Larry Summers Pushes Public-Private Infrastructure Bank Scheme

Kurt Nimmo
September 14, 2011

The former director of the White House National Economic Council, Larry Summers, is pushing Obama’s proposed national infrastructure bank.

“The president’s proposals to create an infrastructure bank, to spend quickly on surface transportation, and to renovate schools are a very good start,” Summers writes for The Daily Beast.

But America must demand more. For years we will have an economy with plenty of slack, low borrowing costs, and high unemployment. The specter of a double dip will hover over us if government does not do its part in pushing the economy forward – not just this year, but for years to come. Now is the time not just to do shovel-ready projects, but to envision the backbone we want the American economy to have in 2020 and launch the multiyear plan we need to get there.

Summers believes more spending and public debt will fix an economy destroyed by his bankster buddies on Wall Street. In order to get there, he has proposed taking money out of the private sector and spending it on politically expedient projects.

The so-called “infrastructure bank” proposed by Obama is another public-private boondoggle. Public-private partnerships are essentially fascist, as Mussolini knew (he called it corporatism). According to fascist economics, profit should be private and losses public.

Historian Gaetano Salvemini argued in 1936 that fascism makes taxpayers responsible to private enterprise because “the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise… Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Fox News admits this. “According to the jobs legislation the White House released Monday, the bank would guarantee infrastructure project loans, putting taxpayers on the hook for losses.” Obama’s people claim “taxpayer subsidies would be conservatively estimated and structured,” a claim government invariably makes when it prepares to steal more money at gunpoint or heap even more debt on citizen-suckers and their grand children.

In order to get a better idea of how Obama’s corporatist scheme will end up, consider housing insurance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both required massive bail-outs of around $150 billion. House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) called Obama’s “shovel-ready” scheme “a Fannie and Freddie for roads and bridges.”

Larry Summers is not merely a clueless Keynesian who believes the government will cure all of our economic problems. He is a cynical bankster operative who worked closely with Citigroup to establish the “new economy” that is now destroying the United States. He worked with the Clinton administration and then Federal Reserve boss Alan Greenspan in 1999 to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that placed a firewall between commercial and speculative banking.

Destroying Glass-Steagall “set the stage for the banksters to leverage debt upon debt until the house of cards collapsed,” notes Reagan era economist Paul Craig Roberts.

Larry Summers was instrumental in the bankster plan to take down America. Now he is shilling fascist economics and calling for even more debt.

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36 Responses to “Larry Summers Pushes Public-Private Infrastructure Bank Scheme”

  1. “According to fascist economics, profit should be private and losses public.”

    Somebody’s not upholding the Constitution lol.

    Ron Paul 2012! Save the Republic!

  2. !!! second try !!!! (why the yellow page?)

    What’s new about this type of brouhaha? Summers, methinks, is just trying to hoodwink the public again. The private and public sectors have always been joined at the hip pocket. Another ploy to pretend the government is concerned (it isn’t) and will take care of our problems (it won’t).

    Didn’t the banksters use public institutions to loan money to now-defaulted home owners? Didn’t the government bail out the naughty banksters with public money?

    There is this big pile of tax money and it is spent on various public initiatives–the money going to private contractors. Everyone has a hand in the pile. Money runs around at the top of the food chain and never filters down to the tax paying public. Capitalist cronyism is rife in those precincts.

    • Yep, the first act of the new SuperCongress will be to apportion money to the Infrastructure Bank. Clinton will get involved, the IMF and World Bank. It’s we are in a big propaganda period where the media taking heads are going to insist that this is the obvious solution to our unemployment problem.

      The banks won’t lend money (The FED pays them to not do it), so we OBVIOUSLY need a public-private partnership (with no FOIA requirements) to create a new bank that will lend us money. (at stupid interest, at the whim of corrupt politcians)

  3. GIT UM….. GIT UM


  4. Wire up the “Pre-crime Face Scanner” to Summers and Bernanke. See if its circuits start to pop and smoke.

  5. Wire up the “pre-crime face scanner” to Summers and Bernanke, see if it blows a fuse.

    • And then send it around capital hill.

