NATO Prepares “Humanitarian” Occupation Of Libya

Thousands of British and American troops on standby to head off potential Gaddafi counter-attack

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Preparing to head off any potential counter-attack by Gaddafi forces, NATO powers are readying a “humanitarian” occupation of Libya with thousands of British and American soldiers, risking the possibility that troops could be sent into yet another quagmire to rival Afghanistan and Iraq.

Eager to control the country’s vast oil resources and its 144 tons of gold bullion, a plan to send in troops would represent a complete violation of the UN’s own resolution authorizing military intervention, unless of course the soldiers were labeled “peacekeepers” and inserted under humanitarian cover.

Recall that the EU ground invasion force that was proposed back in April was similarly couched in humanitarian rhetoric and yet would have been empowered to “secure sea and land corridors inside the country,” a transparent military objective.

“Hundreds of British soldiers could be sent to Libya to serve as peacekeepers if the country descends into chaos, Downing Street indicated last night,” reports the Daily Mail.

“The troops have been on standby for Libya since the start of July. All their kit is packed and they are just waiting to get the call to go,” said one source.

Similarly, a U.S. occupation force has also been on standby for several months.

As Infowars reported back in June, military sources indicated that 30,000 troops from the 1st Calvary Division (heavy armor) and III Corps at Ft. Hood were being readied for deployment to Libya by October.

As we highlighted before the NATO attack on Libya even began, hundreds of British, American and French Special Forces were sent to Libya at the end of February to train and command the Al-Qaeda led rebel army. These Special Forces troops were later caught on camera fraternizing with rebels by an Al-Jazeera film crew.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Launching an occupation under humanitarian cover would be an echo of how NATO was able to manufacture a pretext for intervention in the first place, by having the establishment media spin a civil war as a brutal Gaddafi crackdown, characterizing rebels who seized fighter jets, tanks and Rocket Propelled Grenade Launchers as “protesters,” before enforcing a “no fly zone” that turned into a bloody bombardment overnight.

Also desperate to prey on the spoils of war is the World Bank, which yesterday announced its desire to “help” Libya’s recovery, no doubt by repeating its routine trick of indebting countries with crippling loans that can never be paid back while swallowing up real assets in return.

Once Gaddafi’s authority completely collapses in Tripoli, and that is by no means a certainty, Libya will likely descend into a turf war fought by rival tribes. With British and American forces already stretched in Iraq and Afghanistan, and with the economies of both countries teetering on the brink of a double-dip recession, committing to a third quagmire by intervening further in a civil war is beyond insane.

While an occupying NATO army is by no means a given, there’s no doubt that it has been built into the timetable as a precaution should Gaddafi’s forces mount a successful counter-attack. Reports today suggest that might be occurring, after claims that Gaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam was arrested turned out to be completely false. Al-Islam later appeared in Tripoli and vowed to “break the will” of rebels who he said had been trapped in the city as part of a deliberate military ploy by Gaddafi’s regime.

We were able to divulge NATO’s plan to launch a massive bombardment on Tripoli to end the conflict before the start of September back in early July. Like the September deadline, NATO will also be working to a cut off point when, if necessary, it will send in an occupying army under the pretext of humanitarian assistance to ensure all remnants of Gaddafi’s regime are swept away for good.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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109 Responses to “NATO Prepares “Humanitarian” Occupation Of Libya”

  1. Look here folks…

    The events in this world are being set up to usher in the antichrist.

    The global economic system needs to become centralized in order to enforce the Cap and Trade personal tracking ID and eliminate the underground currency that robs this system.

    Secondly… A government needs to be positioned to fall into place when these economic events come to fruition.

    There are two issues we are facing…
    1) A One World Economic System
    2) A One World Global Government

    Now then… there are two global governments that coexist together… one is referred to as the ‘iron’ and the other is referred to as the ‘clay’. They don’t mix well just like iron and clay don’t mix.

    We know that the ‘iron’ is the Roman Empire… IMO the ‘clay’ represents the Islamic Empire.

    It would be nice to discover exactly what the ‘clay’ signifies in relationship with Islam… I think of Esau… who knows?

