Radiation Experts: Tokyo May Have to Be Evacuated

Al Jazeera
Sept 19, 2011

At least one billion becquerels a day of radiation continue to leak from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant after the March earthquake and tsunami.

Experts say that the total amount of radiation leaked will exceed amounts released from Chernobyl, making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in history.

Al Jazeera’s Steve Chao reports from the Japanese capital of Tokyo.

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77 Responses to “Radiation Experts: Tokyo May Have to Be Evacuated”

  1. Do you know how dangerous Plutonium is! Do you know the results of Fukushima’s leakage? It’s going to pollute the entire planet do astronomical damage to Food crops water people’s lives!

    Mankind cannot be trusted with nuclear power if any one plant in the world is vulnerable! Japan with it’s over 50 plants are all vulnerable as Japan rests on a shelf that can shift any moment causing serious damage to the other plants that are not modernized, not that this would help, because Japan is in serious danger all the time by water inundation and earth quakes!

    Mankind and their dependence on Nuclear power must get rid of plants that are vulnerable and not allow them to operate at all in the world especially in places like Japan otherwise it doesn’t matter if US. plants are clean and safe if a few more in Japan are vulnerable as they could pollute the entire world and kill everything in sight!

  2. Radiation is the globalists tool of choice for the hard kill .. We knew they would let this crisis
    work its magic.. and all the Nuclear Power Plants which they have built on fault lines. as well
    as the smart meters they are installing by stealth.. Turns out these smart meters give out bursts
    of hard core radiation through out the day.. YouTube Death by smart meter.. its a mind scrambler..

  3. The real story is the former, disgraced Prime Minister, a lacky of the Green Mafia, asked some “experts” for a worse case scenario. Pay me enought, and I’ll drawe up a scenario where Asia has to evacuated.

    Can’t you get it into your heads the there is absolutely no alternative to Nuclear power. (BTW, if nuclear power had been properly developed there would never had been a Fukushima, the old plants would have been replaced with newer and safer models, 20 years ago. When you ban the Modal As the world will drive the model Ts forever, won’t they?)

    None of the nuclear power “renewable alternatives” actually work (excepting hydropower, and of course, the damn greens don’t want any damn dams). The life cycle cost of solar or wind power is greater than the energy that they can produce in their life, if you do proper engineering. Solar power is usually costed out as if the sun shines 24 by 365 days a year at the intensity of high noon at summer solstice, with no breakage, dust, snow, clouds, etc, etc.

    So then, what is the alternative? Especially 100m years from now? Or don’t you believe that counts. The founders of America though it meant something re: “and for our posterity”

    Also, you do realize that there have been no deaths from the Fukushima accident, but about 30,000 from the earthquake, tsunami.

    • Wait a minute! You down play Solar as if it’s not viable in one or two sentences! There have been plans to farm solar for all the needs of Europe by going to the Sahara setting up huge Solar sites enough to supply all the energy needs of Europe by sending the electricity by special new high tech cables under the Mediterranean Sea! It’s viable and just needs to be done!

  4. For those who do not know what to think, I can only say, take a free tour of any Nuclear plant in the U.S. and see the neatest and cleanest and best run plants in the world. Nuclear workers take pride in bringing the safest systems on Earth to so many unsuspecting folks. Ignorance is no excuse for people to remain that way and you should all go to a free tour sometime. All you have to do is call ahead for a time of your life. Stop making accusations and be a part of the solution. It is all of our problem including the elite.

  5. The Fukushima Catastrophe is the direct result of criminal negligence and irresponsibility in the military-industrial US Naval mis design of nuclear weapons grade fuel sources that can also produce electricity. (military plutonium producing uranium-fission boiling water reactors)


    The criminal negligence is in the defective designs that:

    A) involve dangerously vertically suspended “hanging-rod” fuel sources that must be covered with circulated and externally inter-cooled cooling water at all times (and especially when withdrawn upwards to shallow depths to “shut down” the reactor) or will melt. Should the upper, most shallow part of the suspended fuel tube melt it will fall back “on” into the moderator core below, and it’s fuel pellets will all come out-loose as well!

    B) Stupidly and criminally require externally produced electricity from other remote and unreliable sources to waste the free heat in stored fuel rods as wasted thermal pollution into the environment in order to dangerously and irresponsibly store them.

