Gallup CEO: High Unemployment Will Make Romney President

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Kurt Nimmo
April 12, 2012

Jim Clifton, GEO of Gallup, the leading poll company in America, told Russia Today unemployment will sink Obama’s re-election bid.

“According to the Gallup poll, if we vote tonight, Romney will beat him… They are not voting for Romney – they just vote against the president,” Clifton said.

Forget Afghanistan, Pakistan and a new war in Africa – Americans are more concerned about losing their jobs. “If something really big happens… that will only make a little bit of a difference. Americans don’t want to hear about foreign policy. They should, but they don’t,” Clifton said.

Clifton admitted unemployment is around 20 percent, far higher than the 8 percent the government and the establishment media keep insisting it is. Others put the number at 22.5%, a number closing in on the last Great Depression’s unemployment figure of 25%.

“Gallup shows real unemployment is close to 20 per cent in America. Not 8.5 but 20 per cent. 30 million people are out of work. 60 per cent of them told Gallup they have no hope of getting a job. That is 18 million,” he said.

Americans blame the president for their economic woes and high unemployment, although it is obvious the presidency is merely a ceremonial position and the real economic decisions are made by the Federal Reserve and the bankster cartel. Obama’s administration, like that of his predecessor, is stacked with Goldman Sachs operatives and one-world government proponents. Obama’s job is to recite the globalist mantra from behind the teleprompters, not wave a magic wand and create jobs and lower gasoline prices.

“We can be quite sure that somewhere between 400 to 500 high-level members of the Obama administration will be members of the CFR,” John McManus wrote after the election. “How can we say that? Because that’s about how many CFR members occupy the current Bush administration (beginning with Vice President Dick Cheney, an in-again, out-again member of the CFR board of directors). And about the same number occupied posts in the Clinton administration. And so it has gone since the New Deal reign of Franklin D. Roosevelt.”

If Mr. Clifton is right, voters suffering from political amnesia will throw out Obama and replace him with Romney, not because Romney will address the economic decline of America and create jobs, but because that is the only choice voters have now – to throw out one globalist vetted and groomed teleprompter reader and replace him with another one.

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23 Responses to “Gallup CEO: High Unemployment Will Make Romney President”

  1. Kneel and worship Romney your new puppet and chief?

    and let me say this: If Ron Paul joins with Romney, then he was also a chill like the rest.

    THe only thing he could do is go independant out of that corrupted matrix of left right abusers.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    Don’t forget the 3rd choice…..


    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 4:30 pm

    Please Vic … let us not get excited. Romney might not get nominated. He might slip on a banana peel and bust his
    noggin’ wide open. And I’m willing to make a bet with you
    ( over the internet, hah ! ) that Ron Paul won’t run as
    Romney’s VP. He’s not gonna “bend over” for the ( e ) stab.

    As far as I know, there won’t be any more GOP debates.
    If that’s the case, then Ron Paul will probably go independent, and that would be good, then he could work on getting his running mate. Don’t be surprised if he choses his son … not because it’s his son, but because he’s the only other congressmen or public figure for that matter, that has a superior knowledge of
    constitutional law and world affairs.

    Just the fact that Rand Paul was the only congressman
    ( broad term used for senators AND congressmen ) to be
    detained by the TSA ( AND ) reported on by the lamestream media whores, tells me that Senator Rand Paul
    is the type of running mate that Ron Paul needs.

    I’m not saying that there aren’t other good ones out there.
    And there are some of them who have lost their jobs, like
    the Judge, Lou Dobbs, Keith Olberman, etc.

    Sometimes I wonder how people like Ron and Rand Paul
    can get elected, when the elections are totally rigged in
    this federation of corporate controlled states ( FCCS ) ,

    Never ceases to amaze me.

  2. One’s an idiot, the other is a clown. Take your pick if that is what you want. Remember, YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR !!

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    I can’t for the life of me guess which is the clown and which is the idiot 🙂

  3. mitt massengill can be disposed of too.

  4. Unemployment will put Romney in the White House?????
    Are you kidding me?

    How about the fact that:

    1) The USA is for white people? – “We secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”
    2) The office of the President is for MEN ONLY? … Sorry Hillary!
    3) The USA has been under attack from the Soviet Union since 1913 using Sociologic Weapons
    4) Obama is the Son of Malcolm X – his administration is null and void due to false representation
    5) People who “look like Trayvon” belong in Africa.


    Romney will be put in the White House because America belongs to the genetic decendants or the original Settlers that Created America – AND NO ONE ELSE! AND THIS IS TRUE FOR EVERY NATION ON EARTH. GO HOME!!!!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!! GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG!!!!

  5. What a moron, the USA was appropriated by genocidal mongrel hords called white people. The problem is white people are now the minority and all the rules and laws they have been violating and distorting to serve their purpose and appease the Caucasian masses .not so long ago they were soon the same to other races and creeds . Now the tide has turned history repeats itself , but with a new color in the center of the spectrum. Whites are not indigenous to this continent you are european . So do us all a favor , read an actuall history book , get some knowledge or take he quick road and put in your mouth and pull the trigger ( twice)

    PhilStapley Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 3:25 pm

    What are you? A fucking indian?

