Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Urgent COVID Vaccine Warning to Donald Trump

World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough says that Donald Trump is missing out on the “political opportunity of a lifetime” if he doesn’t soon reverse course on the disastrous COVID-19 injections.

This declaration came during a riveting conversation on the Tommy T Podcast.

Dr. McCullough suggested that Trump doesn’t necessarily have to admit that he was wrong. Instead, he could throw Fauci and Biden under the bus because Fauci is a deceiver who has his credibility “is in the tank” and “all the safety problems in the vaccine occurred under Biden.”

Podcast host Tommy T added that Trump could save face and send shockwaves through the political landscape with a bit of messaging that sounds like this:

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“We found out now, after further research, it [COVID vaccine] is no good. And that guy [Biden] is trying to kill you and your kids.” “If he said that, whoa!” Tommy T exclaimed.

Such a move would give Trump:

• Another massive talking point against Biden.

• Votes that would otherwise swing in the favor of Robert Kennedy Jr.

• An opportunity to be the hero that gave the vaccine issue the momentum it needs, making it a crime that can no longer be denied.

Remember, all the vaccine safety problems emerged while Biden was in office. Trump could argue that Biden’s oversight of vaccine safety was a complete disaster. Plus, Biden is the one who demonized the unvaccinated and enacted sweeping vaccine mandates, affecting approximately 100 million Americans.

“Honestly, I think it’s the political opportunity of a lifetime,” remarked Dr. McCullough. “And if the answer is it’s a weakness that he can’t admit he’s wrong, then that weakness could cost him.”

Watch the full interview:

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