Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack

Global warming alarmists invent new hoax after failing with everything else

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, August 19, 2011

Having failed with drowning polar bears, global superstorms, rising sea levels and a myriad of other manufactured hoaxes, global warming alarmists have invented a new threat to try and persuade us to pay carbon taxes directly to Al Gore and the global elite – vengeful environmentalist extraterrestrials from outer space.


“It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim,” according to a Guardian report.

A new study conducted by researchers at Nasa’s Planetary Science Division posits that “green” ETs might get angry at Bubba driving his gas-guzzling SUV and respond by wiping humankind off the face of the earth to “protect other civilizations”.

“Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. “These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets,” the authors write.

Is it really any wonder why polls show belief in global warming is collapsing? A recent Rasmussen survey found that 69 per cent of Americans believed scientists had likely falsified climate change data to push their agenda.

They’ve fed us with drowning polar bears, overpopulation paranoia, global superstorms and all manner of manufactured lies in an effort to terrify people into accepting the hoax and blithely handing over their carbon taxes to Al Gore and the Rothschilds, but none of it has worked. Gore’s Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has all but collapsed. The fact that they have now resorted to playing the “alien invasion” card illustrates how desperate and discredited the climate change cult has become.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

There are many people who lament the decline and fall of NASA since its Apollo heydays, but if this is what taxpayer funds are being spent on, the organization’s demise cannot come soon enough.

Let’s not forget this is the same government agency that uses taxpayer dollars to fund the work of global warming activist Dr. James Hansen, the man who endorsed an eco-fascist book that called for cities to be razed to the ground, industrial civilization to be destroyed and genocidal population reduction measures to be implemented in the name of preventing climate change.

Perhaps the aliens should hire Hansen as their PR spokesman.

Hansen has received well over $1 million taxpayer dollars from NASA in the last four years to pursue his activist agenda. He is a key figure in the global warming movement, for it was his 1988 with testimony to a US Senate committee chaired by Al Gore that really got the ball rolling for the elite in their mission to hijack the environmental movement and promote apocalyptic fears of climate change as a means of pushing carbon taxes and a highly regulated society.

Aside from all this, why do we need aliens to destroy humanity and “save the planet”? White House science czar John P. Holdren seems to have it all in hand. Holdren’s 1977 book Ecoscience called for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.

Holdren is now in charge of “geoengineering” the planet to protect against supposed man-made climate change. For me, this represents a far greater and more imminent threat to humanity than any fantasy about alien invasions from outer space.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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106 Responses to “Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack”

  1. Don’t run. We’re your friends.

  2. the aliens have been for a long time. i think everyone knows it by now.

    the enourage us to be at each other throats via sould pruning. they are masters of energy although minus the moral compass.

    a lot of the cruelty we see in the apparent world is direction control. which is why we need to learn and practice things like qi gong and reiki healing. if we can not know OUR own energy then we are prey to those that do.

    and much like the weakling corrupt leaders who do one thing and say another – the ALIENS do the same thing.

    to serve man indeed.

  3. Al Gore is a space alien reptoid!



    • libertybellepnw you are 100% correct.

  5. I have had so much fun with this in sheep-city.

    I wrote on a forum that I was a sceptic before, but this argument convinced me. 2 mins later I was sheeple attacked and the idiot told me to get a tinfoilhat and seek professional help with my paranoia. Then I asked him to clarify if it was because I was convinced about global warming or not?

    He told me global warming was real and I was a paranoid tinfoil hat guy for believing it was a hoax.

    I wrote it is probably the other way around that you need a tinfoilhat and seek a doctor for believing the global warming theories and the aliens will get you if you don’t deal with it:

    “”Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. “These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets,” the authors write.”

    I had so much fun with this. hahaha

    • hehe
      Let’s see now…
      We’ve got Ur Green Aliens
      We’ve got Ur Space Aliens
      We’ve got Ur Illegal Aliens
      Guess that’s why they call them unAlienable Rights.

  6. Al Gore IS a space alien!

  7. Much biger chance they wipe us out for spanwing these euginist scum. They would love to move to other worlds to continue thier orgy of death.

  8. I can see the drone helicopters spraying bio weapons all over the world, right after a nuclear holocaust. That world is not pretty but it’s coming to a place near you.