    A nuclear battery used in all deep space probes and by the Soviets for light houses in/since the ’50s uses a simple passive “thermocouple” like the one on the pilot light in your old furnace or water heater to DIRECTLY and PASSIVELY generate FREE ELECTRICITY directly from free heat, All nuclear fuel racks must be made of electrical thermocouple metals so that the immense free resource of thousands of megawatts of stored fuel heat actually runs it’s own cooling-pool’s stupid cooling water pumps (and even more for the “reactor shutdown” cooling nearby)

    Fukushima was the result of criminal negligence and criminal irresponsibility in design and regulation oversight.

    • There is no intelligent excuse whatsoever for dangerously “requiring” nor dangerously depending upon externally produced electrical energy to waste free heat energy as pollution into the environment!


      • Those who fail to learn from history are all doomed – to repeat it.

  6. testing

  7. Think for yourself, how can the allegedly “worst in history” disaster have a death toll of zero? How can alleged “most dangerous substances on earth” (plutonium) show now adverse health effects after 30 years?

    Answer: this is all B.S., it’s fearmongering by Big Oil that wants to shut down nuclear power, which is its main competitor in the power plant market. The less nuclear power, the more natural gas sales for Big Oil.

    Alex Jones has fallen for “scientists” who work for professional, organized, well funded (by Big Oil) environmental organizations, that have fought against nuclear power since the days of Jimmy Carter, and the days of Three Mile Island (“more people died in the backseat of Ted Kennedy’s car”).

    Think for yourself: why would you evacuate an area when the contaminant can’t be seen and can only be detected with radiometers? What is supposed to be so dangerous about it? Why is it that “health mines” (former uranium mines), hot springs (contain radioactive Cesium) and other natural radioactivity (bananas, rocks, space rays, etc.) is never mentioned in comparison with scary “terabequerel” numbers?

    Fact is, radiation is in general NOT AT ALL THAT DANGEROUS, most radiation/contamination is NO MORE CARCINOGENIC THAN SECOND HAND CIGARETTE SMOKE. The only difference from cigarette smoke is that this is not “new”, it’s something we understand and a devil we know. Environmental organizations, partly out of their romantic environmentalism, partly due to their funding by Big Oil for this very purpose, have opposed nuclear power since the beginning. Since new coal is no longer politically possible (someone tell that to Alex Jones), the REAL fight now is between Big Oil’s natural gas and nuclear power. Nuclear power has the potential to preserve some of our prosperity through cheaper energy prices. The alternative is wind/solar which doesn’t work and has natural gas “shadow” power plants that provide the electricity 2/3 of the time. The energy cost of this combination will be huge and has ALREADY bankrupted Spain and Italy.

    If you, like me, are sick and tired of the new “green” “health nanny state” Alex Jones, and want an alternative every now and then, visit depletedcranium.com

    • You are either totally ignorant of scientific facts on the dangers of nuclear radiation and nuclear power or you are a liar that get’s his pay check from the nuclear industry lobby.
      Go and live near Fukushima and lets see what you look like after a three month radiation therapy you fucking idiot!

      • Show me the evidence of someone who actually has died from radiation and has had adverse health effects!

        Hint 1: scientists paid by professional anti-nuclear organizations such as Greenpeace, the Union of Concerned Scientists, are not unbiased scientists

        Hint 2: gameplay from the game “STALKER” which shows the Chernobyl exclusion zone full of zombies, is no proof either

        Hint 3: scientific data, that claims a 100% increase in rates of a special type of cancer, that previously killed 0.00000001% of the population, to 0.00000002% is deceptive and green propaganda

        Interviews with people from towns near Fukushima showed that most of them wanted to stay. Political pressure forced the Japanese government to evacuate it for no good reason. Generally the closer you get to the actual site, the bigger the support for nuclear power, because it’s all a hoax. There are farmers who stayed in the Chernobyl exclusion zone and lived there since it happened – to this day, in good health, while living off the (allegedly poisonous) land there. One woman even lived to the age 100 years. It’s all a lie.