    For the most part we can all agree that the global powers are centralizing the banking system. What most don’t know is that the entire banking and Stock Market exchange are converting over to Sharia Finance. (Research)

    Remember to enforce any personal ID system there must be a form of government that will capable of doing so with limited expense. Islam qualifies extensively… it virtually is its own Police.

  2. Others are also concerned over postings that offer nothing constructive. Do a survey of all the postings, and see what

    the percentage is.

    They will fall into several categories. The trolls may be hard to separate from those who have nothing good to say,

    but the effect is the same. Freedom is not free, and running your mouth will not buy freedom. There are some with a

    religious tilt, but religious solutions are as bad as governmental solutions.

    Whose truth? And whose law? If such were valid, the results would be plainly evident to everyone.

    Let us put some thought and effort into what we say. You want to help? What can you do? Have you talked to many

    people, have you passed out flyers with a summary of what’s happening, supported by websites? Have you attended town

    council meetings and spoken out? Have you and your friends taken this seriously enough to begin forming local groups?

    Have you made plans for the eventuality? Stocking water, food, and guns, helpful as that may be, is microscopic

    compared to the urgency of having insights into how we shall change ourselves for the better, so that mini-saviours and

    thug leaders will not step into the power vacuum when existing, corrupt governments are torn down.

    This brings us to our main point: Clean your own house before you clean others! Those little dishonesties, schemings,

    infatuations with time-wasting mental games–delicious cherries ripe for picking by our manipulators! Let’s grow up

    spiritually! We don’t need more negative karma than we already have!

    Are you a chidult? That’s a child in an adult body. You can spot them in the way they drive, they way they talk, and

    the way they think. Their postings reveal the arrogance of insecurity. Are these the types with which we will build

    our new civilization? Postings on this and similar websites reflect mostly childults…..clouding the air, going

    nowhere but down. EXACTLY AS PLANNED!

    Our next point is, identify the reasons why many want to help, want to do something, but do not. Some are so dumbed

    down, they think they can’t. Victims of decades of psy ops. Others simply don’t know how to start, because the global

    elites have assembled such an airtight trap of illegal laws and fearsome technologies for any who resist. Doubtless,

    the data mining has all of us in a supercomputer database, making it risky to join hands. Add to that infiltrators.

    Therefore, to those who do wish to join hands for freedom, our first priority is secure communication. We must have

    risk-free methods of making our plans in secret.

    For now, turn your creative mind to work on encryption methods. We know that letter and number substitutions are

    easily cracked because supercomputer algorithms can run all the possibilities in seconds–and process all of us at one


    But, encryptions (secret codes) that use methods requiring the assignment of personnel tie their hands. If a person

    must do painstaking analysis of a photo attachment to a cell text or email, looking for something that may or may not

    be there, the demand on resources far exceeds what’s available.

    Consider a hundred thousand NWO cryptologists, forced to manually deal with a million non-supercomputer based

    encryptions. Daily! Only so many hours in a day! Consider adding to that workload endless messages in various forms,

    millions and billions of which are bogus or simply have no codes. Now, that’s their greatest frustration! Which is

    encryption, which is not? No time to look at everything!

    Summarizing, make your codes labor intensive.

    Get to work! Let’s do it. It is actually fun to make codes. You need a key, something passed only in person and

    NEVER sent online. So these will be mainly local. Try this: a photograph, innocent seeming, the usual type passed in

    Facebook. Usually, it’s a .jpg file, and you and your friends can agree as to how the pixels are subtly changed.

    E.g., all pixels with a certain RBG or CMYK value have a special meaning. Or elements, such as hand position, clothes,

    and endless others, have special meanings.

    Learn factorials to appreciate how, as you combine several methods, the odds of cracking your codes become

    astronomical. Googleplex! A google is a number to the 100th power, and a googleplex is a google to the 100th power.

    Your safe! No computer? No problem! Do what they did in the great wars.

    Selling encryptions without registering them with the feds is a crime. Laughable, what good is an encryption if you

    give it to the enemy?

    More to come…….

