Police officer shot dead after pointing stun gun at man’s dogs

Mail Online
August 16, 2011

A police officer killed while responding to a domestic disturbance in a small eastern Pennsylvania borough had pointed a stun gun at two dogs before being shot, court records reveal.

Freemansburg police officer Robert Lasso had pointed at the attacking dogs when the homeowner pulled out a shotgun and fired the fatal blast on Thursday evening.

In police custody, the alleged gunman, 46-year-old George Hitcho Jr, said he had told Mr Lasso to get off his property and not come on unless he had a warrant, authorities said.

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275 Responses to “Police officer shot dead after pointing stun gun at man’s dogs”

  1. When the police are called for a domestic disturbance they must respond and investigate. If all is well they’ll take a report and leave. If an assault has taken place someone will be arrested. This investigation has nothing to do with violating property rights and no warrant of any kind is required. This could have been handled MUCH better by the killer–who will NOW, undoubtedly, lose his freedom for a long time to come.

    The cop-killer could have called off his dogs and communicated in a reasonable fashion, ending the whole event as peacefully as possible. If there was no disturbance the cops would have been on their way, but they cannot leave until they are reasonably sure that the occupants of the address they were called were not in danger.

    The police didn’t show up at the location by chance, they were called there. The hatred by most of the people commenting is borne of fear and ignorance. Scared and ignorant is no way to go through life.


  3. You cant just haul off and shoot a police man. Like this old boy did. They had a reason to be on his property. If this happend in Texas he would be in the same boat. Domestic disturbance gives them the right to be there. Esp if you call them. If you dont like the law change it. If I was the deputy I would have shot the dog. I love dogs but this fool was using them as a weapon. I feel bad for Bobby Lasso and his family. Sad all around

    • Go back to your hole.


  5. When I was a young man living in rural America cops were few in number, and for the most part polite. Unless you were doing something obviously wrong you really didn’t have much to worry about. Now a generation later the police force is great in number and largely a militarized organization that is on a perpetual power trip. Assault, intimidation and murder is condoned under the guise of law enforcement. The police are rarely ever found guilty of any wrong doing by the courts because to allow that to happen would lessen their power. Police are the gestapo of the power elites. Law enforcement in America is in effect a huge criminal organization the sole intent of which is to divest you of your money and then your freedom if you protest too loudly.

    We are heading for truly dire times in America. Given the recent civil unrest in England can America be far behind? I suspect we are heading for eventual civil war. My only hope is that if it comes it ends quickly with the destruction of those in power today and the establishment of a more just society.

    • sulu,………….nice post,and how very right you are. In my younger years I was concerned with crime perpetrated on me by criminals who thumbed their nose at our societies laws. Fast forward several decades latter,the criminals of that era are the least of my concern. Now I am most concerned with my safety,when I see a “Law enforcement” person approaching me,for whatever reason.

    • Dear God, please send a sign that this tripe below is a joke!
      You all wonder why you say this nation is in trouble than look in the mirror. A majority of you must have come to the conclusion that what you say means nothing, so what you say needs not be reasonable. Grow-up.
      When I first read the replies I thought I was probably logged in to a prison newspaper sight, because you sound like lifer thugs more than members of the Greatest Country on this planet.

  6. Dogs are a mans best friend not pigs.

  7. Good job get off his property!

  8. Good riddance!!! Some people act as if you should give up your rights to property just because your neighbors are scared of you.

    Most americans are communists without even knowing it.

  9. Yeah, who’s the fucking dead criminal here? The home owner is still alive and so are the dogs. I would give anything to sit on the jury for this guy and nullify. There has to be more of these to get these pricks out of our lives. They think they can just walk in even if called and commandeer the man’s home. The hell they can! All social contracts have been broken and we’re not taking it anymore!!! The gloves have come off now it’s the good fight of protecting our rights. Sorry if there is bloodshed, but listen you pricks, we were here first under the Constitution. Whatever happens from here on out is your own fucking demented creation. We’ll fight you to the end so get used to it!!!

  10. No trespassing , Violators will be shot…

    • FREEMANSBURG!!!! LOL till the cops wanna shoot your little buddy. what kind of dog anybody know?

  11. He will fry but hey, freedom is not free. Some of theses cops are not as bad as we may think (some) I am not saying I agree with what he did, Nor do I disagree It’s too early yet. I really want to Know what breed of dog did this man has, does anybody know, please share.

    • Take a stand you weenie!

    • If a cop violates the Constitution or another person rights, then that cop is BAD. If other cops don’t stop that cop from doing further harm, then those cops are BAD. I’m thinking that all cops are pretty BAD.
      BART was a great example of BAD cops. The cop who shot, the cops who did nothing. ALL BAD.

