Romney: I do support the Federal Reserve… auditing the Fed

Mitt Romney Questioned on FED, Goldman Sachs, Luke Rudkowski kicked out

Luke Rudkowski
We Are Change
January 11, 2012

Mitt Romney staffers became uneasy and kicked out Luke after the horror of an independent journalist asking an anointed GOP candidate a real question during an election rally. Meanwhile, Romney now claims that he does support the Federal Reserve- that is, auditing the Fed- contradicting previous statements and side-stepping his heavy-backing from Goldman Sachs and other top Wall Street banks. Or was he just politicking?

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55 Responses to “Romney: I do support the Federal Reserve… auditing the Fed”

  1. Have a extra time and internet connection, You are skilled in research?
    Earn some on online easy work, read more here…. LazyCash10.c o m

  2. Hey guys I don’t want to be a troll nor intend to be but I think statistically Mitt Romney is going to win it because Ron Paul (mind I say the best candidate on the ticket) is caught in an establishment crossfire and as long as people like John Huntsman, Gingrich and Santorum are still in the race then statistically it is nearly impossible to fight the ‘dumbed down- media blitzed train’ of people who hardly read books or research their candidates. I think the only way to get Ron Paul to win would be to have a massive grass roots Iwo Jima style campaign with guns blazing and simple facts of why other candidates are not credible besides Ron Paul. I really hope that he does win SC but his presentation needs to change (not the message) in the south to show that he is a southerner, if you know what I mean???

    • While this may be true, it also hurts Romney. Any vote steered away from RP or Romney will ultimately hurt the establishment candidate the same. As it stands, this interference is creating a tighter race between RP and Romney. No surprise… all establishment plans eventually backfire. But be prepared for RP to be a distant runner up in SC. Much easier for the powers that be to control the vote there. The only good thing is there’s a whole bunch of preppers and constitutionalists in that state, so maybe RP will draw more than 3 or 4% this time around.

  3. This jack ass Rommney is from Michigan. He tried to run for Michigan State Governor. Hell, even the people in my own State don’t want him. He is a complete screw up looking for a place and time to happen. PEOPLE, DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS IDIOT. That is the best advice we the people of Michigan can give anyone.

  4. Forward this post everywhere and Romeny and Huntsman will fall like Newt and Perry.

    MITT ROMNEY HURT U.S. = 777 in multiples of 3
    JON HUNTSMANS AN EVIL MAN = 777 in multiples of 3
    RON PAUL WOULD HELP USA = 777 in multiples of 3 reverse order
    RON PAUL HEALS THE U.S. GOV = 777 in multiples of 3
    RON PAUL MADE MANY U.S. JOBS = 777 in multiples of 3
    NEWT GINGRICH’S RACIST KKK = 777 in multiples of 3
    RICK PERRY AN ANTICHRIST = 777 in multiples of 3

    SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN TRUE = 777 in multiples of 3

    TRIPLE SEVEN IS GOD WORD = 777 in multiples of 3

    THE ALPHANUMERICS FROM YAH = 777 in multiples of 3

    YEHOVAH GOD IS VERY GREAT = 777 in multiples of 3

    YEHOVAH IS TRULY GREAT = 777 in multiples of 3

    YEHOVAH LOVES YESHUWA = 777 in multiples of 3

    YESHUWA LOVES YEHOVAH = 777 in multiples of 3

    YEHOVAH IS YESHUWA’S GOD = 777 in multiples of 3

    YESHUWA IS THE SON OF A GOD = 777 in multiples of 3

    YESHUWA IS CREATOR OF MAN = 777 in multiples of 3

    CHRISTIAN RELIGION IS GOOD = 777 in multiples of 3

    CHURCHES ARE TRAPS OF SATAN = 777 in multiples of 3

    BEING IN MILITARY IS CAIN LIKE = 777 in multiples of 3

    NATIONAL FLAGS ARE IDOLATRY = 777 in multiples of 3

    REAL SATAN IS CAIN = 777 in multiples of 3 reverse order

    A=3 B=6 C=9 D=12 E=15 F=18 and so on all the way to Z in multiples of
    3 through the alphabet

    Add these up and see…….

    Z=3 Y=6 X=9 W=12 V=15 U=18 and so on all the way to A in multiples of
    3 revere order through the alphabet

    • RON PAUL NEVER RACIST MAN = 777 in multiples of 3

      • Oh, it’s like an alpha-numeric game turned chain mail! I get it! How totally lame!
        Save the spam for lunch, dude…

  5. Another absolutely outstanding expose by WeAreChange and Luke. This was a total slam dunk Luke. Romney is not the world’s worst person, just another cog in the machine to keep the status quo reaming and raping the American people. All he cares about is his political career and grabbing the center of attention. What more can you expect from someone who comes across like a total Game Show host? Romney has no game plan except to line up contributions from the Big 6 and court the media. I did like the guy a little. Now he is nothing more the AN ALL AMERICAN MALE POLITICAL HUSTLER. As if this was not apparent already…guess it needs to be mentioned.


