Republican Voters Are Losing Their Appetite For War

Ron Paul’s anti-war message resonates more than ever before

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, August 18, 2011

As presidential candidate Ron Paul builds his campaign around an anti-war message of bringing the troops home from conflicts that the United States can no longer afford to pay for, polls show that Americans, and particularly Republicans, are losing their appetite for war.


“Voter confidence about the short-term course of the war in Afghanistan has fallen to its lowest level in nearly two years, while confidence about the direction in Iraq over the next six months has dropped to the lowest point in almost five years of surveying,” according to Rasmussen.

Only 15 per cent of of likely U.S. Voters think the situation in Afghanistan will improve over the next six months, while more voters than ever before – 59 per cent – now want an immediate troop withdrawal or a firm timetable to be set for ending the occupation. Republicans are more pessimistic than Democrats about the future course of operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

The 59 per cent figure represents a significant swing from less than two years ago in September 2009, when just 39 per cent wanted the troops pulled out of Afghanistan.

Crucially, a slim majority of Republicans now want the troops brought home from Afghanistan, 43 per cent to 42 per cent. Wars launched during the administration of George W. Bush have now become Obama’s wars. Indeed, there are more troops deployed under Obama than there were at any time under Bush.

In addition, support for continued military action in Libya hit a new low this week, with just 20 per cent approving the United States’ role in toppling Colonel Gaddafi through their support of Al-Qaeda linked rebels. 52 per cent oppose military action, with the rest not sure, marking the first time a majority of Americans have opposed military intervention in the North African country.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

A mere 13 per cent of Republicans support the campaign in Libya, again emphasizing how Ron Paul’s anti-war message is resonating better than ever before amongst the electorate who will choose a Republican candidate to challenge Obama next year.

Given this sentiment, it’s not surprising that Ron Paul has received more money in donations from active duty military personnel than all of the other Republican candidates combined and more than Barack Obama himself.

As the U.S. economy continues to crumble while crippling unemployment and rising poverty shows no sign of abating, Americans are finally starting to understand that wars of conquest only ever serve to enrich the ruling political class and never financially benefit the country itself.

The fact that the United States can no longer afford to support its sprawling empire is painfully clear, and yet Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who will make any effort to bring the troops home. Indeed, almost every other candidate has expressed their intention to commit American to yet another war by threatening to strike Iran, a country that is surrounded by nuclear-armed enemies in the region and has no hope of ever posing a serious threat to the United States even if it wanted to.

The fact that Americans are losing their appetite for war at a quickening pace as we approach 2012 makes the choice between Barack Obama – a many who has aggressively expanded the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive warfare – and a gaggle of Republican candidates who have all sworn to continue identical policies – a wasted vote.

Only Ron Paul can guarantee that U.S. troops will be brought home from the meat grinders in Iraq and Afghanistan and that America will not spend a dime more on NATO-led conquests dressed up as “humanitarian” interventions in places like Libya and Syria.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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48 Responses to “Republican Voters Are Losing Their Appetite For War”

  1. Ron Paul has received more money in donations from active duty military personnel. Because the military wants to sit home collecting their taxpayer welfare checks.

  2. warmongers GOP 2012 presidential candidates (except: Ron Paul)

  3. The “status quo” REPUBLICANS are scrambling to try and find someone who they can give their 100% backing to. Since Rick Perry has some flip-flop issues, and it’s clear to see he has a BIG MOUTH, they are scrambling now to get Paul Ryan to run. But, they are underestimating the surging in anger going on amongst literally everyone I speak to now. But, what really worries me the most with the stock market so down today——–is the world elites plotting another mass murder in L.A. or some other place. I worry about my relatives who live in a big city. I worry about them doing a false flag to get either Obummer OR a status quo Republican in office. This is how desperate they are becoming.

    But, one thing they are not taking into account is the blowback that is happening. Many of their actions are being questioned by the masses. Many are doubting everything from the Banking Bailouts to the Stimulus crap to the Debt crap to the war crap. Once we, the masses, have become suspicious, they better NOT be thinking about doing anything nefarious, because LAST I CHECKED, they can’t go to the MOON.