      This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Learn what Obama, Osama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot

  6. Churchgoers, beware! Bush 43 used to include “faith-based initiatives” in he national conversation esp since 9-11. I think when Summers talks about renovating schools, he doesn’t mean only the buildings. Gov’t will work more closely with churches and private schools to dictate the sermons and curricula (look what they’ve done with illegal immigration!) and to spawn more data gathering and propaganda tools, akin to the Russian Orthodox Church in Communist Russia.

  7. I truly feel sorry for all the sheeple. They have been and keep getting so lied to. Is it really their fault that they were never given the proper education to know better? Knowledge is power and it is why I never fell into the “debt trap”. Most people don’t realize it is a trap.

    Let’s just keep trying to educate the sheeple. Harriette Tubman said that she could have freed a thousand more slaves through the underground railroad, if they had only known they were slaves.

  8. Another risky Clintonista scheme.

  9. Gerald Celente is 100% right?

    Why does anybody still listen to Larry Summers? The guy is a fraud and a scheister.

  10. Public private infrastructure bank?? I remember a little account called the “Highway Trust Fund”. That fund is where the federal tax on gas and diesel goes. Reagan was the first President to raid it and pay for things not associated with highways. How much of this money was collected and spent on other things??? Kurt time to finish the story and do some more research!!!

    Also states like North Carolina raided their state fund to pay for social programs then proposed making I-95 a toll road because they had no money in the trust fund. WHAT?!? Yes true story.

    We can pay $4 a gallon for gas so an Arab prince can gold plate his Mercedes but when gas a $1 we couldn’t raise the fuel tax a few pennies to pay for better roads and bridges, yeah that makes a lot of sense. Peoples who use the roads should pay for the roads through fuel taxes not some quasi government boondoggle like this.

    • A bank is different than a trust.

      In a trust, you put money in an interest bearing account, and spend the money as you need it.

      This bank is part of UN Agenda 21, and the IMF/World bank New World Order scheme described in “Confessions of an Economic Hitman.”

      The bank takes in money, uses that money as collateral for loans that charge interest. A country that needs money for an infrastructure project goes to the bank and borrows money, uses that money to build the infrastructure, and pays the loan back, with interest, over 15 or 30 years.

      The problem is that the politicians are bribed to ask for more and more money in the form of these loans. These sold out politicians drive us into overwhelming debt. When the country fails to make the payments, the bank takes the collateral, declares default, and comes in and starts making demands on the debtors in the form of austerity and taxation. That is EXACTLY how we have been bankrupting 3rd world countries for decades.

      Bill Clinton’s CGI does nothing but gathers collateral for these types of loans. Haiti was his last victim.

    • RAY GUN looks worser and worser day by day whenever these little nuggets come out. What did he know and when did he know it? Veep was Bush 41 at the time — powers and principalities on steroids.

  11. …of course he does. This is their END GAME.

    Bankrupt us, ruin the economy and then buy it up for their private control.

  12. I went a hikin’ through the forest
    And what did I see?
    A pair of fancy dress shoes
    Swinging from a tree

    The children were dancin’
    And singin’ this song:
    “Hooray! Hooray! The evil ones are gone!”

    The further I ventured
    The more I saw of the same
    Fancy dress shoes a swayin’
    Attached to bodies limp and lame

    And the children were dancin’
    And singin’ this song:
    “Hooray! Hooray! The evil ones are gone!”

    Then, in the foggy distance
    I saw what appeared to be men
    Encamped with horse and cannons
    Checkin’ their rifles and wounded

    And some of these men were drummin’
    And singing this awesome song:
    “Glory, hallelujah! The Truth is marching on!”

    And as I glanced back at the children
    And looked up in the trees
    I didn’t see men hangin’
    I saw freedom in the breeze

    And still the children danced
    And kept singin’ their song:
    “Hooray! Hooray! The evil ones are gone!”

  13. They’re trying to sell this in Colorado. We get really bad traffic jams going up and down the mountains on weekends because of ski/vacation traffic. Of course our gubmint ain’t got no money to expand roads or do anything logical about it so they are floating the idea of a public/private venture with foreign investors. Cintra anyone? McQuarrie? Newspaper articles started showing up about 3-4 weeks ago and sold as (doing my best AlGore voice) “a really GOOD thing.”

  14. “Public Private Partnership” is a major pillar of AGENDA 21!!!