    ……sure sounds like it.

    Hey, Tonto!
    Maybe one day you, too can speak with big words of White Man.

    How! Motherfucker.

    notsure Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    “slapaho”???!!!??? ‘Com’on TROLL ; maybe you SHOULD vote for mitt so you can get a REAL job. Oh and by the way, archeological evidence points to caucasians pre-dating the wandering hoards of proto-indian/siberians that call themselves native americans. Those books you’re reading are dated. Idiot.

  6. What a stupid article.

    There is NO WAY that Romney will beat Obama in the general election. Romney is the John Kerry of the 2012 election, nothing more. He even knows this himself, as do the likes of Santorum and Gingrich. All 3 of these clowns have are hired actors by the NWO who were goven the specific assignment of pretending to run for president. Why ? For no other reason than to stop a Ron Paul presidency by any means necessary !!

    So from the get go the elite insiders have committed blatant fraud to throw away the people’s votes from Ron Paul. This is why Sanitarium came from nowhere to win Iowa. Anybody who believes that a nobody like Sanitarium actually won Iowa must be smoking some good NWO crack cocaine. The dude had NO MONEY, NO BASE, and NO SUPPORT !!!! They simply used him as the pre-fabricated character of the “dark horse” in the race with the SPECIFIC INTENT of making the FRAUD against Ron Paul look less obvious. And then, as written in the NWO script, he drops out at the last minute so that Romney can win it all.

    The main reason why Romney will not be allowed to beat Obama (meaning that the diebold machines will be rigged in Obama’s favor) is because the NWO wants to see class warfare and race riots in the good ol USA. Once he is back in for 4 more years things will get worse and worse; and then the NWO will finally allow the likes of Sheriff Arpaio to get full MSM coverage of his birth certificate investigation and they will impeach Obama. They will do this with the specific intent of starting race riots and mass chaos in the streets.

    Then will come the GOP NWO savior to save the day: his name is Bobby Jindhal.

    This entire NWO script was likely written at least 5 years ago. And all the actors are getting paid handsomely for their treasonous efforts.

    BP (GW1 vet)

    PhilStapley Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    @Blacklisted Patriot: Mitt Romney is the equivalent to Bob Dole II or a Mormon Al Gore.

    He is very stiff on camera and the media will obliterate him.

    The outcome of the election is already decided.
    Obama for life.



    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    Nowhere Man. The man with the hidden past. No one remembers him. His records are sealed. He taught college… where are the students that were proudly taught in his class? Who knew him? How quickly did he get disbarred? Did he practice anywhere? Any case? Any law firm? Even a research attorney has a past. His wife worked as an Administrator at a hospital and got disbarred around the same time as he did. Two in just a couple of years and married to boot.

    I am sure he has a fascinating history if anyone can uncover the true story of the Sumatraian Candidate.

  8. For the past week all I hear is Romney and Santorum……what gives ? I and you already know what these jerks stand for and we don’t respect their wishes to the slightest, why is A.J. giving them the same air time as the news media ?

  9. THis is why RON PAUL is the only real true presidentail candidate on that stage.

  10. Bob Dole, McCain, Kerry, and Hillary explain to Mittens how to take a dive in the fifth.

  11. Unfortunately, the nuclear false flag attack on 4 of our western cities later this summer, will render this punters’ prediction a mute point. Barry Setoro will be in the whitehouse on 2/1/13. amerikkans are such slaves they can not even defend thier own families from keeping up their credit scores and sending kids off to “Good private schools”. Slaves do not deserve a better life. amerikkans do not deserve a better life. When we elect a foreigner like obama, created by the CIA and protected by the cowards in teh secretservice, our republic is a sham.
    The game is over and the next move is self-preservation. Get prepared, be prepared and know that the progressives are the new control grid of stupid slaves who were once free.
    Diebold has the last word, as it were, anyway.

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 4:46 pm

    Think the district of criminals will be one of them ?
    Lot of damning evidence there, I’m sure … just like
    in Building 7.

    notsure Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 5:58 pm

    “mute” point? You mean moot. Apparently the school system in whatever POS country you slither around in is as bad as ours here you ignorant pile of crap. I have to give it to you though, writing America with a ‘K’ is sooooo clever, we’ve never seen THAT before….JACKAZZZZZZZ!

  12. um, yep, Dr. Ron Paul PLEASE!

  13. It matters not who stands at the helm, the course the powerful plotted long ago is the course we are on. The entirity of history is but one failed elitist human ecology experiment after another. Today all of us are right smack-dab in the middle of the biggest one yet. Romney is another drone, it’s the ssd-century,last real revolutionary was named Jesus and even his revolution has yet to be accomplished. When I listen to Romeny, I am suddenly overwhelmed at how smart President Obama is. Gallup is wrong. Romney is globalist straw-man.

  14. Romney president? come on you can’t be serious!!!!!!

    He doesn’t even know his constitution, he needs Ron Paul to remind him to read it.

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