London riots coming to the US?

Aug 11, 2011

There is a lot of unrest in the US on how our government has been handling matters lately. Should the riots in England serve as a warning for the US? Spending on wars and cutting social programs are things that both the US and UK are doing. Luke Rudkowski, an independent journalist, and Kathryn Dill, lead reporter for Truth March, tell us if the US will be seeing riots of their own and how the US could potentially prevent them.

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97 Responses to “London riots coming to the US?”

  1. RT claiming “our” government? This is a Russian network, with Russian anchors and reporters with the cleanest English imaginable. Where did these people get trained?

    They don’t sound Russian to me!

  2. I say maybe, but only if the twinkie store runs out of twinkies, then its on.

    • lazy fuckin amerikan, your such a drone you fell in line and could not help but get back up on you fat legs

      • Talk’in about yourself Frank, you should not be so hard on yourself, it not your fault little man. Oh, its American.

  3. yes

  4. YOu bet your sweet a$$ they are on their way here!

    Verizon employees on strike, philly attacks and curfews.. it’s already getting started!

  5. I really don’t see a need to riot just yet. It is a last resort. It must be in context with selfdefense.
    I wouldn’t wanna be part of a crowd like the one that burned London and destroyed little peoples shops. Shame on them whatever damn race they are.

  6. are these RIOTERS in a Hurry to meet their Maker? I don’t think We will put up with this CRAP if they try that S**T here,, they will meet their maker. 8/11/11

    • IF they try this shit here, it is the exact same shit occuring here as in the 2nd of the month crisis, the debt spending cut, and it is worse here we got out credit cut, lets assume your in amerika like myself and make an ass out of u and me cause your fucking blind and stupid, probably attended community college and got a degree in a year right, so do the world a favor and LISTEN AND WATCH but dont say your on our side

  7. Yep it’s probably gonna get UGLY. †

    • The cops will spill their guts into the streets.

  8. Bring it on! It’s inevitable that it will happen in the US. In So. Cal. in L.A. it will be Rodney King on steroids. It will be the welfare classes and the illegals and their gangs pushing West across town to the ‘rich’ people’s neighborhoods. To them ‘rich’ people are anyone with money in the bank and a job and not reliant on a government check. One big difference though, we are armed, we have seen this before (1993, 1965) and the thugs know it. It will depend if the corrupt and cowardly LAPD decide to leave the law abiding citizens alone to organize neighborhood open carry watches or will they do the same despicable globalist crap going down in London? My guess is the latter because we have an illegal immigration sympathizer for a mayor who is also a gun grabber. So, if they want to make confiscations sweeps. Bring it on assholes! Make sure you bring at least 2 body bags. One for me and one for one of you stooges doing the confiscating from my home. I’ll be glad to have you over but one of you ain’t going home on that night.

    • just tell them your guns have been stolen. Make a smart waterproof place not far from home to hide your guns. If thugs come you go and get the gun. Start forming militias and vigilante groups now and practice emergency situations.

      • well that is called terrorism, and all militias are tracked down and prosecuted for their extremism and radical political views, hiding your guns, in any instance, is a conspiracy, for you are plotting and planning, involving others, even if it is not a set arrangment or a assasination plot, learn law pls

        • Terrorism is taking PEOPLE guns away, so they can’t protect themselves.
          Conspiracy is a thought crime…;)

  9. I pledge resistance to the flag of the devided states of America.
    Unto to autocracy that impiously stands.
    One nation, denouncing God, with apathy and due lust for all.

    • I’ll buy everything except the ‘due lust for all’… there are some ugly fucking people in my neighborhood I feel no lust for at all…

      • it’s a reference to the overbearing entitlement issue most americans inherently accept. Most of our people are whores, like monkeys who see a frog and hold it to fuck its’ mouth.

  10. I don’t have a problem with riots as long as the right targets are punished.

    Leave the little stores alone. Besides, those Korean shopkeepers often have some pretty good firepower under the counter.

    On your way to riot, don’t forget to stop at The Bank to pick up some cash and Slave-Mart for other supplies. Remember who caused this depression.

    Never hurts to say “hi” to the local constable on the beat, either.

    • I am with you Bro!