        • http : //listverse.com/2010/03/25/10-famous-incidences-of-death-by-radiation/

          http : //www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/03/the-chernobyl-disaster-25-years-ago/100033/

          you do not die instantly from radiation….
          big oil MAY want nuclear power out. this doesn’t change the fact that radiation IS NOT healty. in 10/20 years, Fukushima prefecture will be the new chernobyl with all kind of physically f*cked up people (children – teens)

    • well he has a point. this article’s source is ‘Al Jazeera’ who is about as trustworthy as…as…Fox News.

    • Man, are you serious?
      Obviously you know little about radiation and the types of radiation and it effects on anything living.
      If you think loading up on more radiation won’t hurt you go ahead and indulge.
      Nuclear radiation is most harmful to children.
      Nuclear radiation is a lnvisble tasteless silent slow killer.
      Nuclear radiation is ionnizing whereas microwave is not.
      Nuclear radiation is harder to pinpoint when someone comes down with a critical illness in the future. Which makes it a great population reducer that leaves few tracks.
      I don’t know where you got your facts but you are headed in the wrong direction. You best study up on nuclear radition hazards before mouthing off that not all radiaton is dagerous because you DO NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • You can repeat a few factoids, but understand nothing. Radiation certainly has its dangers, the question is “How do we make use of it to move human kind forward?” The proper analogy is fire. Fire is dangerous, but powerful, and man is capable of being its master. Nuclear fire is a new challenge, but of the same type as man faced millions of years ago with fire.

        Mankind meet that challenge, similar species that did not are known as dead apes.

        I for one want mankind to have a future, not to be a dusty folder in God’s archives stamped, “FAILED.”

    • Pure Nonsense. There have been millions of deaths from radioisotope exposure, long before the criminal’s Alamogordo tests and long since. Madame Curie herself was killed by it.

    • To even claim that nuclear is safe is akin to saying fire won’t burn you. Utterly ridiculous.

      I would challenge you to come up with one single instance where nuclear energy is “cheaper.”

      And of course no where do you mention a solution to the nuclear waste. Of perhaps you’ll tell use now that the DU poisoning troops are suffering isn’t real either.

      If you don’t believe radiation is bad for you, may I suggest you move to Fukushima, you should be able to live there for free. Not for long, but for free.

    • Slurp your fluoride

    • Looks like we have us a volunteer to see if in fact 1/1000000 of a gram of plutonium can kill a person. It has been determined that one gram of Uranium has the same potential energy as 2000 tons of coal. Pu239 has only one heavy particle more than U238. But, it takes a whole lot of energy to keep the heavy particles in the nucleus of the atom. The trick is to let the atoms decay in an environment that is away from life forms. And since Uranium and Plutonium (trace amounts) have been locked in the earth away from life forms for billions of years, we don’t know what will ultimately become of us. There has never been mass exposure to this stuff (as far as I know). During ww1 they used whatever toxins they could find against each other. Hard to believe they didn’t use some U238 in oxide form as well. Let’s just pray we survive this horrible tragedy.

  8. This is sooo sad! What have they done to our beautiful planet these assholes! “Oh nuclear power is completly safe! And it is the cleanest energy of all. ” You damn foolish fricken liars and irresponsable bastards. May God damn those responsable to hell!

    • Revelation 11:17 and 11:18

      “…and destroy them that destroy the earth!”

    • Nuclear waste is the greatest and most deadly, dangerous, destructive permanent killer-filth ever devised in all of recorded human history

    • There had been some effort (Soviet Tokomak etc) to produce peaceful and safe nuclear FUSION reactors that produce no waste , but such systems were shunned by established Judeo-christianist religious-socialist Tory/Likudnik ZioNAZI military-industrial fascists who prefer the criminal weapons of mass destruction grade producing primitive FISSION garbage-reactors so that they can impose their criminal-hate fascist tribal mafia cultisms upon the globe by criminal violence

  9. Man I would like to get that Japanese woman and her kid out of there.

    • I know…I know…

  10. Let’s get something straight. All this fear mongering about the possibility of runnaway nukes in this country is just that, fear mongering. I work on Nukes and I’ve helped build many of them in my 40 plus years in my trade. Our Power plants in the United States are completely safe. They have multiple safeguards in place that make them practically accident proof. At least as far as a possible melt down scenario. Get off this kick about all this Nuclear holocaust and focus on the Fukushima cause and effects and who did it for sure. Demand a full accounting on this and you will see that I am right. Alex, You need to bone up and take a tour through one of our Nukes sometime before you blow off about them. I’m tired of this misinformation. Got it?