    You can fight this at your local city council…they are implementing ppp (Agenda 21) in all local communities signed onto ICLEI and ignorant of what ppp’s really are!

    Great article!

    • Aha! Fed Reserve gets bailout $ from us. That’s step 1. Step 2 is the back end; that is, Fed needs a write-off, a Schedule A if you will, of their “debt” to the World Bank and others.
      Remember, it’s only on paper, folks. Cash in your paper assets now!

  15. Public/Private Partnership. Profits go to the bankers. Losses go to you. Hell of a deal.
    Any suckers left?

  16. since so much FED abolish talk, finally, I think they’ve gotten out front on this one…why wouldn’t they? They are ready to change the name of the scam and a few surface details only….Same owners same zionist murderers….who proposes the new deal? larry summers……hhahahha as if we didn’t know. The should have at least had a minority front person like…..jesse jackson, or barry soetoro or even al sharpton. hahahahhaha Thought I’d mix comedy and tragedy.

  17. demo’s and doe lying their azzes off on cspan 3 —solyndra loan hearing

    • doenergy

    • That’s a shocker.

  18. This infrastructure bank proposal is purely a racket, and is a substantial threat to what’s left of freedom in our country.

    Privatize profits, socialized losses, and the government deciding what contractors get the jobs.

    Look at the way local city governments conduct business…it’s just like that, but on a massive scale. It’s organized crime. It will squeeze out the little guy, and it will make that little guy fund the scheme.

    You’d have to be a complete idiot (or one of the corrupt) to support this concept.


  20. A public private partnership is what the bailout was. How successful was that?

  21. in the little house and the praire series
    there was NO BANKS for the first Twenty shows

    and they talked about INCOME TAX

    in the show they once said tax a man for what he EARNS

    welcome to 1913 and the biggest scam that ever happened to the american people


    • I agree with you. Not to mention that this GE “jobs czar” got stimulus money to build a new GE manufacturing plant in China. How messed up is that?!!

    • Here’s a little ditty I received yesterday about Jeff Emellt/GE/Obamas job czar.
      This from a creditable source.
      General Electric owes its creditors $600 billion. That huge amount of debt is offset by $468 billion of investments and cash. However, much of those investments are credit-card receivables and Eastern European mortgages. The business, which no longer focuses on manufacturing, is dependent on credit markets.

      Again, GE would have collapsed if it didn’t get a government bailout. (The U.S. government guaranteed all of GE’s debts through 2012 for free.) It can’t afford its debt at current, manipulated interest rates… much less at the rates the company would pay without a government guarantee…

      Right now, if GE put 100% of its cash from operations into debt repayment every year and its earnings stayed at 2010 levels, it would take 16 years to pay off its debts. It would take at least a decade to pay down its debts to a more manageable level. No question, if GE were being managed prudently, that’s what it would do.

      GE holds about $40 billion in tangible equity. I believe its European mortgage losses are likely to be at least this large over the next five years, which means, at some point soon, GE could be going to the market for new equity. If that happens, the company’s share price will probably fall in half.

      Why run the company this way? Because the managers know GE is too big to fail. They’re not running the company as though they actually own it. They’re simply running it to maximize their own compensation. If it fails, it fails. The stockholders will get wiped out and the government will bail out the creditors. In the meantime, GE’s managers are trying to get rich. They want to keep the company as leveraged as possible. They don’t want to repay debts. They want to maximize the company’s ability to borrow.

      General Electric closed at a 52-week low of $15.01 yesterday. We are up 18% on the short.

  22. Let the banks go bankrupt. If you can’t run a business proper, then shut it down. Happens everyday. Someone or something will take its place that has a plan to succeed. Why keep pouring cash down a bottomless pit? You just know it’s never gonna fill up. Time to cut out the “cancer.”

    • Exactly. GM should have went down, along with AIG. But that’s okay, their buddy at the Federal Reserve, Bernanke, will always bail them out. Let bad business fail!

      RON PAUL 2012

    • Mattresses and socks!

  23. Alan Greenspan Timothy Geithner Ben Bernanke Larry Summers liars fathers of bubble US economic.

    • it’s the zionist bankers special….it’s a 50/50 deal……we do the work, they steal the money..

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