    • well I was in line and talkiing to a security guard and the police have been notified, the stores are emptying their inventory and are well aware of the tension, look at the luck of having good enough fortune being gainfully employed to fuck the rest, the ones they are nearest the ranks of. a rent a pig was telling me, and I told him good luck, we will see if it comes to that

  11. Well I bet you will have to pay American citizens ALOT more to start protests. We are really scared of what our government can/will/has done.

    Plus as long as we have $.99 cheesburgers everyone is happy.

    • The boiling point will be when burgers hit the $1 mark.

  12. When it comes, America, Canada and Mexico needs throw out the Elice.

    • Throw out the “elite”? Now how are you gonna do that? They will have you killed and thrown to the sharks. Wake up fools, those crooks at the top of the food chain have got all the firepower to wipe you out.
      If it comes to a fight for survival.
      You’re gonna have to wage a smart war of attrition. small cells all over the nation constantly disrupting, sabotaging, damaging and downgrading the infra structure. Millions of “pin pricks” that will debilitate their system step by step until it grinds to a halt. Then you pounce on them like a predator with stealth and cold ferocity. Swiftly and deadly. Hitting and retreating , hitting and retreating again and again and again until terror grips their heart and they feel their power waning.
      Because they fear, because they have a lot to lose. Wheras you if you start this war must have killed every desire, every affection, every need and expectation. You must already have died to every dependence in your heart and live only to defeat your enemy. Are you willing to do that? If not ..shut the fuck up.

      • I have a desire and need to be FREE; The fire will not die.
        I live to be FREE.
        I expect to WIN!
        To live a lie, in slavery. I will defend freedom.

  13. US riots? that depends on how things progress. If the situation for middle calls and poor get worse, or new crap gets thrown at us, we will have no choice as desperation will set in.

    I would not want any riots and killing…
    Since some computer wizzes already hacked into Sony,
    let them keep doing their thing and shut the banks down along with more corporations.

    • EXACTLY… Americans have more skills than these other countries. never ever believe it when they tell you Americans are stupid. We are complacent not stupid.

      • we are logic, and that is self evident in the pondering such as this amongst everyone on here, we are opinionated and compasionate for dying, not our own nations though. not involved enough in a future more direct than a generation or two, I am worried about my fucking great great great great grand children who I want to see from the darkness of the pyshics… I am well educated, by the only person I knew to have studied outside amerika or it’s influential impactual culture. I see it as a culture of cultrue denouncing, religious frauds and a country founded and settled for a better future than past, yet we are not seeing any future, we have no hero’s other than those in cartoons. I myself admired Wilson the most, Edison I favor his quotes, einstein for the advancement in physics, and am partial of Isac newton, I am way into perpetual motion bro, like totally
        complacent …. maybe your a slack jaw yokle yankee

  14. dear russia today, please fuck off with your spins and warmongering. thank you.

    • Yes, of course. Give us Fox News, 24-7. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! I worship our men, women and children in uniform!

  15. Maybe Great Britain shouldn’t have such liberal gun control laws. Allow citizens to arm themselves…pooof…riots solved.

  16. Just remember what the R in RT stands for.

    Every story will have a twist (however slight) to benefit Russia.

    I am not saying their stories aren’t based in fact. Simply that the stories selected will never disfavor or shed a bad light on Russia.

    And the stories selected will always have an emphasis on showing other countries, particularly the US in a bad light.

    • They’ve had a number of stories disfavorable to Russia. Look it up, huge archives.

      • WOW I am convinced!

        • Yeah…me too.

          Might have been helpful for him to supply a link to at least one of those “number of stories” in the huge archives…

        • I need some weapons, bad but dont have the nerve to register anything I find the medical cannabis to be a way to track users and major distributors for the feds to come in and trump on that ass like a big joker in fuckin spades! I am sincere it is all against us, we are being sold to major corporations who manufacture cells in classification to your reaction to the fuckings in many ways. I hate what we have all become, looking at cameras appear on every pole, every stop light, the side of the road… In the sky, in the atmospher… we are now number one most watched nation, and I compare that to uk and others where there are just as many walls as cameras… all these cameras and no jobs, no money or destiny in the least bit

  17. If riots hit America, you can bet your life the disinfowarriors will be cowering behind their sofa. Bunch of Internet thugs talking about your guns and ammo but wouldn’t say boo to a goose

    • Maybe we will hide behind our computer screens! As everyone that is protesting lives their existence in a secret FEMA camp.