  6. Every politician except Ron Paul is LYING every time they open their mouth.
    Goldman Sachs doesn’t CARE what Mitt “The Gov’t Tit” Romney has to say to
    get FOOLS to VOTE for him just as they didn’t care what Obammy had to say.

    ITS ALL LIES anyhow, and WE KNOW IT.

    ROMNEY, LIKE Santorum, Huntsman, Perry, Gingrich and ALL the rest are
    The ONLY CHOICE WE HAVE to SAVE our nation is RON PAUL!

  7. Jolly Rancher !!! eat my…and fuck you !!! muah!

  8. mitt rohmney…what can a person say? hes pretty. hes shitty. hes mitty-splitty. aint it funny when the video shows him being totally back and forth on his “stealthy mitt thoughts”? he is an unfunny , no punchline joke, where he is standing smirking(cause he cant smile dammit, he is too gawddamn elite to SMILE), smirking, like he has the newest flavor of Jolly Rancher tucked into his mitt. He is a piece if ever there was one.

    • Why the Christian God is Impossible
      by Chad Docterman

      Introduction (From evil bible dot com)
      Christians consider the existence of their God to be an obvious truth that no sane man could deny. I strongly disagree with this assumption not only because evidence for the existence of this presumably ubiquitous yet invisible God is lacking, but because the very nature Christians attribute to this God is self-contradictory.

      Proving a Universal Negative
      It is taken for granted by Christians, as well as many atheists, that a universal negative cannot be proven. In this case, that universal negative is the statement that the Christian God does not exist. One would have to have omniscience, they say, in order to prove that anything does not exist. I disagree with this position, however, because omniscience is not needed in order to prove that a thing whose nature is a self-contradiction cannot, and therefore does not exist.
      I do not need a complete knowledge of the universe to prove to you that cubic spheres do not exist. Such objects have mutually-exclusive attributes which would render their existence impossible. For example, a cube, by definition, has 8 corners, while a sphere has none. These properties are completely incompatible: they cannot be held simultaneously by the same object. It is my intent to show that the supposed properties of the Christian God Yahweh, like those of a cubic sphere, are incompatible, and by so doing, to show Yahweh’s existence to be an impossibility.

      Defining YHWH
      Before we can discuss the existence of a thing, we must define it. Christians have endowed their God with all of the following attributes: He is eternal, all-powerful, and created everything. He created all the laws of nature and can change anything by an act of will. He is all-good, all-loving, and perfectly just. He is a personal God who experiences all of the emotions a human does. He is all-knowing. He sees everything past and future.
      God’s creation was originally perfect, but humans, by disobeying him, brought imperfection into the world. Humans are evil and sinful, and must suffer in this world because of their sinfulness. God gives humans the opportunity to accept forgiveness for their sin, and all who do will be rewarded with eternal bliss in heaven, but while they are on earth, they must suffer for his sake. All humans who choose not to accept this forgiveness must go to hell and be tormented for eternity.
      One Bible verse which Christians are fond of quoting says that atheists are fools. I intend to show that the above concepts of God are completely incompatible and so reveal the impossibility of all of them being true. Who is the fool? The fool is the one who believes impossible things and calls them divine mysteries.

      Perfection Seeks Even More Perfection
      What did God do during that eternity before he created everything? If God was all that existed back then, what disturbed the eternal equilibrium and compelled him to create? Was he bored? Was he lonely? God is supposed to be perfect. If something is perfect, it is complete–it needs nothing else. We humans engage in activities because we are pursuing that elusive perfection, because there is disequilibrium caused by a difference between what we are and what we want to be. If God is perfect, there can be no disequilibrium. There is nothing he needs, nothing he desires, and nothing he must or will do. A God who is perfect does nothing except exist. A perfect creator God is impossible.

      Perfection Begets Imperfection
      But, for the sake of argument, let’s continue. Let us suppose that this perfect God did create the universe. Humans were the crown of his creation, since they were created in God’s image and have the ability to make decisions. However, these humans spoiled the original perfection by choosing to disobey God.
      What!? If something is perfect, nothing imperfect can come from it. Someone once said that bad fruit cannot come from a good tree, and yet this “perfect” God created a “perfect” universe which was rendered imperfect by the “perfect” humans. The ultimate source of imperfection is God. What is perfect cannot become imperfect, so humans must have been created imperfect. What is perfect cannot create anything imperfect, so God must be imperfect to have created these imperfect humans. A perfect God who creates imperfect humans is impossible.