  3. NWO puppt organization UN fake human rights people UN troops will go into Libya soon.

  4. It almost seems as if Paul want these disgusting rebels and NATO to win. Its not over you tool, Info wars in becoming a joke,

    • disgusting rebels? you shouldnt talk about our glorious cia like that. thet are very sensitive,

  5. Let’s be clear. The Clintonista objective was achieved:

    Hillary Clinton and her thieving confederates have successfully used the SIXTH FLEET and CIA Mercenaries to rob and loot Libya. Now comes the genocide. Their genocide. Clintonista brand genocide.

    Now they will orchestrate a chorus that will want NATO troops to guard their newly conquered oil facilities and fields whilst mass slaughter is commenced outside tight NATO control zones and DEPOPULATION of areas is carried out by their filthy hirlings.

    Obama must now move to the next phase of the pending war on Syria and Iran as the Clintonista puppet has no choice.

    • LoL

      • Clintonistia, very good reference.. Agree with you post..

  6. Here people are gonna brag about Gaddafi being this great leader/hero for the Libyan people and how rich Libya was and how great the people had it….


    The people themselves revolted against Gaddafi…

    Either they had it good with Gaddafi in control or they didn’t… which is it?

    I’ll tell you… neither… the muslims want Sharia… that’s it…and that’s what this is about.

    They want to be devout to the Quran and Muhammad… and they want Sharia to be in every country that exists in this world.

    There has to be a starting point and we’re witnessing the events unfold before our very eyes.

    • Well then face Mecca and bend over.

      • they revolted with the aid of western intel and were handed a victory in the same manner.

        now to be robbed and looted by the west. the west who installed al CIAda to rule???

        if thats not an orwelling f-u then nothing is.

  7. to assume without any definite proof that this is all about oil and gold is a joke. Totally discredits this site and you you fucked up conspiracy theorists. Too bad for the sane ones.

    • ^Someone with a head on their shoulders and sees the truly big picture!

    • Uhh yeah the US-Anglo American establishment attacked Libya for gold. When they have thousands of tons of it.

      You have absolutely no idea of the history of this situation.

      They attacked Libya because Gaddafi didn’t let the oil cartel steal the oil. And because he had a private bank for Libya that was not controlled by the international mafia cartel. You are the conspiracy theorist, get the hell out of here.

      • I don’t believe 144 tons equals “thousands of tons”…

        I doubt that much gold ever existed.

        Let’s back up Daniel…

        Remember the Muslim people revolted against Gaddafi. They wanted him out for their reasons just as the globalists wanted him out.

        Gaddafi’s problem and reason for the need to be taken out was…

        1) He wasn’t devout enough as a Muslim believing in Egypt’s assassinated President, Nasser’s Arab nationalism and also Socialism.
        2) He didn’t share enough of his profits with Islam for Islamic expansion.
        3) He focused on his own country too much.
        4) (correct me if I’m wrong) He didn’t have a central bank tied into the World Bank.
        5) He tried to set up Islam and gather other nations to his way of Islam… see Pan African campaigns.
        6) He “bucked” the Muslim majority UN too many times.
        7) Buddy’d up with Saddam over the years.

        Gaddafi was too much like Saddam in Iraq.

        Even a top Sunni Muslim Cleric called for Gaddafi to be killed.

        So let’s sum it up… Gaddafi isn’t Sunni enough for Islam and needed to be taken out so the globalists can ensure Islam’s government ain’t tainted.

        • If you read my comment again it is clear that I was stating that the US-Anglo establishment had thousands of tons of gold, and does not care about Libya’s gold.

          If you don’t think the US-Anglos have thousands of tons of gold…. Rothschilds/Rockefellers……………..

          Rothschilds are worth probably more than 100 trillion

          Rockefellers own more than 15 mega corporations.

          They probably have thousands of tons of gold each.

        • Correction Rockefellers own more than 15 mega corporations and banks too. Rothschilds own everything.

        • I see it now… but it wasn’t clear… “they” could have been applied to either.

          And as you backtrack… saying “They probably…” shows your lack of knowledge concernoing worls affairs.

