Federal Judge Makes MAJOR Ruling In Anchor Baby Case, But You Won’t Hear About It


There’s a major federal court case underway in Texas that not a lot of people have heard about due to what it’s about – the illegal alien parents of a child born in America suing for a birth certificate. Well on Friday, the judge in the case made a major decision, and it’s something you’re going to want to hear.

The case is being heard in U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman’s courtroom, and involves the parents of American-born children suing the state to issue birth certificates, thus giving their children the proper legal paperwork to prove they’re American citizens. The parents are claiming in the suit that their child’s rights to healthcare, travel, and schooling – along with parental rights – are being harmed from not having the birth certificate, Yahoo! News reports.

But while they make a compelling argument, the judge isn’t buying it. The problem they have is not having the proper identification in order to obtain the birth certificates, and while Pitman is sympathetic to their cause, he’s standing behind the state’s decision to deny issuing the certificates due to the lack of credibility from their Mexican-issued IDs.

“Pitman called the arguments of the families “heartfelt, compelling and persuasive,” but said that this was “not enough without substantiating evidence to carry the burden necessary to grant relief,” according to the ruling.

At issue is the acceptance of identification cards-known as matriculas consulares-issued by Mexican consulates to citizens living and working in the United States. Lawyers for the families contend that prior to 2013 they were able to present these document, as well as foreign passports without U.S. visas in them, and obtain birth certificates in Texas.

The judge said in his ruling that attorneys had not shown that health officials had improperly “focused on and excluded” these documents. The judge also questioned the integrity of the information behind the consulate identification cards and passports.

“A birth certificate is a vital and important document,” he said. “As such, Texas has a clear interest in protecting access to that document.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement that the ruling “is an important first step in ensuring the integrity of birth certificates” and that the agency will continue to defend the health officials. The case will continue.”

Pitman denied the families the requested emergency injunction, but wasn’t dismissive of their pleas that they’re being harmed from not having the birth certificates. The families claim they’re being denied Medicaid and housing benefits, and are afraid to enroll their children in school because in place of a birth certificate they would have to sign a letter explaining why they didn’t have one, which would “expose them to potential criminal liability and removal from the United States.”

Immigration enforcement is in fact a federal responsibility; however, the issuance of birth certificates and identifications falls on the states. It’s Texas’s right as a state to determine which IDs they will and won’t accept, and it’s not their problem if someone doesn’t have an acceptable form.

What’s exciting about this case is that if Texas ultimately wins, they will have found a way to combat the excessive flow of illegals over the Southern border, or at least create a deterrence for those who wish to come. If you can’t get a birth certificate, you don’t get welfare or the myriad of other free stuff the Democrats have made accessible to illegals, and that alone would be enough to keep people from coming here since as the case above shows, their “free” (taxpayer funded) stuff is important to them.


Source Article from http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2015/10/17/federal-judge-makes-major-ruling-in-anchor-baby-case-but-you-wont-hear-about-it/

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