NATO Brings Chaos And Terror To Libya

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Saman Mohammadi
Aug 24, 2011

The great hoax pushed by NATO and the corporate-state media is that Libya has fallen, the rebels took control of Tripoli, Gaddafi is on the ropes, and the country is now free. But this is not true. The situation on the ground is more complicated and complex. This narrative of events may satisfy your inner hatred of dictators, but it is false for so many reasons.

One, the war for Tripoli and Libya has just begun. Tripoli is not under the control of NATO. The rebels, who consist of al-Qaeda fighters and other anti-freedom crusaders, were only able to advance because NATO bombed strategic sites ahead of them. Special forces from England and other NATO countries also assisted in the effort by unleashing a campaign of terror and chaos.

Two, Gaddafi won’t quit until he is dead. And even then the people of Libya won’t just hand over their country to a government consisting of people they believe to be traitorous rats that have brought in the old colonial wolves back into the Libyan jungle under the disguise of fighting a revolution for freedom and justice. Gaddafi is a native lion, a brutal one, but he comes from the roots of Libya.

And three, Libya is not free. It is being submerged from all sides by foreign mercenaries and neo-colonial governments. The country will be looted, destroyed and raped by thieves inside and outside Libya. Western oil companies and private contractors are already drawing up plans.

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  • NATO Brings Chaos And Terror To Libya

If the rebels had a real popular movement on their hands they wouldn’t have to go begging to NATO for help from the air and seas. The Libyan people would’ve joined them in their fight against tyranny and oppression. But this fight was never started by the “rebels.” It was an overseas operation from the start. This is an astroturf version of the Arab Spring.

This game is not about resisting a dictator and bringing democracy to Libya, it is about seizing a country and looting its wealth. This little detail is getting lost in the chaos of modern war which is largely fought with the weapons of the mass media, such as disinformation campaigns and propaganda assaults against the mind of the global public.

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8 Responses to “NATO Brings Chaos And Terror To Libya”

  1. MSM is doomed…
    NATO’s solo cheerleader…
    (my mom still watches…hi, mom)

    dillweed Reply:
    August 24th, 2011 at 5:06 am

    You so funny.

  2. This is a very good description of exactly what is going on. Unfortunately Russia and China would not veto and allowed the worlves to go in.
    This sets a precedent for the next on the hit list and we will see this continue unless the people of the world wake up and rise up against this international tyranny. It s about time that the freedom loving people and nations of the world organized their own UN that investigates this UN and Nato organization as well as the IMF and World Bank to see what exactly is going on. If we do not, we give them free reign to terrorize us next.
    You don’t believe that? The easy targets are those that are easy to propagandize. The next targets may be YOUR country as the economy falls which will give them the green light to implement police state powers.

  3. People need to learn histroy. This exact thing happened to Chavez in Venezuela. The CIA overthrew Chavez for a few days and the people finally figured it out and took action. My great concern now is how many American boys are going to die in Libya when Obama sends them over on a “Peacekeeping Mission”.

  4. when have they ever done anything different…you want to talk about looting the moneychangers NOW hell on earth is the top looters in the world and nothing off the table to steal what they want and then put the bill to the american people …im debt free a will accept any debt from the worst scumfucks on earth

  5. woops thats kinda funny

  6. NATO Brings Chaos And Terror To Libya

    IE “Humanitarian”, “Kinetic Action” = “Chaos And Terror”.

    Yeah………as if we didn’t know. The US Has no business there, or in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or any other damn place. We have enough problems to solve right here at home.

    TPTB who start the wars, need to be placed in the first wave of troops on the front lines. Then, lets see how they like the wars they start and profit from.

    This is just another distraction to keep our eyes off obama and TPTB so they can continue their march towards Martial Law here in the US. Be advised. Stay focused.


  7. Nothing like being protected to death. These viscious scoundrels can turn on us at any given moment. They have established a patern. State some lie then do whatever they want regardless of reality. Your next.

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