Katy Whelan CSS Health Report: Heal Yourself



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Katy Whelan, the Health Reporter for The Common Sense Show.

Katy Whelan, the Health Reporter for The Common Sense Show.


Kathie France’s Testimony on Her Holistic Healing Journey

I listened to Katy Whelan’s Health Report on The Common Sense Show in February 2015 when she talked about Dr. Tashiro in Denver, CO and how he uses energy medicine to find people’s ailments and continues going deeper and deeper into the body to determine what is causing the health problems. I was very intrigued and wondered if it really worked. I was in a severe state of fatigue with no ambition to do much more than is necessary. I felt like I was just floating through life with no real purpose. I knew that is not who I am as I have had a successful career and own and operate a family ranching business. I retired from my career 10 years ago.
I was doing a lot of research and thought perhaps I was over medicated, so I decided to work on that first. I was taking multiple medications to prevent and minimize migraines, cholesterol medication and depression medication. My father’s family has a long history of depression. I was also having difficulties with Acid Reflex.

Over a period of about six weeks I eliminated the migraine preventative medications, cholesterol medications and reduced my depression medications by half. It seemed to really help, but then the fatigue and lack of motivation set in again. I knew I didn’t want to go to a traditional medical doctor and have them prescribe more dangerous drugs, so that’s why I decided, what the heck I will try Dr. Tashiro besides what did I have to loose. I went into this somewhat skeptical but was willing to go forward with faith that it would work.
My first appointment was mid-July 2015. He uses a Field Control Therapy (FCT) technique developed by Dr. Savely Yurkovsky in NY. He has a metal tablet with a probe that he inserts into the tablet, and the patients hold on to the end of the metal probe. Dr. Tashiro places small viles of energy water on the tablet, these viles hold healthy tissue samples of the organ or system he is testing. He then asks you to hold out your arm with the hand without the probe, and the patient tries to resist his pressure as he pushes down on your arm. If you can resist the pressure there is a match in your body. If the vile was for a healthy organ a match means your organ is healthy or strong. If you can’t resist the pressure your organ is unhealthy or weakened. I kept telling Dr. Tashiro that it seems kind of sci-fi to me, and he laughs and agreed. Sometimes it makes me feel kind of light headed, and I have to sit or lay down.

At my first appointment Dr. Tashiro said I had a fungus and mercury in my bone marrow, I had a sick brain but my memory was good and electromagnetic fields (EMF) were damaging all of my organs. He tested viles for different foods and told me to avoid sugar, gluten (rye, wheat and buckwheat), diary and corn. Next he put the Nutrilite vitamins and supplements and my depression medication on the tablet and followed the same procedure. He said my body wanted my depression medication and the Nutrilite supplements: Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables; Memory Builder with Ginkgo; Complex for Hair, Skin and Nails; Vision Health with Lutein and Digestive Health.

He recommended I purchase a memonizer for my house to protect my body from the EMFs inside my house.Memon devices change the direction of rotation of the EMF, from that which is opposite to the body’s natural state, to one which is congruent.  His office would make the remedies and send them to me. They would be bottles of water with a dropper and I was to put one drop under my tongue, hold it for 5 seconds and then swallow it. That part sounded easy enough, so I said okay let’s do it. He said I could start eliminating the foods I was to avoid now, and he would send me a diet plan with the remedies.
The very next day I started eliminating the foods I was too avoid. That meant no more pizza and chocolate which I loved and no more Pepsi! I’m single, so it was just easier to buy prepared foods and put it in the microwave, but that wasn’t going to happen anymore. I carefully read all of the ingredients
on everything even all of the spice mixes, dressings and sauces to make sure I wasn’t getting any sugar, corn or corn products, gluten or dairy. I started drinking a lot more water. I was a little over whelmed when I got the package of remedies and information. The diet was for Adrenal Stress/Fatigue Syndrome. After some research I discovered that this syndrome is often misdiagnosed as depression. I was now on a high protein diet including breakfast and needed to eat every 2-3 hours and snack on low glycemic foods. I also need to spend one hour every day outside without my eye glasses. Dr. Tashiro said this strengthens the pineal gland. I received remedies for vitality, EMF support and brain support which I was to take on an ongoing schedule. I also received 11 remedies which I was to take 3 times seven days apart in a designated sequence one hour apart. They included a mercury detox and support for the brain, bone marrow, kidney, lymph, muscle skeletal, stomach, adrenal, stomach and thyroid. Then I was to go back for more testing 2 weeks after the last weekly cycle. The weekly cycle made me soooo tired, and it took several days to recover. The remedies make me feel kind of weird, but I can’t explain the feeling. I kept getting more and more fatigued the 2nd week after the last cycle. 

