Posts Tagged ‘have’

Steve Jobs might have killed himself

An apple a day could have kept the doctor away for Steve Jobs. That’s what a Harvard Medical School cancer researcher says in a new report that suggests the tech wizard’s knack for unconventional treatment could have caused his death. In a new report published in the Silicon Valley journal Quora, Dr Ramzi Amri writes […]

Interfaith Service – Caring for Those Who Have Born the Battle

A photo taken during the 3rd annual Interfaith Service of Remembrance at the Providence VA Medical Center This is the third annual Interfaith Service of Remembrance; as always, it was very well attended by families, Veterans, and VA Staff. The Providence VA Medical Center’s Chaplain Service is the total program of spiritual and pastoral care […]

Feds: States Have No Rights

  Chuck Baldwin October 13, 2011 In a recent column appearing on, Kurt Nimmo succinctly and correctly pointed out that the federal government’s usurpation of State sovereignty, jurisdiction, and authority is worsening. The current case in point is the recent open letter to all firearms dealers by the ATF. Nimmo begins, “In its […]

Jazzy O’s death could have been ‘sex play gone wrong’: police

Click to play video Return to video Video feedback Thank you. Your feedback was successfully sent. More video Recommended Click to play video Cardiologist testifies Murray was grossly negligent Click to play video The Roast: customs strike leaves borders open to terrorist fruit Click to play video Oil soaked seal comes ashore Click to play […]

Earphones may have distracted girl hit by train

A 15-year-old schoolgirl hit and killed by a train may have been oblivious to onlookers’ warning screams because she was wearing earphones. About 15 witnesses at the level crossing and on the platforms at Ginifer station in Melbourne’s north watched as the girl ran out in front of a city-bound V/Line train on Monday morning. […]

I should have released info sooner: Newman

AAP Queensland’s would-be premier Campbell Newman says he regrets waiting so long to release his financial affairs after more than a month of pressure. The Liberal National Party (LNP) leader has been refusing to fully disclose his financial interests since early September. The pressure intensified over the past month with revelations of companies he and […]

Girl killed by train may not have heard warning screams

A 15-year-old schoolgirl hit and killed by a train may have been oblivious to onlookers’ warning screams because she was wearing earphones. About 15 witnesses at the level crossing and on the platforms at Ginifer station in Melbourne’s north watched as the girl ran out in front of a city-bound V/Line train this morning. They […]

Clubs have less to lose on pokies betting trial

Playing it down … chief executive of Clubs Australia, Anthony Ball. LICENSED clubs have offered public support for a trial of compulsory betting controls for poker machines after fresh evidence emerged suggesting the clubs have exaggerated likely financial losses caused by the proposed measures. After months of trenchant opposition to the prospect of mandatory measures, […]

China Fires Back At US Senate Which May Have Just Started The Sino-US Currency Wars

Zero Hedge Oct 4, 2011 A few hours ago, the maniac simians at the Senate finally did it and fired the first round in the great US-China currency war, after they took aim at one of China’s core economic policies, voting to move forward with a bill designed to press Beijing to let its currency […]

First it was Julia, now satirists have their sights set on David

British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha would be satirised in the series. Source: AFP THE producers of the controversial sitcom At Home with Julia hope to make a UK version. British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha would be satirised in the series. At Home with Julia provoked outrage with […]

Buffett Says European Bank(s) Have Asked Him For Money

Zero Hedge Oct 1, 2011 While Buffett hemmed and hewed in his usual populist rhetoric, discussing how multi-billionaires can afford to be generous with other people’s tax rates, all of it completely unremarkable and highly hypocritical, the Octogenarian did release, whether by accident or on purpose, something quite critical, namely that European banks have approached him […]

Nazi Expert: ‘I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s’

  Before its News September 30, 2011 “The biggest revelation is an authenticated secret German document which lists Hitler as one of the passengers evacuated by plane from Austria to Barcelona on April 26, 1945.” Although official history contends Hitler committed suicide with his newlywed wife, Eva Braun, on April, 30 1945 and their corpses […]

John McCain Claims Al Qaeda Thugs Have “Inspired the World”

Arizona senator touches down in Tripoli for celebratory stroll through ruined nation. Tony Cartalucci Sept 30, 2011 As Libya’s rebels, under the cover of NATO, verifiably exterminate entire cities [1], cut off others from essential supplies including water to intentionally create humanitarian disasters to “starve cities into submission [2],” John McCain, an avid supporter of […]

Feds: Medical Marijuana Patients Have No Right to Second Amendment

  Kurt Nimmo September 28, 2011 ATF letter sent to gun dealers. In its continuing effort to pare down the number of Americans who can exercise their rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has sent a letter to firearms dealers informing them that medical […]

Iran Contra Redux: Have the Drug Cartels Staked Out Your Town Yet?

How the Game Has Changed On the Mexican Border   By Mike Harris   As if things could not get any stranger or more dangerous on the once quiet and peaceful Mexican Border. It was not that long ago when the border was a quiet peaceful frontier; that is no longer the situation. On September […]

Libyan Islamists must have share in power, warns leader

  Ian BlackThe Guardian September 27, 2011 Libya’s Islamist groups “will not allow” secular politicians to exclude or marginalise them in the intensifying battle for power in the post-Gaddafi era, the country’s most powerful Islamist leader has said. Abdel Hakim Belhaj, head of the Tripoli Military Council and founder of a jihadi group that was […]

Ron Paul: 8000 Americans Have Died In These Wars That Are Illegal!

Freedom Watch Sept 27, 2011 Judge Napolitano speaks with Ron Paul under the shadow of the national debt clock. Print this page. Comment Rules 24 Responses to “Ron Paul: 8000 Americans Have Died In These Wars That Are Illegal!” Ron Paul: 8000 Americans Have Died In These Wars That Are Illegal! ———————————————————————————- Damn right! That […]

Bodyguards Have to Taste Tony Blair’s Food in NYC Restaurant

  Richard EdenTelegraph September 26, 2011 With his old friend Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in hiding and his Egyptian holiday host, Hosni Mubarak, on trial, Tony Blair could be forgiven for taking no chances with his own fate. At a Michelin-starred restaurant where the former prime minister dined last week, dark-suited men who appeared to be […]

Life Doesn’t Have To Be Hell For Military Veterans

by Ed Mattson   I received an email from a veteran last night regarding post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Though it didn’t go into much detail, the writer indicated he was motivated to write because he read my article titled, “The road out of PTSD hell” from the first week in September. He said it […]

Magpie may have blinded boy in eye

Updated: 21:36, Thursday September 22, 2011 Parents of a four-year-old boy at risk of losing sight in one eye have spoken of their horror at the attack and say they want the bird killed. ‘(I) dropped everything. Ran to the hospital. No words can explain how you felt,’ the boy’s father Chris McInnes told the […]

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