  9. this is sudo science…
    and it is hard to believe that still so many people around the world accept co2 global warming theory;;

  10. They laugh at the “nuts” who say 9-11 was an inside job..

    But they believe this?

    • The alarming thing to me is that it has taken this long to get our fellow Americans to begin to catch on to what we’ve been telling then lo these many years.

      But, there does seem to be an awakening of sorts beginning, folks are slow to change but if we keep up the pressure we can get them over what is a REALLY childish belief: That you can trust your government to tell you how things happened.

  11. First Nasa gets info from it’s testing which it is trying to suppress that the heat from the Earth was escaping at a much greater rate than previously understood. That infomation blew holes in the Global Warming theory, now as if reading from a pre-planned release which the NWO apparently didn’t mention cancelling, Nasa makes this bizarre statement to try to put childish fear in all of us.

    I think this release from Nasa is indicative of the mental illness, the absolute unreality that those in the NWO and those that do it’s bidding suffer from. They treat us like children, seeming unaware that we won’t notice, as if we WERE children. It is also a reason for hope, because with the increasing desperation of the NWO and it’s useful idiots theory of Global Warming being attributed to cars, man, cows, etc. instead of to the Star parked next to us, shows that they will crumble from the weight of their own psychosis. Nutty people do nutty things, and this is about the nuttiest thing I’ve seen to date.

  12. Wow. Apparently you can learn more by watching South Park than by watching what the people behind the mainstream media what you to believe. That’s sad. Is it a coincidence that Paul Krugman recently came out saying something similar about an alien false flag? Man, and people think David Icke is nuts. Yeah, right. The irony of all ironies is that the reptilians want us to believe aliens are coming, when they’re already here. I’m starting to believe that that’s actually a possibility, when all of this crap is so out of whack.

    • I heard Krugman say it on CNN, too. He said something like, “…but if there were some kind of event, I dunno, maybe an alien invasion…it would certainly get this economy moving.” I’m paraphrasing, but just go Google Krugman and see what he said. It’s like it was scripted or something

      RON PAUL 2012

  13. Right on time! Just like I had heard 10 years ago that when the terror war runs out of steam then they will bring in the alien invasion. I would doubt that they are probably some kind of genetically modified humanoid. They have had over 50 years, probably longer to figure out how to make one.
    Just like it was in the days of Noah, no “genetic” boarders.

    • correction “wouldn’t doubt that they are”

  14. I love Al Gore for saying this because it is the final nail in his career coffin. Thanks for throwing in the white towel, AL.

    Let’s take a poll: Who is the biggest liar in politics in the last 10 years:

    A) George Bush
    B) Al Gore
    C) Barack Obummer
    D) Hillary Clinton
    E) Ben Bernanke
    F) Donald Rums-failed
    G) Pen!s Cheney (Sorry, I meant D!ck Cheyney)

    Add your own to this category if you wish!

    A special thanks to selections A, C, F, and G for sending my unit to Iraq for 15 months in which we did nothing but CLEAN UP. Wasted tax dollars.

    On a more serious note:
    RON PAUL 2012

    Oh, btw, I believe Ron Paul’s birthday is tomorrow and someone is throwing a fund raiser for his campaign. The guy spreadin the word on this was named, “Jefferson.” Anyway, sounds like a good idea for his birthday, although we all know he won’t win the selection….sorry, election. Happy Friday!

  15. Nobody has been able to rule out fraud and psyop in terms of alleged creatures from outer space. Maybe this is because there are no creatures from outer space. Evidence can be faked, eye witness accounts can be completely incorrect, and mathematical probabilities of extraterrestrial life do not provide valid and reliable evidence to support their own hypotheses. The concept of extraterrestrial life does provide a powerful and lucrative distraction. Extraterrestrial does not only include outer space, but can also refer to other dimensions, including the unknown. There are many who readily accept the idea of creatures from outer space but deny the existence of God and His angels, including those who have fallen. What if the alleged creatures from outer space are actually demons from Hell? Sounds ridiculous? Maybe not. has some thoroughly researched information to consider.

  16. Al Gore must have recently watched that movie with Keanu Reeves. How pathetic

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