the murder they commited on 9/11/2001

    When do you geniuses plan on protesting and demanding the truth about the other 13,869 9/11s since the United States started murdering babies in 1973??



    • You just posted this on another forum. Go back under your bridge…

      • He(Patrick Bragg) has the right to post what he thinks wherever or whenever he likes. Who the heck made you king, tyre3d? Ever heard of “freedom of speech”?

        • lol godsgirl the problem is that most people choose a side and dont shut the fuck up. its a hint, shut the fuck up

  7. Yup, it is only a matter of time. Eat this tainted food. Drink this poisoned water. Take this disease causing shot. Now pay ultra premiums because you are sick all the time. Now turn in your guns because the wood on the stock is not licensed. No wood stock? Enjoy the 200% tax on all ammunition. Now pluck up that garden, you can’t plan heirloom seeds. And those cows over there? I need the paperwork for your carbon credits offsetting the vile methane they produce. I will also need your E.P.A. permit to store that hay, which has been declared a pollutant.
    Does this sound ridiculous? All this is in place and more. But cheer up! You can always protest these regulations….and get arrested. “You can’t kill me. I will not die. Now now, not ever, no never!! I’ve been around a long, long time. My soul lives on forever!!” Mojo Nixon

    • sounds like reality to me, or close to!

      • Everything I listed is true blue with the exception of the tax on ammo. But, that is in the works as well. And yet, so few people are aware of it. The presstitutes have done their job well!!

  8. These protesters and the OWS movement is going to do nothing but cause more damage to the democratic party. All their tactics will FAIL. George Soros will soon learn that his money is no more his power. He will eventually bankrupt himself when he panics in sheer desperation that he is loosing. That man cannot stand to lose. He is very prideful and self deceived and you can’t fool all the people all of the time.
    This movement cannot be compared either to the Tea Party Movement. It has no objective and is not organized and the most important thing, people who are steeped in a wicked life style are powerless in the first place because they are taken captive by the will of Satan.


  10. Is the place they moved to private or public property? I’m not familiar with the area and the article doesn’t say. If its public, how on Earth can you trespass on public property? If it is private property then they should be arrested.

    • Its called UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY, a law created to DESTROY the constitution stating freedom of assembly, Well unlawful assembly is the counter to the amendment. Its a real crime created by inbred bankers and enforced by their D*ck sucking slaves, the Piggies.

      It doesn’t matter the cops took a OATH to protect the constitution and bill of rights. So what are we gonna lock these cops up for?? Or is this treason against the american people punishable by death? George washington once killed a spy on the white house lawn in broad daylight.

      Do these cops deserve death? or just imprisonment and fines?? What about their families? JUST REMEMBER PIGGIES, after youre done with us ITS YOUR TURN, The I-4,UN,NATO troops will mop the floor with you since the people could care less and or will be bankrupt already you are on your own. You better be single because your wife and children cant run as fast or defend themselves as well as you, If your not single you Better think LONG AND HARD about what youre doing.

      When america falls theres nowhere left to run any other country is easily invaded and controlled by russia or china or UN. “unlawful assembly” what kind of bullshit anti american law is this bullshit. Trespassing is used for private property which is a law i agree with. PRIVATE IS PRIVATE and i want my property rights to.

      Unlawful assembly used for PUBLIC lands which YOU paid for with your taxes, how can you be arrested for assembling peacefully on your OWN property. Another buyllshit law enforced by piggies and Homosexual judges in cum stained black robes. Just dont go to court, its a british venture anyways, its setup for you to lose.

      • Vinoknows nothing. There are millions of armed oartiots tracks all the trader for effient extermination. You cannot stop us there are to many of us. We will take them with us if necessary.

  11. Jello Biafra may be a prophet. listen to “California Uber Alles” By the Dead Kennedys. There are a couple versions of the lyrics. all are pretty relevant to current events.

    • I know right i was just talking about this song on here like a week ago and now Jerry Brown is being a hugh dick….. get Jerry Brown out of California!!!