      • Shot the guy in the “BACK WHILE ,ONE COP WAS TRYING TO PUSH HIS HEAD THROUGH THE CONCRETE” Oh I mean just holding down suspect with knees pressing his head the other had his legs laid outand on them, and all the while the guy is begging him not to taser him ,that he has a daughter at home ….. Now the guy might have been in a fight or something , but the B.A.R.T. DUO, had him well under control,then they said the camera’s all quit working ,can you say CON-spiracy
        that not being bad enough they tried to get all the citizens camera’s ? CAN YOU SAY
        CON- SPIR- ACY 2 times til some got away on the damn train…And they still said that he just made a mistake, going for his taser that the guy was begging not to be shot with? Well me or you makes this mistake we get the death penalty? He got LESS THAN 2 YEARS..So I guess the moral of this is be sure you have a good dog owner handcuffed and tasered before messin with his dogs….. Time for all good cops to stand up with the people for this country because when you get rid of us GUESS WHOS LEFT ON THEIR AGENDA? To sit and watch all this and say nothing is as bad or worse than doing it ! GOD will judge you just as bad as if you had been the ones doing this stuff, turning a blind eye just dont cut it !!!!!!! The brown shirts were the first on the list….. After a few retarded folk…

  12. Whoever is in this town needs to help get a defense fund going these Cops are going to try and get this poor guy for Murder 1 and give him the death penalty for protecting his property and yes his dog is his property. Don’t let this story die or he will DIE without a fair trial YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT FOOLS!! Find witnesses if you can and get them on video because by the time this guy goes to trial the detectives will have twisted this around so bad you would think this guy was Satan himself. And if you don’t believe me go down to the courthouse in a week and read the police report they write …. I have done this and you would think you were reading Alice in wonderland or something its so ridiculous. remember the rule “They always Lie even if they don’t have to” when you look at it like that it makes it easy to see statements made with no basis in fact.

    Makes me sick i read one case where there was a Possible 50 dollar discrepancy in the books of a large apartment complex and the Detectives extrapolated from there that 2 employees had embezzled nearly 250,000 Dollars without any supporting facts on the record and charged them with Felonies. Ya that’s right 5 years easy, My parents were in the rental biz when i was a kid you could not skim a 1000.00 in that biz without everybody and the dog knowing it.

    A 12 year old could write a better load a crap than that. If you don’t believe me pick any case you see in the news with some witnesses or some solid info and then read the report by the detectives a week or two later and you will see how much trouble we are in as a country.

    • Damn right. get pulled over after 2:00 or 3 am and you are automaticly “glassy eyed and slurred speech” if it hasnt happend to you and you frequent dance clubs or bars your out late it will….. theres a graveyard shift philosophy …after midnight theres only cops and drunks on the road

      • tea, lets not forget “I smelt a strong odor of alcohol coming from the subject” routine line. These tax collectors never smell just alcohol,do they ?

    • These “Sworn Affadavetes” written out by these current crop of “Law enforcement officers” could only be discribed as,an exercise in creative writing. It is rountinely done,simply because there is no accountability,nor penalty for it,regardlees of how outrages it may latter be proven to be.

  13. This is for everyone that has replied so far. It seems as if this site has a lot of extremes. You are either for the cop or the homeowner. i love alex’s site. He is the one that opened my eyes. But you people are just as bad as the elites. your way or the highway. if you would have read the full article you would have seen that the cop was ordered by the Chief of police to SHOOT the dogs after he arrived on the scene, which tells me there was enough time for reENFORCEments to get there so the dogs were not ATTACKING. The laws on the book state that we citizens have the right to use deadly force to stop the use of excesive force. period. I live in GA and had actually had to shoot a dog to save my life. It’s not fun. I also helped pay to save the dogs life. Here in georgia we have the castle doctrine and you can shoot some one to just protect property, and dogs are in that category. I wish the cop wouldn’t have died but he followed an unlawful order and got what will happen more and more. Hell half you people on here are always saying why didn’t anyone stop the police ( even though you probably would sheep out like all the others). This is what happens when free men and women chose liberty or death over serfdom. the saying started out as The Right to Life, Liberty, and Property. i dont care how CRAZY the homeowner was, he had the right. MOLON LABE!

    • Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. but you’re right. A fool opens his mouth and utters all his mind before having the facts, thus revealing himself as a fool.

  14. Well first of call the cop was responding to a call, meaning that he was called over there. If a crime is being committed a cop can enter your property with out a search warrant. Just because someone was beating their wife, she calls 911, and he doesn’t want the cops there doesn’t mean the cops have to leave.
    The dogs complicate the situation. Well the cop was going to taze the dogs, not trying to kill them… which he could have done if they were posing a threat.

    The person who shot the cop had no ground to shoot, at all. The cop didn’t need a warrant because he was invited over, you can’t renege. People are too stupid to realize that the police can’t really do anything, all they can do is arrest you. They can’t find you guilty of anything. Attacking the police because you don’t like the laws is like attacking a greeter at walmart because you don’t like the company.