          Face the fact Daniel… you are spewing the same rhetoric propagated by the clever Luciferians of this world.

          Remenber: Amchell Rothschild said… “”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

          See the difference? Now ask yourself who is set in position to make the laws and run the world government?

          Answer… Islam.

        • Hahaha right, Islam is taking over the US. Look when I am sober you neocons will get destroyed, this is absurdity. Name one attack that Muslims have done in the US. These are Luciferian Satan worshippers. I’ll see you in the camps.

    • Following the money should always be assumed until you get definite proof. Follow the money, why would that discredit the site?

      • if you want to read conspiracy go over to msn

  8. Considering Obama is doing such a “bang-up” job, I say, let’s give him another Nobel Peace Prize.

    Humanitarian works indeed.


    • To the Muslim Clerics across the globe… I believe they’re somewhat satisfied.

      And I believe the Muslim Ummah are finally catching on… as to how Obama is really helping out in the situations.

      • the only nation o’bomb’us loves starts and ends with allmighty dollar

  9. And Iraq is such a success for the War Party. Same shit.

    http ://


    • You should be happy with the results…

      Saddam ousted…
      Mubarak ousted…
      Gaddafi ousted… (Soon)

      That’s what all the Muslims want… they’ll be dancing in the streets… no need for shoes… so there’ll be a shoe throwing party following the ousting of Assad in Syria.

      Americans will be the targets at this party… the old game of “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” is now been replaced with “Throw a shoe at a American”!

  10. Gaddafi should distribute 50% of his gold and arms to his people. Then using this malitia destroy all rebels in tripoli. Then offer the chinese 40% of his gold to broker a peace with the debtor countries of NATO leaving Gaddafi’s son as leader. Gaddafi could use his remaining money to buy physical silver to bring down the banksters.

    • Unfortunately, Gadaffi and his gold have been parted. I believe the reason for this is as you described. These dictators have enough gold to destroy the NEW WORLD ORDER by exposing their fraud. If they sell the gold, and buy physical silver, the impact on the GLOBAL community would be fatal. The GLOBALIST know this. I suspect the US will start picking a fight with Chavez next for the same reason.

  11. If there is anything we all should learn from this episode in Libya is…

    The globalists and the Muslims are working together.

    • That’s why Ahmadinejad is so giddy lately. He knows that his “12th Imam” is pulling the strings behind the curtain.

      • HAHAHAHAHAHA you neocon you are talking about the 12th Imam fairy tale.

        Who the hell are you to tell me tha the Lockerbie bombing being the CIA/FBI is a fairy tale. There were 4 or 5 CIA agents on the plane.

        Neocon scum, I bet you don’t even think 9/11 is the false flag attack that it is. Get the fuck out of here. Never respond to me again please, I live in reality you are a fucking neocon piece of warmongering trash.

        • But no seriously you live in your neocon fairy tale, never fucking respond to me again.

        • I dont want to fuckign see your name under mine ok? Do you understand that? You brought absolutely no facts or history to the table.

        • Danny, get a grip. I was not referring to Lockerbie at any point during our little discussion. I was simply pointing out that Gaddafi is no saint, and no hero.

          So if you want me to quit responding to your comments, quit responding to mine.

        • Daniel…

          I see your playing troll today. Is that your function?

          Did ya see the reports that… number one on Libya’s new constitution is… Sharia Law.

          Care to explain that one to us, ole’ wise one.

        • Who did 9/11?

        • Daniel…

          Why did Muslims fight against and dismantle the Ottoman Empire?

        • I don’t know I havn’t studied that.

        • Daniel…

          There’s a pattern…

          The Ottoman Empire… Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and now Syria…

          Of course, on a simular scale, we can include the events in Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Sudan, Nigeria, Thailand, Indonesia, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan and others too…

        • Well yeah we can agree there is a pattern, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Iran. This is insane man. The US-Anglo empire is going to fall, and when it does we are going to leave people stranded at those bases, this is insanity. This is just like the end of the Roman empire. Starting wars off in the periphery. Don’t you see this? How can anyone not see this insanity. Caligula is marrying his horse for CHRISTSAKES.

