Edgerton scores role opposite Depp

Joel Edgerton

Joel Edgerton, far right, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan in a scene from The Great Gatsby.
Source: Supplied

JOEL Edgerton is riding the wave of Jay Gatsby’s glittering international profile.

Hot on the heels of the announcement that he is to star opposite Michelle Williams in The Double Hour, a remake of the 2009 thriller of the same name, comes news that he has just closed a deal to appear alongside Johnny Depp in a film about notorious Boston crime kingpin Whitey Bulger.

Edgerton, at the Cannes Film Festival for the opening night screening of Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby, is to play FBI agent John Connolly in Black Mass, to be directed by Barry Levinson, according to Deadline.com.

Source Article from http://news.com.au.feedsportal.com/c/34564/f/632581/s/2bfa9a82/l/0L0Snews0N0Bau0Centertainment0Cmovies0Cthe0Egreat0Egatsbys0Ejoel0Eedgerton0Escores0Erole0Eopposite0Ejohnny0Edepp0Ein0Eblack0Emass0Cstory0Ee6frfmvr0E122664440A85570Dfrom0Fpublic0Irss/story01.htm

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