    • Yes!
      Innocent until proven guilty, BUUUUUUUT…you are GOING TO JAIL IF THEY ARREST YOU FOR A CRIME. You can argue with them, but in the end you have to present your case in court.
      Like it or not, just or not.
      Looks like this guy can get the death penalty, all because of some worthless dogs.

    • chemnate says:”The cop didn’t need a warrant because he was invited over,”
      OK you my friend are a MORON. sorry look up the story someone called case he was speeding on his street.

    • Agreed. Most on here unfortunately tar the cops with the same brush.

    • @ chemnate

      “Well first of call the cop was responding to a call, meaning that he was called over there. If a crime is being committed a cop can enter your property with out a search warrant. ”

      Can you point out where this is written in the Constitution? Last I read, private property meant just that. Private.
      Now……. Could you please define crime…. Specifically “domestic disturbance”?
      When you understand what a “domestic disturbance” is, then you will realize what “reasonable suspicion” means. When you realize what “reasonable suspicion” means, then you will realize that it’s just an excuse to destroy your rights.

      As long as THEY can bend/destroy one right, this gives them the ability to bend/destroy all rights. Look at our second amendment….. Where does it specify that we can only have semi-auto weapons? Where does it say that we can’t own fully automatic firearms with grenade launchers?
      If we are limited to what we can own (including private property) then there is already an assault on our freedoms….. our rights.

  15. There are a lot of sick buffoons here.
    The cops DO NOT NEED a warrant to come to OR enter your house if they were called about a potential crime THAT IS HAPPENING, in the case domestic violence. If there is just cause, then they can do what they want.
    The sensible, intelligent thing that Hitcho should have done was to cooperate with the cops, act calm and collected, give rational answers and then the cops probabaly would have driven away. Now he is in prison for life or he may possibly be executed.
    REAL SMART HITCHO, you psycho!
    Like I said before, I pity you who think its OK to blast anyone who comes on your property.
    You fight the cops, you LOSE!

    • baaaaaa baaaaa

    • Darien, I assume you are currently employed as a mall security guard and aspire to become a tsa groper? Yeah, gotcha… Don’t forget to set your dvr to record Your favorite law enforcement shows. Run along now…

    • Taking it in the ass from the state I see. A man’s property is his SOVEREIGN, no one, not even a PIG can.

  16. The killed the cop to protect his dogs. The NWO kills us (via the police, military and poisoning our environment) to protect their interests. What happened to the police officer was unfortunate and will surely be used against the people. However, to allow the police to act as they please is equally atrocious. This was bound to happen sooner or later. The justification by the dog owner was weak. As well, both police and citizens need to have better judgement.

    • Said it better than i could. and shorter too

  17. Everyone knows how everyone feels about their dogs. Only a stupid fool would disrespect those feelings of another who owns dogs. Especially by pointing a weapon at the dog.

  18. Can anyone imagine if Mrs Cravets had a cell phone,at her finger tips to dial 911, back in the mid 1960′s on the television series Bewitched,with Elizibeth Montgomery. For those of you who do not remember,this old lady,was the neighborhood busybody. Now in 2011,she would be known as the nieghborhood RATS ! That is if all these 911 calls were not kept secret as to who made them.

  19. Hitcho was a sicko. There’s a thin line between bravery and stupidity – he crossed it. Seems to me he just needed an excuse to kill and the dogs were his cue.

    • Precisely.
      The guy has a lengthy criminal record.
      He is a scumbag.
      He will fry in the chair and in Hell.
      Good riddance!
      By the standards given here by the tailer trash hillbillies, it would be OK to kill the kids coming to your house selling Girl Scout cookies.

    • right thats why he killed the police chief who was ther too, cause he was on a murdering spree. he may not have fit the shirt tie crowd obviously but he must have realized he fucked up and went too far. and regretted it as it happened. if he was truly a Murderous Psycho like some people are saying he would have killed the Police Chief.
      if it were me i would have teabagged him and called it a day

      • and by tebagged i mean with my nuttsac violence is never the answer. unfortunatly the boys in black use violence first and call it “defense” no word on what kind of dog it was huh?

  20. Re: “Domestic Disputes” and the Good Book.

    Husbands – love your wives and treat them as the weaker vessel.

    Wives – be obedient to your husbands.

    A far cry from what judges, social workers, police, etc., who have an agenda to destroy families promote.

    • Thanks for the post Randy. It is all about destabelizing and breaking up the American family. The money they meaning (government employees) steal from the American family is also a lucrative profit making enterprise

    • But people don’t want to do things God’s way. They think they know better.

  21. This isn’t about the relative value of the lives of two dogs compared to the life of a cop. This is about property rights.