  4. WW I —Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)
    WW I I—Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat)
    Korea—-Harry S. Truman (Democrat)
    Viet Nam—John F kennedy (Democrat)
    Somalia—Bill Clinton (Democrat)
    Kosovo—Bill Clinton (Democrat)
    Iraq I—George H.W. Bush (Republican)
    Afghanistan—George W. Bush (Republican)
    Iraq I I—George W. Bush (Republican)
    Libya—Barack H. Obama (Democrat)

  5. The menu for this war we are in was printed by the neo-cons under Baby Bush.

    The appetizer for this war was served in New York City in 2001 and cooked-up by the neo-cons under Baby Bush.

    The main course was shoved down the throats of Americans – Patriot Act with Rice and Beans. Again a neo-con dish under baby Bush.

    We went all over the Middle East ordering a-la-carte.

    Now we are getting our just desserts.

  6. The NeoCons are the worst of the worst in that they corrupt millions of good people thru fake patriotism. At least the mainline Left is direct in their filth and slime, the mainline Right hides it thru deception. As someone who broke that yoke of that brand of the Repub party, it is difficult to even stomach any passing words from the likes of Limbo, Fox, McCain, Santorum etc.

    Limbo says that RP is going to destroy the Repub party?! It has been destroyed for 50+ years when they became Reactionaries to FDR. Eisenhower was the last good and true Repub president. Limbo for 10 years said that the left is on the run, while the country was destroyed under Bush and the ‘cons. The Repub party used to the be the party of Lincoln: Protectionism, Industrialization and the productive economy.

    Now it is some perverted form of servant to globalist companies and big finance and is a shill for the Zionist lobby, even though the Jewish vote is nearly as Democratic as the black vote! Think about it, Republican, derived from Republic by Lincoln, ala the Constitution and the American System.

    • One more thought, say there are 12 million jewish ppl worldwide, our 3 billion “on the books” in Foreign Aid to Israel equates to $250 per every jew in the world; by comparison the domestic “stimulus” of ’07 put like $300 in every US tax payer’s pocket and that was considered significant?!

      • Yes, and there has been talk in DC on removing Izrael (and other countries) from getting foreign aid BUT…placing the aid to Izrael under the budget of the Pentagon. This way Izrael can still get aid.


  8. True republicans would follow the Constitution our founding fathers created and there would be no standing army. To think there are any real dems or republicans is crazy, those ideas existed 200 years ago and people would think Lady Gaga could be the next republican president in this backwards culture.

    • I shouldn’t slander Gaga, she is probably more sane than the rest of these people, in fact likley a byproduct of these people.

      • Go to the Vigilant Citizen website and look into Lady Gaga. She’s one of “them”.

        • She-demon actually got my sheep sister to wake up for 1.5 seconds. This is a true story, I do not lie. I told my sister how she was going to have the disected dead humans on her stage, and I told her how I looked up the pictures and almost puked, and my sheep sister goes THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK. YES SIS! BREAK YOUR CONDITIONING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  9. The only time war is necessary is when you are defending yourself from another country coming over and invading you. Anything else is obviously a needless war. How could any president get involved with any war when they didn’t do anything to us?

    • The only war we should be fighting is on the Southern Border. Bring the boys home, defend the homeland; keep about 1/2 of the present budget for Technological research, as it spins off into other industries.

      We could not be invaded from abroad, as any significant troop movements would be sitting ducks on the endless oceans. The only threat is from ICBMs, which in theory could be defended by space interceptors, which are undoubtedly developed.

  10. It is simply not true that the Republican voters ever had an appetite for war.

    Grow up.

    • but it is true that the majority of Americans no matter who they are, are usually warmongers. Just ten years of it and being told you ran up all your credit cards to kill third world people living in caves will mak people act like they want death and destruction to stop so they can still get a “good” Mc DOnalds meat by-product burger.

      • I completely disagree. It is a very small percentage of Americans who could reasonably be labeled “warmongers”.

  11. Everyone has lost their appetite for war. Endless loss of life and financed with borrowed money all for what? What are we as a nation getting out of it cause it sure isn’t freedom?

    Did you know that a coup d’etat started in 2008 with the presidential election?

    Obama is the acting president. He disappeared for 2 weeks after his election win only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. Obama was turned into a puppet for the Pentagon.