  12. killed in a humane way

  13. When do you think there will be humanitarian efforts in the US?

    • Soon.

      • already underway – FEMA

  14. “Above all we will call for an inclusive transition that leads to a democratic Libya,” Obama said.

    Democracy is indispensable to socialism. V. I. Lenin
    Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx
    The goal of socialism is communism. V. I. Lenin

    • Yea, let me throw in that Marx wanted to call his work, the “Socialist Manefesto,” but the politico’s at the time didn’t want to upset a sub group within the Socialist Party so they labeled it Communism, but yes, democracy=socialism=communism.

      Where one ends and another begins, is irrelevant, because they all end up the same, a boot on the neck of humanity forever.

  15. Yeah and we wake up tommorrow and the rebels never even held 1/4th of the city from their amphibious and frontal assault, this has all been a complete hoax. VIVA GADDAFI

  16. ” The iron fist that crushes the tyrants head becomes the tyrant in it’s stead”
    William Blake

  17. humanitarian. wonder if they’ll use that term here. probably not.

  18. ” Humanitarian ” , n’ luvin’ … one should add …

    P.S. Especially around them 144 tons o’gold !!! ( luts o’ luv there … )

  19. Imagine, the rebel hires had to start a “central bank” so they could get paid. Who they heck is paying these rebels. I smell dirty rats. Is this like one of those Vatican finance wars, or are they using tax payer money. Sound like another war-fraud. The dirt-bags sure know how to take your money and throw it down a black-hole of no returns — to protect the interests of some stink’n bankers.

    • On the pay.

      Within 48 hours of the NATO “no fly zone” the Al-CIA’da “rebels” were filling oil tankers with oil and sending it to Yemen for sale on the open market. Within 4 days, they had set up that central bank with the promised payments from those oil shipments.

    • Same thing they did in Iran Contra, the use it launder… CiA bank. No qestions, accountable to no one.

  20. The Libyan dictator’s son Seif al-Islam Gaddafi has downplayed advances of revolutionary fighters in the capital, claiming that Tripoli still remains under control of the regime.

    Despite earlier claims that he had been captured by the revolutionary forces, Seif made a surprise appearance outside his father’s Bab Al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli in the early hours of Tuesday and told foreign journalists that the Libyan capital was under control and that his father remains safe in Tripoli.

    “Tripoli is under our control. Everyone should rest assured. All is well in Tripoli,” he said, quoted in an AFP report on Tuesday.


  21. i know what who u are says,


    • somebody started smoking the ganja early

      • Dont pay any attention to radioshilluminati hes a zionist apoligist.

        • Going around with pictures of Palestinians lining up for scraps of foods claiming they are all over there having a good time , and that israel is good to them.

          Wtf lmao

  22. They killed 1300 civilians in the last 2 days and injured 5000 civilians, that’s just in a day and a half!!! There is no humanitarian mission here!! It’s indiscriminate bombing to make the worst mess they can so that they can come in and clean it up and get rich off of the rebuilding as they steal the countries Gold and other assets. This is so ridiculous. Why aren’t more war protestors getting upset about this? Do they really think that this is a humanitarian mission?

    • Right on! If Ghadaffi won`t stage the required genocide NATO will just have to arrange it themselves. This should be the end of NATO and the UN if people have any sense, considering they`re no longer even following the charters they were set up under.

  23. On a different topic, you know what really pisses me the fuck off? ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI and HENRY KISSENGER! That old fucker, Zbigniew Brzezinski (can anyone even pronounce the fucker’s name), started this whole mess with his book: “The Grand Chessboard” in 1998 and saying that they needed another “Pearl Harbor” to get things going. Even way before then, for years he and Kissinger have been dictating national security policy for our United States Government and causing imperialism on other countries and calling America the Great Empire that will be used as a base for the NWO. I don’t know about you, but I am a proud American and I just want to say WHY THE FUCK ARE WE LISTENING TO THE ADVICE OF TWO MOTHERFUCKERS WHO WEREN’T EVEN BORN IN OUR COUNTRY AND CAME HERE LIKE IN THEIR TWENTIES??? They use a puppet president to do their bidding because they can never be president and can only move so far up the government ladder like Schwartzeneggar. I find this deeply unsettling because I am currently living in China and have been for over 5 years and will move back to the U.S. soon. I just want everyone to know that if I ever decided to become a Chinese citizen and bribed the Chinese government to climb the government ladder, do you even think for one minute that the Chinese president or government would even give me the time of day if I said, “I want to use your country to control the world.”? They would laugh in my face and tell me YOU ARE NOT CHINESE! GO THE FUCK HOME!! Japan and Korea and any other country would be the same way, if not worse.