    1. The cop did not produce a warrant.

    2. The cop ignored instructions to leave the premises.

    If these two statements are true then what followed is either America or it is not. Do Americans have property rights or do they not? Is the fourth amendment binding or is it something to be ignored?


    • The cop didn’t need a warrant. There are cases where cops can enter your house with out the need a warrant. If they are pursuing a suspect and the suspect enters your house, the cops can follow suit. If something illegal is in plain view. And for emergency situations. Since the cop was called over there for a domestic abuse, they have to follow thru. You can’t just call 911, then back down.

      • @ chemnate

        My friend, you are falling for tyranny. In our Constitution it specifies that no person can enter our private property without a warrant. THEY made new rules against us while we were sleeping. They call it “domestic violence”.

        Arizona versus Miranda………… Nuff said.

  22. Most of the time I see cops beating and tasering old and young people without any justification. This time we see the other side of the coin. I am sure there are plenty of psychopaths who do not wear a badge and uniform so if the cops think no one will ever stand up to them they are deluded. Anyone who wants to be a cop these days is has a seriously mental problem!

    • preach on brudda. i got a friend who came out the army joined the sheriffs office and said im out after 2-3 months. HE said and i quote ” YOU HAVE TO BE A SPECIAL KIND OF MUTHERFUCKER TO DO THAT JOB” and i agree. More known murders walking free ,escuzi driving black n whites with no punishment. You gotta be in the cop gang to murder with immunity.

  23. Like the old saying goes, “Don’t bring a stun gun to a gun fight.” Slightly twisted . Just another excuse to take away the guns. What losers.

    • EXACTLY my thought. Another false flag to remove firearms from citizens’ possession.

  24. Folks would make better choices I think if there was not such a thing as domestic disturbance. We isolate ourselves when government is in between. Look at the family courts, without them would not most agree men and women would reduce their bad choices.

    Either you own your property or not, the government wants it both ways, but expects the damn tax check either way, times are indeed changing. I think its time we learn to respect each other again, get rid of the courts except for the obvious crimes. And yes, don’t point anything at any member of my family including my dog.

    • Calling the cops can be a big mistake. Having control freaks assert their authority over you can result in wasteful loss of money or loss of life (death or precious years in prison). If domestic abuse was going on, the person allegedly abused should have gone out to meet the cops.

      • it wasnt domestic abuse. someone called and said he was driving fast

      • Sorry, censored1, most abuse victims don’t call for assistance because they fear payback from their abuser. Proven fact, over and over.

  25. These people who love their dogs more than people or whatever is just insane.

    A person gets a dog, is its “master”, and the poor animal is forced to “love” the owner.

    Well suppose the animal just doesn’t like the owner?

    Dogs only care about one thing : FOOD.

    They are fun to have around sometimes, but these people who “fall in love” with
    their pets really need a life.

    • You apparently have never owned a shepherd, just food? Mine mothers over my children and protects them, she guards the house at night with the kind of precision no human could match even with all his gadgets. She knows 10 mins before someone arrives, I could go on and on. My last shepherd saved my life in the Yukon, man you really have missed out. They are magical creatures and you just missed it completely.

      • Another aspect is the attachment people have to their animals. They form a bond, and to see one brutally murdered demoralizes the owner. Some have pets for protection. Some have them for companionship and pets reduce stress. Elderly live longer when they have something to care for. I’m not saying this particular cop had something like this on his mind, but there have been stories of people going crazy when someone comes in and shoots their pet. Sadly as we get further into the end times, these stories will become more and more commonplace.

      • I SECOND THAT when i was 8 i was climbing a fence that had abou 3 inches of it protuding above the cross bar like barbs “this was common to deter theives, before we nerfed the world” my foot slipped and i fell on the barb catching me right under my chin. i was at my grandparents home and they were at the neighbors house but i couldent yell because the barb was in my tounge also. within 30 seconds of squirming trying to pull myself up my grandparents german shepard came to the rescue he tried nudging me upwards but then placeed himself under me so i could pull myself pushing off him with my feet. With that Personal Protection Pros get a life. I love my dog

    • Personal protection pros? Are you what is known as a rent-a-cop/security gate operator? Oh my…

  26. The cop was vaccinated with new improved vaccine.
    The Buckshot Vaccine
    Boy that must have really stung but now the cure has been applied,
    he will never suffer an outbreak of Ignoring the Constition!

    • ok so the story is he was driving too fast so a neighbor called the cops. is that a reason for a cop to come into your backyard? 1st illegal thing lasso did trespass on a tip from a snitch neighbor. If it werent such a small town this officer would not have even been there.

    • It certainly stung more than the tazer this freak tried to use on Mr Hitcho’s family pet dog. I hope Mr Lasso went to Hell instanly ! Thanks,mtnmist for the post.

