Leaving the WHO is England’s choice

Leaving the WHO is England’s choice

posted by Tapestry


To quit the WHO from inside the UK is impossible.

None of the main political parties is in support.

The UK itself is effectively a world government body.

First step is for England to gain independence from the UK, which is sold out to all of world government.

Once out of the UK, we can nullify all the illegal treaties signed into by the UK, which are in breach of the Act Of Union of 1707, and other Acts which guaranteed our Rights and Freedoms.

Scotland and Wales can do likewise if they wish.

The Teds are the only political party campaigning to leave the UK.

Join the English Democrats, and maybe we can rediscover freedom, and survive as a free people.

Inside the UK we re all done for.  Reading the measures coming from the WHO, there is no doubt of that.


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