      I am Governor Jerry Brown
      My aura smiles
      And never frowns
      Soon I will be president…

      Carter Power will soon go away
      I will be Fuhrer one day
      I will command all of you
      Your kids will meditate in school
      Your kids will meditate in school!

      California Uber Alles
      California Uber Alles
      Uber Alles California
      Uber Alles California

      Zen fascists will control you
      100% natural
      You will jog for the master race
      And always wear the happy face

      Close your eyes, can’t happen here
      Big Bro’ on white horse is near
      The hippies won’t come back you say
      Mellow out or you will pay
      Mellow out or you will pay!


      Now it is 1984
      Knock-knock at your front door
      It’s the suede/denim secret police
      They have come for your uncool niece

      Come quietly to the camp
      You’d look nice as a drawstring lamp
      Don’t you worry, it’s only a shower
      For your clothes here’s a pretty flower.

      DIE on organic poison gas
      Serpent’s egg’s already hatched
      You will croak, you little clown
      When you mess with President Brown
      When you mess with President Brown


  12. Police: “you have the right to shut the f**k up!! now let me pat ur private parts for my own saftey.”

  13. next time everyone should bring guns and fight back

    • That wouldn’t solve a damn thing! It would only get more innocent people killed and put a bad mark on all groups that are protesting. Make sure you stay home, I’m sure you just got yourself on a watchlist! And Don’t think they can’t access your true identity you stupid Fu*k!

      • @prepared1 he probablly is “they”.

        • @oneluv i just might be HAHA!!

      • I can see you will be a great FEMA camp prisoner

      • Do you really think that the folks who plunder nations could care less about penniless mobs? The only thing they understand is violence, pure and simple. When Ben Bernake, et al., are too frightened to leave the office, there might be some reforms. As long as they and their families are safe and sound, nothing will change. Liberty requires a willingness to force the enemy into submission, just as tyranny makes the same demand.

      • Haha you people are idiots and hypocrites. Nothing but a bunch of pansies in here who talk the talk! Your more afraid of them then anyone else. At least they are over there protesting when you are here commenting pointless remarks. Oh and by the way your all on the list as well just for being on this website so, HA!

        And what i meant by bring guns, i meant that since your all looney you should bring guns so that way they can enable martial law and put all you crazy nut jobs in the Fema looney camps! HAHAHAHAHA

    • I always thought that in the US the right to wear arms keeps the people strong against the government, instead of in Europe. Now you suggest to do something with those arms and it’s suggested it’s something stupid. Strange..

      • The right to bear arms to defend yourself is definitely not the same as the right to bear arms to use offensively. That’s why you don’t see people walking around with them strapped to their waste like they did in the 1800s. We are a civilized species, for the most part, and understand that violence should only be used as the absolute very last resort.

        • False arrest and kidnapping by thuggy drone cops who most have no clue what is going on who protect the criminals. But you are right I will be saving my guns to hunt down real traitors such as trilateral commission members, Rochefellers, Builderberg Group members, corrupted elected officials when mass millions of people protesr do not work. Do not waiste your time on the cops. Self defense and escape only

    • You are correct but not yet. Let me explain when the proper time will come.
      1. When the protest become mllions we will move on to step 2
      2. Riots that will become massive riots throughout all the major cites

      3. Police state implementation will begin with road side searches into cites and then sectional city search stops partcularly into protest areas like banks, Federal Reserve building, city government buiding areas.
      4. Military will be deployed.
      5. Armed assassination of all the traitors via lone wolf assassins(only way to keep them from tracking our movements to take back our country) will be our solution at this point because with

      steps 3 going into 4 it will be go big or give in.

      If the cops do not wake up and join us by step 4 we will have no choice but a full all out civil war. Do not waist your time taking on these cops. We will need people like you and me to move on the real criminals such as Trilateral Commission members, CFR members, Builderberg member, elected corrupt officials, appointed official (example the attorney general who is a gun runner and murderer), and high level banker like Jamie Dimon and loyd Blankfiend. Only take cops on to defend yourself. The elite patriots will follow this advice. Let those clueless ones who do not know all the fact be our drones to set us up for our run to sieze back our freedom.