      The Freewill Argument
      The Christians’ objection to this argument involves freewill. They say that a being must have freewill to be happy. The omnibenevolent God did not wish to create robots, so he gave humans freewill to enable them to experience love and happiness. But the humans used this freewill to choose evil, and introduced imperfection into God’s originally perfect universe. God had no control over this decision, so the blame for our imperfect universe is on the humans, not God.
      Here is why the argument is weak. First, if God is omnipotent, then the assumption that freewill is necessary for happiness is false. If God could make it a rule that only beings with freewill may experience happiness, then he could just as easily have made it a rule that only robots may experience happiness. The latter option is clearly superior, since perfect robots will never make decisions which could render them or their creator unhappy, whereas beings with freewill could. A perfect and omnipotent God who creates beings capable of ruining their own happiness is impossible.
      Second, even if we were to allow the necessity of freewill for happiness, God could have created humans with freewill who did not have the ability to choose evil, but to choose between several good options.
      Third, God supposedly has freewill, and yet he does not make imperfect decisions. If humans are miniature images of God, our decisions should likewise be perfect. Also, the occupants of heaven, who presumably must have freewill to be happy, will never use that freewill to make imperfect decisions. Why would the originally perfect humans do differently?
      The point remains: the presence of imperfections in the universe disproves the supposed perfection of its creator.

      All-good God Knowingly Creates Future Suffering
      God is omniscient. When he created the universe, he saw the sufferings which humans would endure as a result of the sin of those original humans. He heard the screams of the damned. Surely he would have known that it would have been better for those humans to never have been born (in fact, the Bible says this very thing), and surely this all-compassionate deity would have foregone the creation of a universe destined to imperfection in which many of the humans were doomed to eternal suffering. A perfectly compassionate being who creates beings which he knows are doomed to suffer is impossible.

      Infinite Punishment for Finite Sins
      God is perfectly just, and yet he sentences the imperfect humans he created to infinite suffering in hell for finite sins. Clearly, a limited offense does not warrant unlimited punishment. God’s sentencing of the imperfect humans to an eternity in hell for a mere mortal lifetime of sin is infinitely more unjust than this punishment. The absurd injustice of this infinite punishment is even greater when we consider that the ultimate source of human imperfection is the God who created them. A perfectly just God who sentences his imperfect creation to infinite punishment for finite sins is impossible.

      Belief More Important Than Action
      Consider all of the people who live in the remote regions of the world who have never even heard the “gospel” of Jesus Christ. Consider the people who have naturally adhered to the religion of their parents and nation as they had been taught to do since birth. If we are to believe the Christians, all of these people will perish in the eternal fire for not believing in Jesus. It does not matter how just, kind, and generous they have been with their fellow humans during their lifetime: if they do not accept the gospel of Jesus, they are condemned. No just God would ever judge a man by his beliefs rather than his actions.

      Perfection’s Imperfect Revelation
      The Bible is supposedly God’s perfect Word. It contains instructions to humankind for avoiding the eternal fires of hell. How wonderful and kind of this God to provide us with this means of overcoming the problems for which he is ultimately responsible! The all-powerful God could have, by a mere act of will, eliminated all of the problems we humans must endure, but instead, in his infinite wisdom, he has opted to offer this indecipherable amalgam of books which is the Bible as a means for avoiding the hell which he has prepared for us. The perfect God has decided to reveal his wishes in this imperfect work, written in the imperfect language of imperfect man, translated, copied, interpreted, voted on, and related by imperfect man.
      No two men will ever agree what this perfect word of God is supposed to mean, since much of it is either self- contradictory, or obscured by enigmatic symbols. And yet the perfect God expects us imperfect humans to understand this paradoxical riddle using the imperfect minds with which he has equipped us. Surely the all-wise and all-powerful God would have known that it would have been better to reveal his perfect will directly to each of us, rather than to allow it to be debased and perverted by the imperfect language and botched interpretations of man.

      Contradictory Justice
      One need look to no source other than the Bible to discover its imperfections, for it contradicts itself and thus exposes its own imperfection. It contradicts itself on matters of justice, for the same just God who assures his people that sons shall not be punished for the sins of their fathers turns around and destroys an entire household for the sin of one man (he had stolen some of Yahweh’s war loot). It was this same Yahweh who afflicted thousands of his innocent people with plague and death to punish their evil king David for taking a census (?!). It was this same Yahweh who allowed the humans to slaughter his son because the perfect Yahweh had botched his own creation. Consider how many have been stoned, burned, slaughtered, raped, and enslaved because of Yahweh’s skewed sense of justice. The blood of innocent babies is on the perfect, just, compassionate hands of Yahweh.