    So my question is, “WHY THE FUCK HASN’T SOMEONE POPPED A CAP INTO THESE TWO FUCKERS??!!! Especially, since they are practically 80 FUCKING YEARS OLD, I THINK THE TWO GRANDPAS ARE FAR PAST THE LEGAL LIMIT FOR SENILE AND INSANITY!! I don’t care how popular or rich they may be. Are we that weak?? One good bullet for each of them. Pay someone to do it and use their tactics against them. The fact that these two grandpas have even lived to be 80 without being shot at, tripped accidentally down the stairs or in an insane assylum living out their fantasies in LA-LA land with Jack Nicholson in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is unbelieveable in my eyes. Have these old farts even served in the U.S. Military before? If not, then WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY TO DECIDE AND DICTATE OUR NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY POLICY??? They probably never even taken a bullet before.

    AGAIN, I SAY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY?? WHY ARE WE LISTENING TO THE ADVICE OF PEOPLE WHO DID NOT EVEN GROW UP IN OUR COUNTRY??? OMG! I don’t care if the fucker has a doctrate from Harvard and has a hate history with Russia, Communism and God knows what else. Don’t bring your shit to my country and expect me to fight your battles and wars for you. This is MY COUNTRY, LAND OF THE FREE and if I want to protest against you or make a fucking lemonade stand or go against my government, IT IS MY GOD GIVEN RIGHT, YOU SICK SCUM-SUCKING BASTARD!!! I did not ask you to come to my country and I sure as hell don’t approve of fighting YOUR wars for the sake of YOUR belief on making the world a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. If I want to be separate then that’s my right and that’s why I was born and still a citizen of my country because under the Constitution, my fore-fathers wanted a piece of fucking land that wasn’t controlled by ANYONE but the people living on that land. If you don’t like our rules and freedoms, then GET THE FUCK OUT. DON’T TELL US TO GET OUT OR THAT I AM A TERRORIST BECAUSE I DISAGREE WITH YOU! THAT IS MY GOD GIVEN CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!! IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, THEN YOU GET THE FUCK OUT and take your radical political ideas and your puppet, NON-AMERICAN President Obama with you!

    I’m so FUCKING sick of knowing this shit and no one does anything about it. There better be some changes or so help me, I don’t care whose listening, I will blow the shit out of both of them myself as a starting point for taking out the NWO.

    • Kissinger will probably live another solid 8-10 years.
      D. Rockefeller is hanging tight at what, 96 yo now ??

      • It’s called life extension technology.

        HW Bush went sky diving on his 90th birthday! It’s not just good genes, it advanced and secret technology.

  24. NATO should go after Hugo Chavez next. Can’t let him hoard all that gold.


    • Don’t worry, they will. They have been calling for his removal for a decade. Get ready.

  25. North Africans move to Europe and seek refuge because west destabilize their countries to deprive them of their wealth just like in Libya. life doesn’t get any better for them when they move to west. they end up doing shit jobs, living shit life, never get married, when they are very old they end up coming back to their homeland since they are unable to do the slave labor.

    • I read reports of how a Muslim family living on welfare in the UK complain about their five bedroom house so much that they were given a seven bedroom house.

      Sounds like marriage and being fruitful have worked well for that Islamic family in the west…

  26. 77 more tons and the banksters will have all of Chavez’s gold!
    how convenient,
    and what a wild “co-incidence” ey?
    that Gaddafi wood have that 144 tons gold for our masters the banksters that love us sooooo much and
    just when they need some to send to Hugo! ey?
    talk about great

    • Gaddafi has some of Hugo’s gold? I thought Hugo’s gold was in England’s banks.