Katy’s notes-
This is a normal part of detoxing and  crucial part. The body is working hard to eliminate the toxins and many people quit during this because they don’t understand this is an important element to detoxing.

Although I am still fatigued and have a lack of motivation there are some signs of improvement. My skin isn’t as dry and and I don’t have the horrible itching I had before. I can tell that Dr. Tashiro was correct about my having problems with my bone marrow, but I won’t go into details on this. I’m not having any Acid-Reflex episodes. I had the head of my adjustable bed raised because of the Acid-Reflex, but now I have it flat.
Due to the EMFs causing havoc with my body I had to remove all electrical devices with the exception of a lamp from my bedroom and unplug my adjustable bed, and the wi-fi has to be turned off at night. I’m stilling thinking about the memonizer units, because it’s going to be expensive. Sometimes even in bed I can feel electrical currents going through my body. Now I realize that the feeling of pressure on my chest is from the EMFs, and it will go away if I go outside for a little while. I live way out in the country, so there aren’t many EMFs outside. Florescent lights which I have in my house produce a lot of EMFs. I feel really drained when I go shopping in large department stores. I’m sure it is from all the EMFs produced by their florescent lights.
At my second appointment Dr. Tashiro said I had a parasite in my bladder. I thought ya right, but I guess we’ll see what happens. He said I had some inflammation in my heart which could cause a heart attack. I also had mercury in my brain which came from vaccinations. Just as a side note I have probably only had 2 or 3 flu shots in my life and haven’t had one for over 10 years. It’s hard to say how long that mercury has been in my brain. This time I received the same remedies for vitality, EMF support and brain support which I was to take on an ongoing schedule. I received 12 weekly remedies which I was to take two times and go back to the doctor 2 weeks after the last cycle. The weekly remedies included mercury detox, parasite detox and support for the bone marrow, brain, kidney, lymph, bladder and coronary artery. This time I was even more tired the last week before my return visit.
Okay, so I guess Dr. Tashiro was probably right about the parasite. Especially at night I had to urinate often. Sometimes even right after getting back into bed I felt this absolute urge again. I think that happened whenever the parasite irritated my bladder. I had this problem for several years, but now it is much better.
I decided if I am going to give this every possible chance of improving my health I had better invest in the memonizer for my house. I called the number to order the Memon memonizer, and it was actually Dr. Yurkovsky’s Office in NY. The units are made in Germany. After talking to his staff, I decided to order the memonizer for my house, laptop, i-Pad, TV, wireless phone and car. Dr. Tashiro had told me that the reason I get tired riding or driving in a car is from all the EMFs produced by the car even just from the motor. By now I have realized that watching TV in the TV room is causing pressure on my chest, and I don’t feel very well when watching TV in that room. I am fine if I just listen to it from another room but not if I am actually in the TV room. Now that everything is installed in my house and on my electrical devices I really can tell the difference. I rarely feel electrical currents going through my body when I am in my house, but I do on occasion. I am sleeping much better now. I still go outside to get away from the EMFs sometimes. I feel much better in my car as well. Of course I’m still having problems shopping in large stores. Just being in a city with all of the EMFs makes me feel worse, and sometimes I can feel electric currents going through my body.
Later I decided to order the Memon memonizer wrist unit, so I could have something on my body when I am in town and not in my car. 

Katy’s notes-
This next part is very interesting Dave. People may not realize how past emotional traumas can affect the body and hang on long after the trauma is over.

