Iran blames West for throwing ‘doubt’ on nuclear talks

“Iran could stop the 20-percent enrichment at any moment now and not in
any way retard their advance in the nuclear programme.

“The P5 + 1 (the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France plus
Germany) is so keen on getting any agreement that they have lowered the
demands,” he added.

He said Iran should be given three clear demands.

“One, stop all enrichment, high and low. Second, remove all material that
has been enriched from Iran. Third, dismantle the underground nuclear bunker
in Qom,” he said.

World powers have held two rounds of talks with Iran aimed at convincing the
Islamic republic to roll back its nuclear programme, which Israel and much
of the West believes is a front for developing atomic weapons.

So far, the negotiations have not produced any tangible results although a
third round is due to take place in Moscow later this month.

Israel, which sees a nuclear Iran as an existential threat, has refused to
rule out a pre-emptive military strike on its nuclear facilities.

Tehran denies its intentions are anything but peaceful.

Source: agencies

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