    Osama Bin Laden appears to be a code created by the New World Order. The NWO consists of some of the richest people in the world with the goal of overthrowing the US government, some from inside our own government. They are also trying to collapse our currency and appear to be behind all of the “buy gold” hype, not to mention tens of thousands of money making opportunities online and late night infomercials. They’re positioned to make billions by destroying our economy.

    The attacks on 9/11 appear to be attacks on capitalism and part of the plan to an all out overthrow of our system of government. The people that make up the New World Order are media moguls, CEO’s and many others elitists. The coup d’etat is also the reason why the CEOs who ran in the last midterm didn’t get elected and why the republicans are taking over.

    You will not read about this in the media. Most of the media now has been forced to cooperate or have been paid to cooperate.

    Learn what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. Search ElectNoMoreSpys.blogspot

  12. There’s been a anti war appetite around longer than rp has been around.


  14. There should be no “appetite” for war to begin with.
    Fools… all of them.

  15. My congressman voted against war legislation in Libya but voted for other pro-war Libya bills but only mentioned voting against war in Libya in his newsletter. He voted against striking perpetual war legislation from the defense bill.

  16. Ron Paul interview with Mike Church.

    Why does Paul say that al Qaeda wants to come here and kill us? Interesting. And the whole interview is interesting.


    • Al-CIA-duh does want to kill us. I thought everybody knew that.

      • That is not the ‘al Qaeda’ R. Paul was referring to. And I highly doubt R Paul would say that al Qaeda is a construct and instead claims al Qaeda consists of people that are angry with the Western Power’s foreign policies and are just reacting.

      • Persons in the Middle East have been concerned / angry at the United States for decades..and for many many good factual reasons. What the phantom of al Qaeda does also is, it is a shell. And this shell can be used to conatin anybody or any elements that one wants to fit into it, that does not go with the agenda. If people in the Mid East, South America, Asia do not want to be a part of it, and they organize and resist….then they are called terrorists, insurgents, extremists, and thugs too.

        I dont believe that the attacks of 9/11/2001 were carried out by this al Qaeda that was angry at the United States. I believe it was planned carried out by elements of the United States / Zion / Saudi Arabia.


      In addition, the U.S. has a fetish for rigging elections so that paid off foreign agents will get into office, then bankrolling the opposition to threaten and overthrow anyone who doesn’t want to play their rotten mafia game.

      If you’re referring to the Sen. Lindsay Graham quote then that is the same neo-con/Reaganesque warmongering.




  18. Obama is a TRAITOR and is eligible for IMPEACHMENT
    RON PAUL 2012!

    • Actually, he’s eligible for a court martial and firing squad.

  19. Ok this may be a hokey way to put it and quite geeky but for those of you who ever watched the original Star trek you will remember this quote from Commander Kang “Only a fool fights in a burning house”. Well right now Americas house is on fire we do need to pay attention to our own problems and bringing home the troops is just the start. We have to bring home the jobs too! I think it is possible to do so but I believe Every American will have to make sacrifices Rich people will have to accept much higher taxes, middle class will have to accept lower wages as well realestate values will plummet even further banks will fail especially the too big to fail banks. That is not a bad thing. America has become a bloated cesspool of greed and corruption and it is time to strip away the varnish and doo a bit of sanding, restoration is needed. I believe Ron Paul can be that proverbial Paint scraper. Think about this one folks NONE of the Wars we are involved in were approved by congress. They were all preseidential orders. It only takes one man to call the troops home. Something Obama said he would do and lied about. Perhaps President Paul will make the tuff choices for our Grandchildrens sake. I can only Pray that he will continue to stick to his guns as he has the past thrity years.

  20. The shame of it is if the Wee Pub Leak Cans choose someone other than Ron Paul, and elect a Ranger Rick , or a Newt World Odor they will quickly leap back on duh War Wagon.

    Yet the real shame is on duh Demonic Rats who believed duh Chicago Gangsta wuz gonna really bring the troops home, and yet you are still buying his Buddha Sheep and you have sold your anti war beliefs for a bowl of beans, and a vial of heroin.

    It’s beyond time the U.S. Military packs up it’s trash, and goes home. Opium profits may keep your Mutual Funds up on paper for a while longer, yet in times like these storing up on non perishable goods like toilet paper makes more cents than stickin’ with Wall Street Paper Investments.

