Entertainment Reporter

Job title: Entertainment Reporter
Location: Remote
Employment type: Freelance Description
The Epoch Times is seeking experienced Freelance Entertainment Writers to create and write celebrity and entertainment content for our website, TheEpochTimes.com. You can identify newsworthy stories and produce original and exclusive reporting from a wide variety of sources.
The Epoch Times’ primary goal is to bring our readers accurate information and revive traditional values. Therefore, the entertainment news content should reflect and respect American traditional values. Truth and Tradition is our brand.
– Identify, pitch, write, and edit entertainment and celebrity articles that drive traffic to our web site.
– Pitch and write original entertainment and celebrity features; rewrite original content from third-party sources; making calls to PR, law enforcement, and attorneys when necessary.
– Seek out primary sources and conduct original and high-profile celebrity interviews (preferred but not required).
– Provide fact checking and compelling SEO-friendly headlines and present images.
– Conceive and build new, compelling in-depth content.
– Accept and apply feedback received by the editorial team…. Source

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