  27. I’m moving to #@%#Ing Libya.

    • That`s what we all should do to help them out against NATO.

  28. UN and the so called international community takes a lot of quick actions in any Arab or Muslim countries to “”liberate Muslims””. but the Palestinians get only road map to peace and white phosphorus. decades after decades they keep on getting the “road map to peace” while Israel ethnically cleanse them.

    • Great point.

      • No it wasn’t… it was propaganda spewed for the rally call of support for the the fake Palestinians. Who are used as tools for Islam to get at Israel.

        The Ottoman Empire was split up… and Israel ended up with a piece of it… OMG… and the Muslims have had a dilemma ever since. How do they get that little sliver of land back!?

    • emus…

      You finally see something… the “liberation of Muslims”…

      Of course…

      It’s really the Liberation of Muslims from other Muslims…



    • Whoa, horsey!!! Viva Gaddafi? Are you aware of the atrocities this man has commited? I agree that our war there is unjustified, but Gaddafi is no hero. He’s another tyrant. He’s spied on his citizens, squashed free speech in his country, and he’s funded terrorist organizations (basically everything you hate about the US government, Gaddafi has also done). And it gets much, much worse than that.


        • Oh, it was all lies. Okay then. Go on with your fairy tale.

        • Uhh yeah actually it was. The US had just missiled an Iranian passenger jet and killed 250 beforehand. But I still do not think that Iran did Lockerbie. It was the CIA and the FBI. But you don’t see false flag terror, do you neocon.

        • We’ve got neocons here people. Watch out for propaganda that the stolen US government is still somehow good, and doesn’t stage false flag terror, and that Muslims are the source of all evil in the world.

        • This is freaking offensive as hell to have neocons responding to my truth at this site. You can’t even bring any facts like I do, you scum, get the HELL out of my face forever and never respond to me again.

        • “Gaddafi created Revolutionary committees to keep tight control over internal dissent in 1973. Ten to 20 percent of Libyans worked as informants for these committees, Surveillance took place in the government, in factories, and in the education sector. The regime often executed dissidents through public hangings and mutilations and rebroadcast them on state television channels.”

          “Libya’s society became increasingly Islamic during Gaddafi’s rule. His “purification laws” were put into effect in 1994, punishing theft by cutting off hands, and giving 100 lashes to adulterers.”

          “Libya’s relations with Egypt broke down entirely in 1977, leading to the short-lived Libyan-Egyptian War. During the war, Libya sent military across the border, but Egyptian forces fought back and forced them to retreat. In October 1981 Gaddafi applauded Anwar Sadat’s assassination. He called it a just “punishment” for his role in the Camp David Accords.”

          “Gaddafi supported terrorist organizations that held anti-Western sympathies around the world. The Foreign Minister of Libya called the massacres “heroic acts”. Gaddafi fueled a number of Islamist and communist terrorist groups in the Philippines, including the New People’s Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.”

          “On the Muslim prophet Muhammad’s birthday in 1973, Gaddafi delivered his famous “Five-Point Address” which officially implemented Sharia.”

          “On 5 April 1986 Libyan agents bombed “La Belle” nightclub in West Berlin, killing three and injuring 229.”

          “Gaddafi told the assembled African leaders: “I shall continue to insist that our sovereign countries work to achieve the United States of Africa.””

          “As early as 1969, Gaddafi contributed to the Islamization of Sudan and Chad, granting military bases and support to the FROLINAT revolutionary forces. In 1971, when Muslims took power in Sudan, he offered to merge Libya with Sudan. Sudan president Jaafar Nimeiry turned him down and angered Gaddafi by signing a peace settlement with the Sudanese Christians. Gaddafi took matters into his own hands in 1972, organizing the Islamic Legion, a paramilitary group, to arabize the region.”

          But I suppose that’s all “western lies”. Daniel loves a dictator.

        • I love a benevolent dictator that spends the oil money on his people, that is better than anything the west will ever install in that region.