    • How much does the CIA pay you for your blogging comments?

      • How do we know you aren’t in the employ of the CIA…?

      • God only knows.

    • Why didn’t Fukushima’s safe guards work?
      Good. You see then.


      • Simple answer…let me make it even simpler for you…especially you…

        I VERY BIG wave smashed the machinery… basic failsafes kicked in at first…but were then overwhelmed with the BIG wave…i.e. WATER

        • The plant was in a known Tsunami hazard area. The company warned, in a safety audit two years prior to this event) that Tsunami safety had to be addressed. No serious action was taken in order to save money. The plant was built too low and too close to the shoreline. Reactors in India in 2002, built on higher ground, did not meltdown after an equally devastating Tsunami. This what happens when a country borrows too much of itself, and can’t afford to fix things up. These details were reported on world cable media channels like Russia Today and Al Jazeera, but coverage has probably not been so clear in the traditional media. All media is subject to an agenda, so its best to take information from a mix of sources. You’ll be wiser and smarter in making the comparison, and a much more interesting individual, but get over personal bias first. An open-mind is always a good thing. But to the indignant commie-bashers, well Russia is trying to be like the west now. Help them along. The problems we learn from today are the one’s they’ll have tomorrow.

        • TEPCO’s own internal documents state the containment, of the reactors and fuel pools, failed because of the earthquake, not the tsunami. The IAEA also agreed, meltdown been immediately, not because the tsunami knock out the backup generators. The generators could not circulate water, for the rods to stay cool if the containment could not hold water. What they didn’t agree upon is how the plutonium was ejected in the explosions… TEPCO states it was the pools that exploded at the number three reactor. The IAEA says it was the reactor that blew up and expelled the plutonium. You would think they could agee on that.

    • Why would you spend your life creating things that could wipe our your own species?

      • out*

    • In a word (or 2), radioactive waste. Q: How long is nuclear waste from power plants toxic?

      A: 10,000 years.

      Q: And what do they do with it?

      A: Bury it!

      That’s longer than all of recorded human history. That’s a nuclear holocaust right there! Got it?!

    • @ chiefosage You are a bragging ignorant fool who has his eyes shut to the reality of nuclear power and the fact that it is the most dangerous deadly threat for humnity apart of a nuclear war.
      Do we need a culear meltdown in America before arrogant deniers like you will admit that nuclear power is not safe? Because of presumptious idiots like you millions of people will be dying from cancer and other radiation related diseases. From Chernobyl alone more than six million people are affected and about half of them will die eventually. One million people alread are dead from radiation in Russia. I hope you live next to a nuclear power plant and I hope it will be the first to have a meltdown. You arrogant twit!

      • For your information, the IAEA has precedence over the Fukusima disaster and nickle and dime worms like you have no idea of the complexities of the Nuclear Industry. I see now how very easy it is for the elite to fool the world with easy ones like yourself. Take a lesson and do your own research before someone stomps you for running your mouth. Of course I know you would not dare say anything to my face now would you?

      • If it weren’t for the Nuclear Industry, worms like you would still be picking their noses by candle light. Grow up and watch the big boys do their stuff. Just shut up!!!!!!!!!

      • More pomp than circumstance, Pompus ass more accurately.

    • A fuel-rod storage pool full of thousands of megawatts of FREE HEAT producing dangerous and hazardous irradiated fuel pellet containing rods is a GIGANTIC FREE ELECTRICITY producing resource all by itself. Rod sleeves and rod racks are supposed to be electrical thermocouples so that each rod serves as a nuclear battery.

      Your garbage is criminally irresponsibly designed and your vaunted so called-redundant “external electrical cooling pump power source technology” to run a STUPID WATER PUMP to waste heat as thermal pollution is criminal.

      Your garbage is not fail safe and that is the result of lax corrupt oversight and regulation and criminal negligence and abject technological incompetence.