  27. Well now, the cop got the latest new vaccine. The Buckshot Vaccine
    Boy that must have stung!

  28. There arent many details here to say who deserved what. Who knows is George Hitcho Jr really said get off my property. He must of done something to have the cops called to his door step, and even at that i assume they just wanted to talk to see why they were being called to his residents.

  29. This headline should read “Police officer shot while trespassing on private property.”

    • Liberty,………….Thanks. I wil be looking forward to more of your comments pertaining to this subject matter. Brother, you and I are going to get along just fine. A “domestic disturbance” 911 call and this kid has to show up on his property,and because his best friend barks,this trespasser wants some “action” and immediatly tazers the family pet ? His attatude was,like the department taught Lasso was NEVER,EVER,under any circumstances,let a 911 call by Mrs Cravits or any other trouble making rat nieghbore go to waste.

  30. To fleshbug and other little angry men and women here:
    Do a little research on the net and you will find that Hitcho is bit of a psychopath. Evidentally the cops were summoned by a domestic violence call and LIKE IT OR NOT, they had the right to be there. IF not, maybe the scumbag Hitcho would have used his shotgun on his wife or some innocent bystander.
    No, he or YOU don’t have the right to kill anyone that passes onto your property, especially COPS who are executing their duty.
    Hey, I am one of the most vocal critics of American police, who I believe about 95% are jack-booted, mentally deranged thugs and criminals themselves. However if you and the other trailer-trash hillbillies here think it was OK to blow the cops head off for the sake of a couple of lower life forms, the dogs, you need to seek psychiatric help.
    Now, Lasso’s two young kids will have no father. Thanks to you Mr. Hitcho. You will surely get the chair.

    • PS – Try shooting a cop or any other person on your property next time they are on your land, just because they “tresspassed”.
      I would bet the deed to my house you would never see anything but prison bars for the remainder of your life, at best.

      • PS – I pity any of you who try Hitcho’s tactics!!!

      • FUCK YOU!

        • Quick, better refill your Thorazine!

    • Then you are the one who must need a wake up call. These pigs murder people for no reason in the name of justice and you have the audacity to say he needs psychiatric help. If there was no reason for those pigs to show up (even though it was alleged for domestic) and if it was valid, then that’s different. However, if not then he was very justified in shooting that pig. I would’ve shot his/her ass too tresspassing on my property for no apparent reason. Like I said, if they had a valid reason then he should receive a penalty for it because he was not justified in shooting that pig.

    • American Citizen Mr Hitcho was executing his duty,by protecting His property from a trespasser ! And when that trespasser attempted to do harm to one of his family members,that when He said enough !

      • Could possibly be the reason the communistic NWO wants to eliminate private property?

        • you have a point there you have no property rights i you live in a condo or apartment. and if your neighbor wants to harass u dont bother calling the cops its pointless they just wait for it to escalate then take everyone to jail. tru story wont go into detail

        • That is the nwo plan, to have all the slaves living on their plantation and paying rent to the master. Only an intellectual elete will own property and you and your children will be considered property as well.

    • bit of a psychopath? why cause hes got long hair and a tan like a lawn man? Oh it must be his speeding tickets or his being busted for paraphanilia. Or his dont take shit from anybody attitude? maybe its the dufflebag he had put his ammo in? or maybe he believed he lived in a place where he has rights and was exercising them only to have them violated and threatend with unreasonable force in his castle. THE COP WAS THERE CASE SOMEONE CALLED AND SAID HE WAS DRIVING FAST. I was nearly hit by an unmarked car with no lights on while my dog was taking a dump on my own property at 8:00pm when i walked over to confront the guy that could have took my life very easily that night i realized it was an undercover cop because there were multiple marked cars (obiously on a call) there already so i didnt see the reason to be flying around corners on a dark street. so what did i do? I turned the fuck around and went in my house. Now the that guy should have had someone go to his house into his backyard and electrocute his dogs. Does that make any sense to you? from your last statement it should. he shouldnt have shot the cop but having had guns loked in loaded pointed directly in my face over 10 times by the age of 25 its its not out of the question that this guy pointed the gun at him. AND at that point its self preservation. Its sad for everyone involved but truth is rights were violated and hes not a cop so he dosent get a vacation or grief counciling. he gets life in prision or death. and this officer who forgot the rule of law got his life ended because he was showing his force and was met with equal force.

    • “trailer trash hillbillies”

      You clearly are prejudiced against people of rural American descent. But don’t worry, there are many like you with the same bias on this website, must be from some socialist country where nobody can own guns.

    • @ Darien

      “Evident(al)ly the cops were summoned by a domestic violence call and LIKE IT OR NOT, they had the right to be there.”

      Show me in the Constitution where it gives ONLY POLICE the right to be in your house if they are called in on a crime.

      Domestic violence can be anything and it’s just the reason to get you to fall for tyranny. Pretty soon THEY will be able to come into your house (by making it legal in your eyes) when THEY confiscate weapons.