      • I agree with Daniel. You can`t trust a word that comes out of the western media about Ghadaffi or any other subject. I`m sure Ghadaffi isn`t perfect and that he`s auite aothoritarian, but that ain`t why Libya is being invaded and bombed. It`s being bombed for globalization, oil and provoking a general war against Syria/Iran/Russia/China.
        This is why we need to oppose this and the other illegal wars of the US and NATO even more loudly than before, and that means supporting Ghadaffi who is resisting them.





      • Battle…

        I stand with you…

        A strong delusion has been creeping upon the masses… and it’s becoming evident that most the world is under this, incapable of seeing the truth right before their eyes.

        • Oh so both of you are neocons, that explains everything.

        • If you believe stating the facts about Gaddafi is a neocon move… you’re stupid.

          Tell ya what… simpleton… why don’t you ask the Muslims in Libya why they wanted Gaddafi out.

          Somehow I don’t believe they’ll say because he was a great leader… what do you bet?

      • Libya is the most propserous nation in Africa. Whatever you may think about Ghadaffi, he has done more for his people that any other self serving leader in Africa.

        But you are right. A legitimate government is created from the consent of the people, and there is no consent of the people in a dictatorship. I am happy to see Gaddaffi go, but know that unless the Libyan people do it, themselves, it will just be another puppet dictator, installed by a GLOBALIST regeim, to serve as a regional manager for the NEW WORLD ORDER.

        This is Egypt all over again with the potential for US occupation and a beachhead for the GLOBALIST invasion of Africa.

        • I agree 100 percent with everything you wrote. Good comment.

        • Well, with the exception that Gaddafi has not been so kind to all of his people. He has been ruthless to those who dissent.

  31. Humanitarian?????? thousands dead!!!
    Man the bad jokes/lies that are being spewed upon the world is sickening.

    • NATO, The UN, The White House, playing their part in the organised-crime banker-cartel. See the tax payers pick up that costs for the bankers to steal the gold. This is an outright fraud on the tax payers. They use these wars to enslave humanity by fraud and to steal the cultural inheritance of everyone. Bankers have murdered millions upon millions for their alien masters.

  32. WARNING!!

    • where’s the proof,or is this just another line of B.S.!

    • if only proof was provided……

      • Imagine that as coming from Langley or Brussels, CIAda or Nato.

    • ROLMFAO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Tell ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI and HENRY KISSENGER I said, “Hi” and that they can go fuck themselves Hardcore!

      • Sorry Free America that was supposed to go on “I know who you are”‘s comment. I don’t know how that happened.

        • LOL

    • You are full of shit! Have you even listened to Alex’s shows?! He is all about personal and sovereign empowerment and thinking for yourselves, researching for yourselves, he just puts it out there and it’s up to US to figure out what the truth is! He doesn’t make me feel like a victim or prisoner, he makes me feel like a rebel fighter! Which I and most of the crew that listens to Alex is. I get tired of all the “Shill” labels on these discussions but you sir, are definitely a Shill! Go away if you don’t have anything intelligent to say.

      • The above is directed to “I know who you are”.

      • yes. I Know Who You Are can keep his warnings for himself and shove them straight up his ass

    • Don’t you have anyting better to do than go around pasting sh-t on infowars?

      And if you are going to cut and paste sh-t, could you at least take the time to include SOMETHING that resembles proof or your accusations?

      But tell me, who do YOU tune into? Who, or where, do YOU get your news from? Don’t just tell me you search the internet, include some names.

      However, instead of trying to inform, you simple make stupid accusations, give no idea of why you believe what you spout, and make no suggestions other than to insist we are all brainwashed because we listen, as in tune into his show and visit this site, to Alex Jones.

      Stop trolling and start helping!


  34. 2011 USA Gov’t spending budget:

    Pensions = $979 billion
    HELLthcare = $1098 billion
    Education = $880 billion
    Defense = $966 billion
    Wellfare = $703 billion
    Protection = $320 billion
    Transportation = $275 billion
    General Gov = $119 billion
    “Other spending” = $519 billion
    Interest payments = $307 billion

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