      • Now that was a real exercise in futility. What a joke. People, just be aware of the fact that there are people who have the knowhow to take care of the problem and you all need to just take a back seat for now. The one’s who think they know but don’t, just stick a apple in your mouth and be good for a while. It is being covered and that is that.

  11. They burned down Japan on purpose. I wonder who is next?

    • No ‘they’ didn’t

    • If it wasn’t Russia, it was us. HAARP isn’t a theory, it’s a fact.

  12. Meanwhile, back in reality…

    the average radiation dose here in Tokyo is lower than the global average.. dose now is – 0.127 µSv/h

    Talk about sensationalist hype!! I used to have a little respect for Al Jazeera…

    radiation sickness?!?! No-one I know of is suffering from it. Don’t think if children were coming down with radiation sickness it would be on national news here?!??!

    Oh sorry…I forgot…the NWO an’ all that!

    • Wow you truly beleive that i feel bad for you we r all on the same page not attaccking the information but understanding it if you dont beleive it dont be here plain and simple id love to kick you right in the nuts for being a dumbass

      • Are you saying I’m telling lies about the radiation levels here in Tokyo.

        Go hunting for them… the Internet is a wonderful source of misinformation / information.

        • You are a liar..shut the F. up!

    • That’s the problem with the media and this site in particular!! Alex makes TONS of money off of over hyping everything that has ever happened to scare people. Where I’m from it’s called fear mongering. There is not one topic on this site that’s not over hyped. I know alot of peoPle are going to talk shit cause just like Alex they have no fucking cluewhat there talking about. I’ve been in Japan for the last 2 and a half months and have seen no people sick from radiation… so if you haven’t been there and your commenting than basically your an idiot like your Pops Alex Jones.

      • I’ve been in Japan for the past 15 years…and haven’t seen anyone sick from radiation.

        I haven’t visited the center of the troubles at the moment…and I haven’t met anyone from Hiroshima or Nagasaki…yet

        • Go stand naked at Fukushima and report back to us.

        • WHy would I want to do that…stupid suggestion!!

          Did I say the nucelar plant was safe? No I don’t think I did!!

          My comments are about Tokyo.

        • Wait until you are coughing blood and then report back to us. “Still no radiation in Tokyo.!” Can’t you see how stupid you are?

        • It’s been reported that Tokyo has been hit with yellow rain. It takes only 6 days for the Fukushima radioactive clouds to travel to the West Coast of the U.S.! Oregon, Washington, Vancouver Island British Columbia have extremely high elevations of radiation from Fukushima.. Northern California was hit hard also,
          but recordings are significantly being measured high…down to San Diego Northern Mexico. The Milk in the Northwest is tainted today for 100′s of years to come. The fisheries in the NW waters off the coast of Fukushima are contaminated heavily with radiation threaten the Northern hemisphere.
          12 tons of fuel rods in each of the six reactors, 4 on fission meltdown, One kilo is enought to kill every human on earth. Japaneese Gov. moving to Okinawa.
          Mum is the word with mainstraim media.

      • I thought it was over 100 tons per reactor core. Not sure how much of that is Plutonium.

    • You are out of your mind with radiation sickness. Go seek help fast.

      Indianapolis recorded 133% above back-ground radiation in recent rainwater. Case Western Reserve University recorded similar findings in, Cleveland, Ohio.

      How close is Tokyo to Cleveland, OH?

      I thought so.


      • People clearly are in denial. But they are doing everyone a disservice by plyaing down the dangers. I mean this is HUGE! Wake up people and demand a world wide shutdown of nuclear power plants!

  13. THIS IS NOT ON CNN! Wonder why. Infowars is the ONLY real news network. You guys deserve a nationwide channel, not those plastic bums.

  14. Japan is a highly racist nation that never accepts immigrants and only accepts a few token refugees.
    I don’t begrudge them that and I wish the US was more like them in that respect, and that we tried to keep this nation as the founders intended demographically.

    But now the question is, why should we take them as refugees when they never took any refugees themselves?

    Screw the Japanese, let them stay in their radiation.

    Why should we reward a nation of people who screwed up their own nest?

    • Because they are human and our brothers and its the right thing to do.
      You’d think a christian would know that.

      • Amen!

      • I’m not a christian. So your religious “morality” isn’t mine.