      • try the next genocide and holy war is where we have BEEN marching toward, and finding, supplying the ongoing suffering that will surely be followed by more suffering then dying as nature has intended for so many nations, countries, cities, towns, villages, not big ones either, we are using the reserves up like mad men, not announcing the seriousness of problems local or global, not even addressing the ones in our homes, we just divorce. We allow for ourselves to be traded like comodities in the market. What it is for the price of a dead plant that gave forth corn, celery, rice, whatever so be it grown agriulturally internationally and traded openly on the market, and the plastic man made products and condoms… what the fuck do you think your hiding from,

    • When, or if things become really bad here, keep an eye out for that great hologram in the sky. From what I understand, it will affect each one of us from within our own minds. This would be according to our own particular beliefs, and what is known about each one of us, and on an individual basis.
      This will be the most deceptive game, compared to anything we have seen, thus far.

    • Of course, only a dumb ass would join riots and get his ass in a body bag. I have my own style of doing things.

  18. Canada too! Don’t kid yourself. We have a Gun Registry, but there are over 7 million unregistered rifles in Canada.

  19. 1054631
    Syria: Riots stop when authorities use tanks

    Italy: Riots stop as police fire rubber bullets

    Greece: End to riots as police deploy water cannon and teargas

    England: Riots stop……………..because it’s raining

    Makes one proud to be British

    • Gremany – NO riots. Makes one proud to be German.

  20. when/if it comes here the cities will be war zones.

    • I feel ya.

  21. See our analysis of the collapsing Anglo-America :

  22. I predict there will be riots on November 25, 2011 as sheeple trample over each other for poorly made, Chinese plastic crap and iPads.

    • Ha! Pretty safe bet there. There are always “riots” on the biggest shopping day in the country. The question is will they become actual “riots” or just an “idiot stampede.”

  23. Riots will be coming here soon, probably instigated by the US government as a means to seriously strip American’s rights to keep and bear arms. They will also probably shoot to kill average Joe’s who will only be defending their own turf, yet let the criminals go to continue their rampage of death and destruction.
    Since most will have guns, it will get mighty ugly also.
    It’s all part of the plan of the Oligarchy to further their goal of world domination and the destruction of the middle class.

    • Yep, and its gonna give the military the right to kill anyone, even if you look at them cross-eyed!

      • doesn’t matter….bring it on–we’ll make sure they die as well…… flies…lol

  24. There is no doubt the riots are coming to the U.S.

    It is quite scary how easily people are manipulated. The Police are told to step down and so the riots blow up. Then the people say please help us and give us a police state. Rather than saying why the hell are the police not doing anything in the first place !!! I truly feel like there is no stopping the agenda because the general popluation is so unaware of the true reality of the planet. I was one of those people and luckily awoke but I feel I was more lucky than anything. 911 was what did it for me but it took me a few years after the fact to start to understand what was really going on. I honestly have trouble sleeping at night thinking about where the world is going and how truly inhumane the controllers of the world are. The world could be so much better but we are purposely being severely hurt on a daily basis in a miriad of ways. It is so disgusting.

    • Yup.. I feel the same way!

  25. If the US follows the way of the English rioters then they are fools. Can’t they see by trashing the place just plays into the ‘leaders’ hands…Problem Reaction Solution stuff Rioting and violence does not get your voice heard as a collective group. If the US people want to rise up then everyone should just stop going to work, stop everything….when the big machine grinds to a halt the politians freak out…they need us to feed their greed but if we all as a population just do nothing we have a better chance cos they can’t write up laws for peaceful behaviour because that would show them up for what they really are – dictators etc Stock up for abit on food, fuel etc and bring the country to a halt…….

    • I totally agree. Stock up on food and fuel and any other necessities. In one short week, this country would be frozen. What are they going to do, fire the 50% who are the ONLY ones who pay taxes? LOL! If you look at the number of tractor trailers on the interstates, they alone could paralyze the country by walking out for a week. Not saying they should be the only ones, just citing what one segment of the population could do.