  31. Another out of control cop and hopefully this will be a hard lesson. But, the homeowner was within his rights. Remember to fight for your rights.

    • Amen! brother!!!

  32. That’s the 2nd amendment for you. Cop wanted in, was willing to kill dogs and shoot whoever, and homeowner was willing to kill anyone trying to subjugate his rights on his property.

  33. I guess the dude meant b’ness !!!

  34. What alternative do the people have when things like this happen? Are we to just stand there and let them shoot our dogs as they barge into our house without just cause? If you take a passive seat, you better hope the case doesn’t make media attention, or you can expect them to invent a justification for the raid.

    In the unlikely event that you do prove a case against the cops, you’ll still be left with dead dogs, a traumatized family, and possibly a few guns missing – while the officers who did the deed will be kicking back and enjoying a paid vacation.

    IMO, this kind of thing will start happening far more often as people simply start saying ‘no’ to tyranny.

  35. Very sad. Couldn’t that homeowner see it was a stun gun? It sounds like the cop wasn’t even inside the house. The loss of probably a very good man, and his death may be used to limit gun rights or property rights.

    • I don’t think you can dismiss it as ‘just a stun-gun’. Stun guns can be quite lethal, even to fully grown adult humans. Granted stun gun fatalities are rare, but they certainly do happen.

      Because of this potential lethality if anybody pointed a stun gun at a family member of mine, I would respond as if they were holding a lethal weapon.

      (Also, consider the fact that the average sized dog weighs a fraction of what an average-sized human weighs. The effect it would have on a dog would be closer to the effect it would have on a human child. Stun-guns can be quite lethal for dogs.)

      • We don’t know the full story but if someone was in distress inside that’s like a call for help or invitation inside and the police may not need a warrant in that case. I don’t know if the dogs would be more vulnerable to a stun gun; they have a different electrical system too, but the homeowner does sound like a red neck wife beater as Citizen Quasar below said.

    • Was it a stun gun or was it a taser? What comes around goes around.

      But to be honest, this perp sounds like a red neck wife beater to me.

    • Tell me something……. If tasers are not lethal weapons, then why, when you take a taser from a cop and shoot him with it, do they charge you with “assault with a deadly weapon”?

      • They can be but it’s much less likely, but this isn’t a scenario where the cops busted in without a warrant looking for drugs. It sounds like it was suspected that someone inside may have been in imminent danger.

        • So then………. Imminent danger allows a police officer to violate other’s rights? A bad deed to stop a bad deed based on suspicion?
          Without knowing the full story there is no way that we can truly judge the event. But based on the article, responding to a call of domestic violence does not allow ANYONE to enter someone’s private property, shoot their dog with a stun-gun/taser (which would be considered a deadly weapon if one attacked a law enforcement officer) and make any kind of arrest.
          If we agree with the domestic violence law, then we might as well agree with the no gun law…… and the tax the air law…… Those make just as much sense.

  36. STOP the VIOLENCE!!! OMG. A man was killed over some dogs? Maybe they were barking loud. Maybe policeman was called out because loud dogs were bothering neighbors. I’m sorry but that is a nuisance and you don’t have right to be a nuisance to your neighbors. Despite what Alex Jones you don’t have a right to use deadly force while on your own property. You have a right to use proportional force only. A taser does not equal a shotgun, and it was the dogs threatened not the man. You all keep promoting these fantasies and your police state control grid will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    • If some sadistic asshole told me I had to make a choice, to save the life of a human stranger, or my dog, I would save the stranger. Because, yes, human life is worth more than that of a dog.

      On the other hand, if a stranger was attacking my dog for no reason, the answer changes. In that situation, some asshole is attacking my dog for no reason, and I’m not just going to let my dog die for no reason.

      Ethically, it’s not a simple question of whose life is worth more – it’s also who was on the side of justice.

      • you say it’s not a question of whose life is worth more, yet you claim you’d save the life of a stranger over YOUR dog?

    • The homeowner owns the dogs. All the cop had to do was ask the homeowner to muzzle his dogs. Simple thing, people are complaining, please get the dogs to settle down. No this cop takes out a weapon…which for all intents and purposes will kill these dogs, tazers have kiled lots of people, it’s cruel and unusual punishment BEFORE ANY ASSERTION OF PROBABLE CAUSE BY A MAGISTRATE AS MANDATED BY THE CONSTITUTION. This in turn causes the owner to contemplate this same cruel and unusual punishment without the benefit of probable cause. this cop could have stayed in his car and used his loudspeaker to ask the homeowner to please settle his animals…Didn’t happen…Cause and effect…

      • The cops were called to investigate a DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE, not barking dogs.
        I don’t know where you and the other cop haters are from or what education you have, but the cops were fully within the confines of the law to be on Hitcho’s property, saying that was the reason.

