Facebook and Twitter to oppose calls for social media blocks during riots

Josh Halliday
London Guardian
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Facebook and Twitter are preparing to face down government ministers over calls to ban people from social networks or shut their websites down in times of civil unrest.

The major social networks are expected to offer no concessions when they meet the home secretary, Theresa May, at a Home Office summit on Thursday lunchtime.

Ministers are expected to row back on David Cameron’s call for suspected rioters to be banned from social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, following the riots and looting across England a fortnight ago.

The home secretary will explore what measures the major social networks could take to help contain disorder – including how law enforcement can more effectively use the sites – rather than discuss powers to shut them down. The acting Metropolitan police commissioner, Tim Godwin, and the Tory MP Louise Mensch have separately explored the idea of shutting down websites during emergencies.

Full story here.

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5 Responses to “Facebook and Twitter to oppose calls for social media blocks during riots”

  1. Wasn’t Facebook represented at Bilderberg? They just get to go through the motions now, and pretend like they tried so hard to stop this… really, they’re on our side.

  2. yeah one step closer to a fascist state !! Democracy what a B##+###dy Joke!

  3. By what authority does the government have to disable someone’s internet access and control which websites they go to?? Everyone needs to grow a set of brass balls and tell their government that ….you don’t need their permission to live your life, and that they would do well to mind their own goddamned business. Phuck them. We should jam their radio communications during riots and see how they like it.

    • Brass balls would react poorly to microwave weaponry

  4. Duh, of course…what else would they say — “Take me down anytime you want”? placeofrefuge2012.com

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