EI live: Israel’s anti-Palestinian “mass rape” propaganda

Join the livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of Gaza. Time zones:

19:00 Palestine time / 17:00 GMT / 1800 CET / 11:00 CT / 12:00 ET / 09:00 PT

  • Bombing a Beirut suburb, Israel carried out a serious escalation of its war against the region yesterday, killing senior Hamas official Saleh Arouri. We’ll address all the latest breaking news.

  • Ali has been preparing a detailed deconstruction of the latest Israeli atrocity propaganda — “mass rape”. This time as laundered by that reliable tool of US empire, The New York Times. Ali will take their recent article apart line by line.

  • Jon will update us on all the latest military developments, as the Palestinian resistance successfully confronts the Israeli occupation army in Gaza.

If you miss the broadcast live, you will be able to watch it back in the video above.

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