        • Tell your buddies to stop shooting, beating up, bullying and harassing law abiding citizens and we’ll stop the hating.

        • Within the confines of the law? As police departments nationwide continue to militarize since 911, your average officer has needlessly taken on the persona and appearance of a swat team member. Some no longer feel confined to the law and now make their own law as they see fit. Just as hitlers ss during the buildup prior to WW2, history now repeats itself with this national security state turning inward to attack all those who are not cop. Remember, in this new paradigm if you are not cop you are little people.

        • Also fully within the confines of the law to shoot dogs dead when they run towards the door that you just busted down………SICK COWARD!!!!!!!!!

        • I present to you……the fourth amendment:

          “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

          Yep…….looks like they need a warrant.

    • If the guy had no warrant he should have left the property. Warrants are for your safety and theirs. They need to prove they are officers and on official business or stay out. What you must realize is that criminals can inpersonate officers and they can BE officers.

      If someone can’t prove they are on your property for a legitimate reason, then they take a serious risk. Some folks have lived or been part of neighborhoods with gangs, mafioso, theives, con-men and the like. Once you see certain things you don’t take chances. When you see a man killed with a baseball bat, and the cops watch the culprits run, or see other cops plant drugs and arrest young adults, or a rapist impersonate an officer, or a priest get caught for trying to take a hit out on a child he molested before they testify, you too might assume that anyone that can’t state their name and business and prove it, is hostile.

      It may be over reacting, it may be PTSD, it may be unjust, but some people don’t take chances that the guy about to get the guard dog isn’t going to rape them, or kill them, or rob them etc.

      I know a guy that shot an intruder that had a rapsheet of theft convictions. It was on night vision camera. The guy had his hands in his pockets but was harmless, but there was a chance he was armed and intended to rob and kill. The resident didn’t feel comfortable taking that chance and killed him. He probably would do the same today, because he lives in a bad neighborhood and those things happen in the real world.

      • The cop did not need a warrant, Mr. Law Genius.
        Your statements as well as most others prove how ignorant the American public is.
        If you want to act like Hitcho, go ahead. See where it gets ya’!

        • Yes a warrant is required if you follow the law. The ‘law’ circumventing this is a sickening way of sending officers in without being equipped. If they can’t prove they are officers on legitimate business, they point a gun at you, you defend yourself with deadly force if you want to live.

          Read hockie’s post below. It was always the law until they decided to tell officers to violate people’s space, knowing it will invite violence. I have friends who have killed defending their property and regardless of lawless trash that think it matters if it’s a bear, a gangster, or a policeman, you have a right to defend yourself even if the court ignores that right. If I think the guy’s not a cop, but has a gun, it doesn’t matter if someone said I’m eating newborn babies the guy had better prove he’s legit.


          If you think your life is in danger and have proof that you had good reason to feel that way, then you CAN legally defend life, home, and family with deadly force whether justified in the end or not.

        • You meant to say “act like Lasso”,did you not ?

    • Agree. Some dog owners are very selfish and think just because they “love” their dog, we should too. I have some lady behind me who lets here dog bark whenever it wants, as long as it wants. I have sent 2 letters to her and the damn things still bark.
      To kill a cop (or anybody) over a damn dog is ridiculous.

    • YOU ARE A SICK FUCK!!!!!!
      Clearly you have never owned a dog before. For instance, when someone knocks on your door the dogs in your home will hear it and run towards the door barking………….how is that turned into a reason for shooting the dogs? SICK COWARD!!!!

  37. “I don’t need no f****** warrant.” Bang. Resident is shot dead through the forehead. Keep up with what is going down. Only psychopaths and ex-military mass-murderers would become cops nowadays. And don’t forget about their bosses on City Council who for years have gone along with warrantless arrests, hard entries, and allowing immunity for cops who murder innocents and witnesses.

  38. This man is a hero, and I believe the only injustice here is that he is stuck behind bars.



  40. Goes something like this, if one has been accosted, that individual should have made out a written affidavit [complaint]. Then the Judge would issues a warrant for arrest.
    Like the common law constitution says.
    The four dictates for a warrant, search/arrest to be issued;
    1. Probable cause
    2. supported by Oath or affirmation
    3. describing the place to be searched
    4. person or things to be seized


    (1) Be signed (not stamped) by a judge of jurisdiction.
    (2) The signature must be legible.
    (3) The judge must print his/her name under the signature. It must be printed not typed.
    (4) The warrant must be imprinted with the court seal.
    (5) The warrant must state the areas to be searched and the item or items that are being sought.
    (6) The warrant is to be accompanied by two signed affidavits giving reasons for the search.
    (7) The warrant must be presented and the person or persons allowed to read said warrant.
    (8) If any of the above conditions are not complied with the search should not take place. If the search is conducted it is an illegal search and the officers conducting the search are subject to legal action.
    (9) If a search is conducted any item(s) that are removed must be listed. A copy of the “listing document” is to be provided to the “resident” and or the owner of the premises.