      • you know i like your statement EvilDick and it is a very mature statement and knowledgeable unlike these other A*s clowns in here

  14. What a shame….
    Those policemen are sorely decieved.

  15. “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” ~ Thomas Pynchon


  17. Yeah That will be right. In the LAND OF THE FREE. You need permission from the Police to stand on a bit of land. I thought the USA had a constitution?? Looks like the Terror War took care of that.

  18. AMERICA is a free speech zone..

    these PIGS are guilty of threatening citizens, assault, theft of freedom.
    they should have been mobbed and arrested.

    • hahahaahahaha they are just itching to get out the rubber ammo lets give em a reason.

    • I would love to train these protester s on how to form a unit to physically take on these cops. I would gladly lead them to beat the crap out of these cops for false arrest. Throwing the first punch will be my pleasure even though I am an exprobation officer.

  19. UNCOSTITUTIONAL rotten scum moron PIGS are so stupid taking the rights away from PEOPLE are THERI rights thats how fricken PIGS are they work for the OBOMBYA administration its for your own good the NEW FREEDOM enishitive!

    • Please do not blame the police, they have to do their job, blame the lawmakers, they are the ones who are taking your rights away.

      • False arrest if false arrest period. Even those cops know this. Just following orders is no excuse.

        • They still have no choice …

          They can treat you with more or less respect though …

      • You’re right !!!

  20. For every 10 they arrest there should be 500 more coming out to join, CLOG the system!!!

    • Yes as the next step to take them on bring othe protester numbers into the millions. Be ready for the huge riots to follow to trigger the full police state. All out civil war will follow. The hunting down and execution of all the ones will soo n follow

  21. do people know that stalin starved to death 12 MILLION UKRAINE FARMERS
    in the THIRTIES

    its happening here what they started in russia will END IN AMERICA

    when will the people stand up

  22. welcome to NAZI germany all over again


    do americans evern know that MARX was a JEW?????

    • I wonder if Americans know you’re an asshole?

      • yep doesnt take a Jew to see that.

        • The Jews are coming! The Jews are coming!

    • Bush is “Protestant.”

      So Marx made Mao exterminate 50 million or more Chinese? Mao was a Jew?

    • Saying it is the Jews is a shortcut to thinking.

  23. Protestor: “Sir, excuse me, sir. I was just wondering why I’m being arrested?”

    Cop: “Because you practiced your right to free speech outside of the designated box.”

    Protestor: “Since when do you need a 10×10 box in order to say what you want? This is America. My forefathers fought for my right of free speech over 400 years ago! And freedom of speech is allowable anywhere I feel like speaking my mind. Right…?”

    Cop: “Shut up. I’m the law and you have to do whatever I tell you, or you’ll sit in prison and rot.”

    Protestor: “Isn’t there also rights to a fair trial?”

    Cop: “Not anymore. Now shut your stupid mouth and OBEY ME!!!”

    • We fought for freedom of speech in 1776, not 1576.

      • yes another testament to how much they teach about liberty in school.

  24. most cops have this attitude: “fuck you, i don’t care about any law, and i’ll do whatever i want to you”.
    it isn’t supposed to be like that.

    • You are their job, they think of you like a McDonalds cook thinks of a hamburger. Just another chunk of meat to be thrown out the window.

  25. The police are arresting those gathered to peacefully assemble and exercise thier right to free speech? It would behhove the MA legislature to hear their them for a redress of grievances sooner rather than later. The police, following unlawful, orders are well organized and forceful and easily walk all over the peaceful and relatively unorganized individuals-ought not be surprised when those individuals decide to organize and actively resist tyranny.

    • lol and do what? a whole generation of pissy pants ignorants that love the government dole and the nintendy games. They won’t get off thier couch to learn anything, what makes you think they will stand for freedom. They don’t even know what freedom is.

      • Yeah, It’s true.

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