  26. I hope not.
    if London style riots coming to the US,, US is gonna face total social meltdown / choas.

    • ordo ab chao ………remember?

  27. Cool Web Site LOL Yes bring it On!

  28. Let’s get one thing clear. This was not a protest. This was just plain opportunist thievery. There are too many feral children without fathers living in ghetto’s of their own minds who are not raised with any moral standards apart from the mantra of not getting yourself caught by the red-handed by the cops. Why scrimp and save to buy that latest electronic gismo, or that designer label sweater when you can just smash a window and just steal it. From what I can see from a distance, Americans punish their crooks far more harshly than we treat ours in Britain. Maybe that is why we have endured all this delinquent retail rioting recently.

    • At least I know You Listen To Michale Savage He Coined feral children yesterday on his show I am a faithful listener to MS since 1994.”Give Credit were credit is due.”

      • ‘feral children’ terminology has been the backbone of the Conservatives in the UK for the last 15 years.

  29. Folks, you can go ahead and hate all those black looters, if hating is enough for you. But if you want to live in a better and more human world, then recognize that Left and Right need to come together to create a new political vision that can constructively channel the justified, but chaotic and inchoate rage and anger of the underclass. People riot and loot and burn when they cannot see any viable political alternative.

  30. Amerikkkans will be the last one to get it. People are so dumb down and trust the gov it’s ridiculous here.

    • Then go back to MF Russia dude you watch and listen to too much TV!

      • How about you go back to Caucaus Mountains that’s near Russia

  31. They need to. Whites are using the half black president as an excuse to carry out hate crimes on blacks when they felt like that to begin with. Why is obama all black all of sudden now? and I’m black and didn’t vote for obama.

    • No, we use the fact that blacks are dragging white people out and beating them to be angry at blacks. When are you liberals going to stop using the “it’s because Obama is black” bullshit.

      • Oh, so obama is only black idiot? he came out of white woman the last time I checked. And whites aren’t killing blacks like what they did in Mississippi? I’m don’t believe in any political parties dumb ass. Didn’t I just write I didn’t vote for obama. You’re a simpleton for believing all black support obama.

        • Sorriy I am sick and tired of the race crap. Blacks are always the one to stand up and say it is because I am black. If blacks want to be equal then we need to end the NAACP. And all the benefits of being black. All need to be equal no more special scholarships. I gaurantee if I started a White Peoples college fund I would be hit with a lawsuit so quick. Yes they should be equal but enough with the white people owe me something because they enslaved my ancestors. Shit if you asked me that was the biggest problem of my white ancestors. They should have left them there and worked for theirselves. But the inceident in Wisconsin barely hit the news. But yet if it was Whites attacking Blacks it would have been all over the place in the media. As far as Obama who cares what color he is. He is still a peice of crap.

        • mitgger and if whites stop being racist and thinking all blacks the same we wouldn’t have that problem would we. NACCP was created by white jews. Whites like you like to think your not racist when it says all in your comment. I don’t think YT owe me sh!t I talk about white behavior and treatment towards Colored folks and I’m not just talking about blacks. Whites never want to take responsibility for their own actions. Listen idiot you whites stole Amerikkka from native Americans then they stole blacks to build Amerikkka then they want to be racist towards people and call blacks lazy when it was my ancestors who build this country and whites reaped the benefits. Get over your white racism sorry I’m going to call it as I see it.

      • LIbertarianBob….If you truly are libertarian you would not engage in racist collectivism and realize that these morally chalenged kids of the welfare state are acting the way the nwo wants,criminally.The problem is lack of discipline and moral fiber,race is just the construct they use to inflict their rage on society.I as an African -American realize that lawful conduct is to my benefit as well as those around me because of the pernicious sterotyping in society about Blacks.Criminal conduct insures the continuous cycle of imprisonment which reenforces and institutionalizes poverty and expandsPolice state control.Sorry,this is one Black man who will not contribute his pound of flesh to the prison industrial complex,s police state control grid.

    • It’s obvious you’re black ……big mouth -no brain

      • Its obvious your a douche bag so we are even …and i am done with you,loser.