        Further Japanese people are not my brother. My brother is my mother and fathers other son.

    • Have you ever been to Japan?

      Highly racist?!?! Enlighten us oh wise one with your experience…

      • Japan is not diverse. They never bring in any refugees. I don’t blame them for that as I wrote above.

        But if you never receive a refugee, when you become a refugee yourself, don’t expect to be received.

        Sounds logical to normal people, doesn’t it?

        • They are diverse.

          Koreans, Chinese, American, British, various European nationals, Indians, Brazilians….

          Nothing liek as diverse as the US….but that don’t make them racists!!

        • like

        • You are an arrogant idiot Mr.crouton!

    • @ mrcrouton I have been to Japan and have Japanese friends. They are the most educated, intelligent, polite and friendly people in all of Asia.
      And they are well within their rights to keep their beautiful country to themselves. You think the whole world should be a multicultural nightmare like the United States? Is it working for the US? I don’t think so.
      To call them highly racist is an insult they don’t deserve. They are aware of their ethnic identity and their culture while being highly appreciative of other cultures (for example the European culture) Many Japanese love classical music and are great musicians. Many love European literature and are far more educated than the average American.
      I have the utmost respect for this intelligent, industrious and disciplined people who have worked themselves to the top of the nations after the abyss of the second world war.
      They don’t deserve such a fate that they are facing now. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Illuminati Zionists have something to do with triggering this earthquake and causing the nuclear disaster. God knows. But if it is true I hope the guilty will be brougth to justice one day.
      I wish in Europe we wouldn’t let all these million of blacks and arabs and Muslims into our society because they form ghettos that become crime ridden violent No Go zones like many black and hispanic neighborhoods in America. It is a HUGE problem and I’m sure it was intended to be one by the Zionist globalist scum!
      In the end this evil Cabal will be destroyed I’m sure but the suffering they will have caused until then will be unimaganable! Folks THIS IS “Ordo ab Chao” The highest Illuminati doctrine of achieving global dictatorial governance. It is the 33 degree masonic creed “Order out of Chaos”. They are a devil worshipping gang of murderers and thieves and liars. And I pray that they will soon be destroyed forever!

      • I agree with you. And nothing is wrong with harboring racist thoughts. Also in homogenous nations it is more difficult to be racist, since everyone is like yourself.

        But now the question is, why should we take them as refugees when they never took any refugees themselves?

        As for deserving their fate. They absolutely deserve their fate. They played with nuclear fire and now they’re burned. Now they can use the technology they love so much to fix it!

        Too bad. Let them stew in the radiation, much of which is being dumped on my country right now.

        I think we should set up a fund of the money we owe the japanese, and use those funds to compensate Americans who suffer from Japanese fallout.

      • People don’t pay any attention to this foolish mouth of fear. He has no idea what a measurement of radiation is or what is acceptable for the public. This thing in Fukushima is bad ok and like I have said before, it needs to be dealt with soon. I have forgotten more about the Nuclear Industry than this fool will ever know. I have worked countless nuclear shutdowns in radioactivity that would make this idiot tremble with fear. But, what we need to see is a crackdown on protocols that take limits off of privitizing on Nuclear power. The whole thing needs a close look by independant source and then private companies can’t cut corners on maintenance of their plants. Now lets go to work and get it done.

        • Agreed that it should not be privatized. How can the industry make whole all of the world after something like this? Kinda like the stock market and big pharma. When people buy into the thing they want to see it succeed. And when something goes wrong they tend to look the other way and count their profits. Sorta like investing the company that makes guillotines. Sooner or later some heads are gonna roll.

  15. Wonder if the expert lives in the affected area.

  16. Get those people out of there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Close off northern Japan for 100 years!! Damn it!!!!!


    • That won’t do any good because 100 years from now, we will all be living (dying) on planet Fukushima whether Japan is inhabited or not.

      • You are right on. Food will become contaminated as it already has become in the Northwest of the U.S, VAncouver B.C. Hawaii has been hit hard. Real estate in the Southern hemisphere seems appealing, but eventually the whole planet will feel the pain of this catastrophy. What do ya do? Head South save our genetics family or
        hang in there watch human radiated DNA change us all permanently?

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