Leader: Hamas’ Al-Aqsa Storm, mainly anti-Israeli, upended US political agenda in region

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 8:15 AM  [ Last Update: Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei meets with a group of Basij volunteer forces, on November 29, 2023. (Photo by khamenei.ir)

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the historic Hamas’ Al-Aqsa Storm was mainly against the Zionist regime, but was able to disrupt the table of American policies in the region and will hopefully erase the “agenda.”

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with hundreds of members of Iran’s Basij volunteer forces in Tehran on Wednesday on the occasion of the National Basij Week“

The historic event of al-Aqsa Storm is against the Zionist regime but it is aimed at de-Americanization. This incident literally managed to disrupt the table of American policies in the region, and God willing, if this Storm continues, it will wipe out the whole table,” the Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the Israeli atrocities in Gaza not only disgraced the Israeli regime but the United States, certain European countries and Western culture and civilization.

“The barbaric and cruel actions that the Zionist regime committed in its crimes against the people of Gaza, not only destroyed the reputation of the regime, but also that of the United States. It took away the reputation of  several renowned European countries, and also ruined the reputation of Western culture and civilization,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“The culture and civilization of the West is the very civilization that when 5,000 children are killed with phosphorus bombs, the regime of a certain Western country says Israel is defending itself. Is this self-defense? This is Western culture, which has been discredited,” he added.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the Israeli atrocities in Gaza over the past 50 days summarize the regime’s decades-long crimes against Palestinians.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the historic Hamas’ Al-Aqsa Storm was mainly against the Zionist regime, but was able to disrupt the table of American policies in the region and will hopefully erase the “agenda.”

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with hundreds of members of Iran’s Basij volunteer forces in Tehran on Wednesday on the occasion of the National Basij Week“

The historic event of al-Aqsa Storm is against the Zionist regime but it is aimed at de-Americanization. This incident literally managed to disrupt the table of American policies in the region, and God willing, if this Storm continues, it will wipe out the whole table,” the Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the Israeli atrocities in Gaza not only disgraced the Israeli regime but the United States, certain European countries and Western culture and civilization.

“The barbaric and cruel actions that the Zionist regime committed in its crimes against the people of Gaza, not only destroyed the reputation of the regime, but also that of the United States. It took away the reputation of  several renowned European countries, and also ruined the reputation of Western culture and civilization,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“The culture and civilization of the West is the very civilization that when 5,000 children are killed with phosphorus bombs, the regime of a certain Western country says Israel is defending itself. Is this self-defense? This is Western culture, which has been discredited,” he added.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the Israeli atrocities in Gaza over the past 50 days summarize the regime’s decades-long crimes against Palestinians.

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The Iranian foreign minister warns the US and Israel that they will face ‘harsh consequences’ if they keep committing crimes in the Gaza Strip.

“The tragedies of the last 50 days are a small part of the 75-year-long crimes of the Zionist regime in Palestine,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

“Al-Aqsa Storm will not run out of steam and they should know that the current situation will not continue.”

The Leader also underlined that, “The Islamic Republic believes in a referendum in Palestine based on the Palestinian public opinion. The Islamic Republic is not of the view of throwing Zionists and Jews into the sea.”

Elsewhere in his address, Ayatollah Khamenei said the United States failed to hatch it plots for the formation of a “New Middle East,” adding that the so-called “two-state solution” in the Palestinian territories was part of the same hostile policy which failed miserably.

In the case of Lebanon, Americans said they are after formation of a “New Middle East.” The Middle East means West Asia. They said that they want to give this region, which is called the Middle East, a new political, geographical map based on the US’s illegitimate needs and interests,” the Leader said.

“Of course, what they sought did not happen. On their new map, they intended to destroy Hezbollah but Hezbollah became 10 times stronger; they wanted to devour Iraq but they failed; they wanted to take over Syria and inflicted their proxies under the name of Daesh and al-Nusra on the Syrian government, and for seven, eight, ten years, they continuously supported and provided them with money and equipment, but again they failed,” the Leader added.

Underlining that Western plots against the region had entirely fallen flat, the Leader said, “One of the components of this New Middle East was to finalize the Palestinian issue in favor of the usurping Israeli regime, so that nothing called Palestine would be left at all; they reneged on the issue of the treacherous ‘two-state’ that they had earlier approved.”

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the issue of Palestine is  moving towards resolution, which secures Palestinian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“We presented our plan, a referendum, a Palestinian referendum,” the Leader said.

“Of course, the occupiers have no right but the Palestinians themselves whether in Palestine or in the neighboring countries of Palestine or in the camps or in other places. There are several million Palestinians. They can express their opinion, which is a globally-favored, acceptable and civilized logic for the administration of Palestine,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.  

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