On my third visit I told Dr. Tashiro that I didn’t think the vitality was strong enough as I was sooo fatigued and especially the last week. During the testing he agreed that the vitality and brain support needed to be stronger. He said he thought my body was in a stressed state and wanted to know if I have in the past had any long term periods of stress or trauma in my life and asked me to explain. I told him that my parents committed a double suicide in 1990 and then about three years later I went through a very difficult divorce. The divorce took over 2 years because my ex took his case all the way to the state supreme court over the ownership of my family’s ranch. I retained full ownership in both the district and supreme court rulings. He said that would do it! He explained that sometimes when our body is in a stressful state for a long period of time it never returns to an unstressed state or position as he called it. He said if I could come back for another appointment he could change this position for me. This time my ongoing remedies are for vitality, brain, EMF and an additional one for peace. I have only 5 weekly remedies which are for trauma release and support for adrenal, brain and thyroid. This time I will take the weekly remedies 4 times and wait only one week to be re-checked. In addition I have supplements for adrenal and thyroid support.
I’m seeing more improvement with my fatigue. This is a slow process, but it is better than putting harmful drugs in my body. This is about healing my body not just taking a drug to compensate for the problem.
Katy’s notes-

This woman gets it! She understands the TRUE healing process!

I went back to see Dr. Tashiro for my body repositioning from a stressful state. I am still totally blown away almost in disbelief with this appointment. Dr. Tashiro is also a Chiropractor, so he said he would be using Chiropractic adjustments for this. He used a Chiropractic tool  instead of using manual adjustments. He just poked me with this tool in different locations. Here is the disbelief. He said he was going to talk to my body and then he asked me what was going on in my life 22 years ago that was stressful. I told him my divorce. I thought okay, so I told you about that. He told me to think about it as he was adjusting me to release it. He poked me a few times and then said it is gone. Then he asked me what was going on ten years ago. I said my job was horrendous and thought to myself I never told you about that. Again I was to think about it while he did the adjustments until he said it was gone. Then he asked me what was going on in my life in 2007 and 2008. I really couldn’t remember. He said it was heart wrenching, but I still couldn’t remember. He did some adjustments anyway and then told me that whatever it was is gone. I was only there about 15 minutes. When I got to the car I thought, I bet it was when I was concerned that if something happened to me that my daughter’s father, my ex, would take financial advantage of her, because he is still angry that I got full ownership of the ranch. It was heart wrenching, and I was working with my attorney and accountant on how to structure things so that couldn’t happen. Sure enough when I got home I checked the date on her trust and it was created in 2008.

My body does feel much more relaxed now. Before the treatment if I thought about the divorce or some of the stressful things about my job I could feel my body get tense. Now this doesn’t happen when I have thoughts or talk about those things. I had to stop at the bank on the way home, and I talked to the bank president who I also consider a friend about my appointment. He said, “You even look different. You have a twinkle in your eye that I have never seen before”. Of course most of the time when you come in here you have something you need to deal with. I suppose you also feel responsible for the man who works for you and his family.” I said, “Yes, I do feel responsible for them.” He and his family have been a huge blessing in my life and came here just after the divorce was finalized. I treat them like family and call them my adopted family.
I will be seeing Dr. Tashiro again in about two weeks. I have faithfully followed the regiment that Dr. Tashiro has given me and I have lost 24 lbs. I still need to lose a few more. I don’t think about calories or weight loss when I am figuring out what to eat. I just consider the amount of protein and what foods I’m need to avoid. I’m hoping that eventually I will be able to stop taking the depression medications, but for now I’m told it is helping my body. 

Katy’s notes-
Although the depression meds are dangerous in the long run, energy medicine is about a process of turning the body around or elevating it to higher and healthier place, if her body is still needing certain meds it means that there are other systems that must be healed foundationally before  it is ready to release the need for stability in the upper tiers of the final healing process.
The point here is the body has a beautiful way of healing itself and when multiple systems are down, like with any machine, each part of the machine has to be functional for the next level of parts to function.
A car engine doesn’t just turn on. You first put the key in the starter that triggers the spark plugs that ignite the air and fuel mixture which turns the pistons which move up and down which turn the crank shaft
Dr. Tashiro tests doTerra essential oils and finds that they usually test strong after patients have been through several rounds of FCT remedies.  

Link to research and purchase a Memonizer for EMF reduction in your home and away.


Independent Consultant
ThriveLife & do’Terra Essential Oils

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* Certified Technician in Aroma Touch Technique
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Dave Hodges

Dave Hodges

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DaveHodges-TheCommonSenseShow/~3/SkvkEwdVeM8/

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