  32. We might start to riot, but then a footbal game would come on, or the kardashians.

    • We’ll have to wait for the new season of American Idol to finish.

  33. Don’t make the mistake of giving too much cause to the riots. It is only an example of thuggery gone wild and the hope of scoring a new flat screen tv. These people are merely feral.

    • Come on, listen to yourself. If these people are feral, as you say, don’t you understand that this is caused by a situation where society and the drug war and the economy are deliberately rigged to create a permanent, hopeless underclass? What’s going on isn’t just thuggery. It has a deeper meaning that is political.

  34. When the public learns of the coup there’s no saying what could happen here.

    A coup d’etat began during the 2008 presidential election.

    Obama is not the president, he’s the acting president. He disappeared for 2 weeks after his election win only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. Obama is now a Pentagon puppet.

    Here’s what Obama, Osama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last presidential election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search ElectNoMoreSpys.blogspot and share it with others.

    • Give me a break. Do you think Bush was ever a real president? He was totally unqualified, and was never elected.

      • Obama=Bush III=puppets.

    • ‘Bin Laden’ ? You mean the CIA asset/patsy who’s been dead for at least 8 years.

  35. the coming depression dot net

  36. Count on it. Thes Americans wine if they do not get their Iphones, cable TV, or junk food. What are they going to do if they cannot buy enough food or a decent place to live. I hope you are all fully packed with ammo and guns. When the looters start the smart ones go after government entities and burn them to the ground. While the cops deal with the hoolagans the patriots take out primary government facilities so they District of Criminals loose their tools of control.

    • If people start attacking government facilities the police will drop whatever they are doing and go protect the system. If the same thing were to happen in America the military would be on it like white on rice.

      • Good , then the police will be Burnt to the Ground too!

        BYE BYE!!!

        • Aman Zulu, when in infraguard try to join the police and military we will just have alot more targets. Less chance of missing. If they are on it like white on rice lets hope the hooligans will join us. I hope the military which are 80 percent aware of the District of criminals corruption looting of the working people step to the side or join us in taking back our country.

  37. @DJ, I already did, yesterday.
    All NORAD paper articles are worth reading.
    @RT, nice try but nothing new was proffered.
    Riots have happened throughout history.
    People get hurt, people get killed.
    People cry this mustn’t happen again.
    People have to clean up the mess they made.
    People forget.
    People riot, again.

  38. I suspect that it will come here but with guns a blazing everyone against each other in a shootout til the last few standing, and those left standing will gets a free vacation stay at a local FEMA camp plus a top prize will be awarded.
    So register your guns soon so you can take part in this exciting blood bath. Those that do not register their guns will not be able to claim the top prize.

    • Not if we target and take out government facilties that enslave us. Burn the fema camps down, you will need your guns to take out the guards of these camps. Take way their tools. Burn down the IRS headquarters. Shut down the enslavement tools.

    • NO WHy Would I You cant have and never Know When the Crape breaks up inthe spinning fan articulator then who will you call ? The draconion Gun Control Laws will be null and void !

      The US C onstitution are the laws of the land and I will stand if you are a vet of Military and or Law enforcement, I need not explain !

  39. We are all media driven. The young are influenced by the music they listen to and what is trendy, adults are image and greed motivated, senior citizens are set in their ways and habits and probably wiser to how media and politics have deceived them. Everyone, to some extent, is controlled by advertising, politics, movies, and blindly accept as fact or truth what the talking heads spout on radio TV and the Internet.

    So, go out and buy yourself a baseball bat and get ready for the latest craze that the “Simon says” media and NWO instigators are promoting. Aluminum bats pack a bigger wallup!

    Free PYO bumper stickers (click me!)

    • Actually wooden baseball bats are 2 or 3 times heavier than an aluminum bat of the same size. You would much rather get hit with the aluminum one, TRUST me.

      • good man, I fill my fuckin aluminum bat with concrete, settle that shit, and it will crush a car! I really hope everyone in uk reads this, please repost to your ancestors, as you do have some there, believe it or not amerikans!

    • hollywood tried to pass of as fantasy has probably happened or will happen in actuallity
      ill bill

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