Fuel crisis shuts down Gaza power plant

The power facility stopped operating on Wednesday.

The Gaza Strip is suffering its worst-ever energy crisis caused by a drop in fuel supplies from neighboring Egypt.

Palestinian officials blame the Israeli blockade of Gaza for the issue, which is causing many hardships for the 1.5 million population of the coastal territory.

Israel remains in full control of the airspace, territorial waters and border crossings of Gaza.

The Tel Aviv regime also denies the Palestinian residents of Gaza their basic rights, including the freedom of movement and their right to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

Power outage is not the only issue that the Palestinians in Gaza need to put up with.

In late December 2008, Israel imposed a devastating war against the Gaza Strip. More than 1,400 Palestinians — mostly civilians — were killed in three weeks of relentless Israeli land, sea and air strikes.


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