    It’s clear dat Owe Bah Ma ain’t gonna stop duh Poppie Bush Wars and the Military is putting their money on Ron Paul to restore the Constitution that they swore an oath to preserve, and protect from all enemies including foreigners in Duh White House!

    It’s time to repeal this ObamaNation!!!

    A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
    Ecclesisates 3:8

  21. It doesn’t matter anymore what the voters think of the Wars over there or what new President get’s in! They are cut out of the loop and won’t be able to stop ongoing operations!

    The US. soldiers are a paid military and not required to join by force!

    So this independent type of warfare is ongoing and continuos so say the Nwo!

    They want to get the Middle east sorted out capture all the oil

    and particularly give Israel all the lands captured!

    • There is no liaison between the US. military shawdow government it’s wars overseas and the Amerikan government period now! They are locked out! This Beastial government of the US. Israeli led military is truly independent of the US. now! They do as they please with Amerikan taxes to pay their way! They are a god unto themselves, so men like Ron Paul even if they get in cannot do a thing to get through to change things the way he wants it!

  22. If they at any time actually had “an appetite for war”, why would you care about any opinions they hold currently?

    • right-wing christian zionists will never lose their appetitie for war. it’s part of their faith, more important than country or themselves. to abandon any of the wars is to abandon Israel and to abandon Israel is to incur the wrath of God. our people are enslaved by religion or money and half of them will never rise above it.

      • Sounds like you’ve been brainwashed by the left.

  23. These wars are without victory like a long lonely highway that never ends.
    So no one in their right mind is going to put up with this for too long, but the over lords has a plan to create new jobs opportunity for everyone.
    Once we are all become so poor many will sign up to be a SOLDier just to put food in ones mouth and he/she will become fodder for the canons. How nice the globalist plan out these things to help in population reduction while enriching their bank accout.

    • The financial system has been designed to keep economic power in the hands of the few and everybody else in a state of dependency. But, judging from the lack of criticism of this system, the slaves are all for it.

  24. of course!
    since 911, we’ve seen iraq, agh’tan, libya, pakistan. syria is in the crosshairs.. iran is constantly being goaded/threatened… .

    • …and of course, the REAL kicker is, the guys carrying out these massacres are THE ONES WHO DID 911!!!

  25. It must not be easy for the US to be the Worlds Super Army.

    In the NWO scheme of things..regardless of how tired people become of WAR, it appears the US will continue “policing of the world” under the United Nations!

  26. What’s with those fickle Republicans and Zionsit warmongers who got us ont these wars? They haphazardly start two wars, and we haven’t even won yet. And those losers are not signing up to fight in the military, and have remained mum on the issue. Have you seen that simpering William Kristol lately?

    We need to write a new law where only select Neocons are drafted (no age or health limit), and then after we give them bows and arrows, we parachute them into Afghanistan and Iraq so they can win those wars they started.

    Only losers start wars they can’t win.

    Thee Zionist warmongers should be sent to the gallows for treason.

  27. Godspeed Ron Paul! Yes you can!

  28. Neo-cons like warmongering as a bear likes honey – it’s number 1 in their playbook. One war after the other. One destroyed country after another. After being water carriers for the con artists in the stolen land they call israel, they love destruction to follow a fabricated story so they can feel like the bloodthirsty beasts they are. Bankrupt America? No problem! American zionists behind the war racketeering? No problem! Dead soldiers AND foreigners? It’s worth it! No problem! No proof for going there in the first place? No problem! Foxnews says the word “terrorist” and we crap our pants! No problem! Besides, the government/media would never LIE to us! John Hagee tells us so!

    Another new con from the neo-con bozos. “Neo”New Con indeed.

    • Blame the British Zionist Rothschild monarchial oligarchy. The British financial and military industrial empire needs to die. They are behind almost every war on the planet. America has been enslaved by them to be a dog on the leash of it’s masters. Now the tale is wagging the dog. A humiliation and insult to every American constitutionalist and patriot.
      America, you need to identify your true enemy. The “fifth column” inside.

      • Excellent dissertations, right on man. The British model of Oligarchy dominating the world thru colonization and in-fighting and enslavement has devastated the world for 400 years. The examples are endless, from Marx to Lennin to Pearl Harbor/Churchill etc etc.

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