Mulvaney on Trump: ‘It’s horrible to put that out on Christmas’

Former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on Tuesday criticized a recent Truth Social post by former President Trump. “It’s horrible to put that out on Christmas, it really is,” Mulvaney said Tuesday on “The Hill on NewsNation.” “But face it, if you don’t like that kind of stuff, you’ve already made up your… Source

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One Response to “Mulvaney on Trump: ‘It’s horrible to put that out on Christmas’”

  1. runto says:

    I thought the recent comments by Trump quite truthful,Biden will indeed “rot in hell”.

    If only Trump could walk the walk, because when he talks the talk he is darn funny…Biden the jew smooching sack o sheet however, makes me vomit just looking at him.

    At the end of the day they’re both puppets of the jew, as is christianity … which is why I like this site OK, since there are so few,but I just gotta keep hoping folks one day realize all the Abrahamic religions are lies, and there was a reason the demiurge YHWY foisted them on the noble races, through violence of course.

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