    It is the same in all state constitutions; the thing is ‘They’ do not operate under the common law but statutory administrative agency law.
    You are presume to be a 14th amendment slave not a freeman, very simple until we as Citizen put the Private Corporation better know as XX Police Departments in their place,You will be ran over.

    Yes it is sad for any man to be killed out of ignorance. These guys are not above the law but ignorance have given them so-called immunity which can be thrown off if you know the law if there was really NO CRIME.

    The common law was indeed followed. The Officer was warned and fail to heed the warnings, just like citizens who are killed everyday with impunity by a RUN AWAY SYSTEM.

    One has a common law right for self defense as stated here in the Pennsylvania constitution DECLARATION OF RIGHTS

    Section 1. Inherent Rights of Mankind
    All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness.

    Dogs are private property not pets folks only in their licensing schemes for revenue.

    I do believe we will witness more contact as the boys in black have a total disregard for Our Rights, we ani’t no slave jack.

    The home owner should have ‘NO TREPASS” signs displayed on his property, not No Trespassing later is statutory a can be ignored by ‘government’ employees or agents. The former is common law a means business up to and including death.You have been Noticed!

    Yet I guess it is okay to stomp someone’s face in, kill them and get a paid [vacation] leave with don’t do that again or mommy will give you a time out, with pay. This must stop.

    Any wrong doing does need to be punished but it needs to go both ways and it hasn’t, murder is murder badge or no badge.

    “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
    Charles de Montesquieu

  41. I think you are all missing the most important part of all of this.

    ‘He tried to kill my dogs and pointed a gun in my face”

    After the home owner asked to see a warrant, and told the officer to leave because he did not have one the officer pointed a gun in his face. Sounds to me like the man was defending himself. It does not take a brain surgeon to understand that he would have had to point the gun in the homeowners face before he was shot and killed.

    And the incompetence of the captain is barely imaginable. “Shoot the dogs” What the heck? The dogs have nothing to do with the “domestic dispute” and the officers were told to leave the property.

    I hope this man gets a really good lawyer.


    • No, this is sad tragic.
      Moronic cops take fraudulent oaths of offices, and then act like retarded gangbangers.
      The cop who died, did not have to die because of his extreme lack of intelligence.

      • it was just a consequence of his ignorance.

  43. well first i’ll say i’m a dog owner….and our dogs are like our children because my wife and i can’t have kids….so needless to say our dogs are part of the family and i also would kill if someone wanted to harm them cops need to realize this or ignore it to their own fault…..i just hope a member of the family go’s and gets these dogs….because the way this went down they will surely put these dogs down i fear….and what a shame everyone lose’s on this one…

    and was the dog’s really attacking…or were they barking to protect their home from a stranger?…a dog don’t know if its a cop or a mugger….they just know Danger danger a stranger is here…

    as the nation awakens and rubs the sleep from their eyes about all the evil thats going on against them..i fear you will see more of this..

    • Hope the dogs are going to be taken care of and not euthenized by an animal shelter. Sounds like the canines were just doing their job…

    • That’s how I feel about cows …

      • Well, milk cows at least…

  44. I am sorry the cop got shot,But he pulled a weapon I am sure the Dog owner was simply trying to protect his animal and I am sure the dog was only trying to protect his owner.But dog owners also need to keep up their animals and respect those that live around you…

  45. If you’re going to be teaching about responsible firearms use, might as well get a grant from the NRA. nrafoundation.org/grants/statefund.asp

    • Your username is an article by itself

    • Sweet…a run-on user name.

      • I thought it was a story for a second.

  46. This would not have happened if the police understood the constitution. So sad these kids will grow up without a daddy. Pleased as punch the dogs are ok )

    • Cop probably understood the constitution but IGNORED it, thinking he is invincible and all powerful!!? Many of the cops have a big EGO!!!

      • Very true

    • The dogs sounded like they were the cause of this.

      • You sound like a real DICK.

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2 Responses to “Police officer shot dead after pointing stun gun at man’s dogs”

  1. trentzane says:

    when its your daughter being assaulted…then all of a sudden its ok for the cops to come to the rescue.if the cop showed up at the right moment and prevented someone,perhaps,even a child from being killed then the cop is a hero.if 2 dogs are about to be tasered by the cop who was called to the scene and the dog owner shot the cop…then all of a sudden its a violation of property rights.you cant have it both ways…the cop was called to the location,if not investigate,whats he supposed to do?sit at the curb and wait for the criminal to surrender hahaha ur a fuckin idiot

  2. FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda Chris Roubis says:

    Suck shit to the Cop for pointing a weapon to shoot at the man’s dog. I would of done the same. My pets are my children.

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