      Contradictory History
      The Bible contradicts itself on matters of history. A person who reads and compares the contents of the Bible will be confused about exactly who Esau’s wives were, whether Timnah was a concubine or a son, and whether Jesus’ earthly lineage is through Solomon or his brother Nathan. These are but a few of hundreds of documented historical contradictions. If the Bible cannot confirm itself in mundane earthly matters, how are we to trust it on moral and spiritual matters?

      Unfulfilled Prophecy
      The Bible misinterprets its own prophecies. Read Isaiah 7 and compare it to Matthew 1 to find but one of many misinterpreted prophecies of which Christians are either passively or willfully ignorant. The fulfillment of prophecy in the Bible is cited as proof of its divine inspiration, and yet here is but one major example of a prophecy whose intended meaning has been and continues to be twisted to support subsequent absurd and false doctrines. There are no ends to which the credulous will not go to support their feeble beliefs in the face of compelling evidence against them.
      The Bible is imperfect. It only takes one imperfection to destroy the supposed perfection of this alleged Word of God. Many have been found. A perfect God who reveals his perfect will in an imperfect book is impossible.

      The Omniscient Changes the Future
      A God who knows the future is powerless to change it. An omniscient God who is all-powerful and freewilled is impossible.

      The Omniscient is Surprised
      A God who knows everything cannot have emotions. The Bible says that God experiences all of the emotions of humans, including anger, sadness, and happiness. We humans experience emotions as a result of new knowledge. A man who had formerly been ignorant of his wife’s infidelity will experience the emotions of anger and sadness only after he has learned what had previously been hidden. In contrast, the omniscient God is ignorant of nothing. Nothing is hidden from him, nothing new may be revealed to him, so there is no gained knowledge to which he may emotively react.
      We humans experience anger and frustration when something is wrong which we cannot fix. The perfect, omnipotent God, however, can fix anything. Humans experience longing for things we lack. The perfect God lacks nothing. An omniscient, omnipotent, and perfect God who experiences emotion is impossible.

      The Conclusion of the matter
      I have offered arguments for the impossibility, and thus the non- existence, of the Christian God Yahweh. No reasonable and freethinking individual can accept the existence of a being whose nature is so contradictory as that of Yahweh, the “perfect” creator of our imperfect universe. The existence of Yahweh is as impossible as the existence of cubic spheres or invisible pink unicorns.
      Should any Christian who reads this persist in defending these impossibilities through means of “divine transcendence” and “faith,” and should any Christian continue to call me an atheist fool, I will be forced to invoke the wrath of the Invisible Pink Unicorn:
      “You are a fool for denying the existence of the IPU. You have rejected true faith and have relied on your feeble powers of human reason and thus arrogantly denied the existence of Her Divine Transcendence, and so are you condemned.”
      If such arguments are good enough for Yahweh, they are good enough for Her Invisible Pinkness.
      As for me and my house, we shall choose reality.

      • Do you think that you could STFU with all of these posts that are totally off topic? Yea, we understand, you are an atheist. You are also a person who is a major attention seeker. Maybe you could make a punching bag up with an image of Jesus on it and get your hate out that way or maybe you just need to get laid. You are looking seriously stupid. I am amazed at all the people who take the bait you set for them.

        • Well said Wells.

        • How to Activate the Constitutional Militia in Your Area

          Once you have received and read the materials that may have accompanied this document , and have decided that the constitutional militia needs to be activated in your area, there are several things for you to do:
          [] Try to find like-minded persons in your area. Ask around. Try patriotic organizations, such as the VFW and the American Legion. Sound out people at gun shows and gun stores. Ask if there is already a militia activated in your area or if anyone is considering it. Put out notices for interested persons to contact you.
          [] Form a Safety Committee. Having found a few like-minded persons, meet together, share materials, and agree to issue a militia call-up.
          [] Pick a suitable date, time, and place for the first muster. It should commemorate some historical event. Ideally, it should be in a highly visible location, within the municipal limits of a major community, and on public property.
          [] Try to have a notable speaker or stage an event that will appeal to the media. Be creative. Although the first muster will primarily be an organizing meeting, it is also a media event and should be staged that way.
          [] Publicize the muster. Post public notices in the local newspaper of record, on the courthouse public notices bulletin board, and in the newsletters of sympathetic civic groups. Mail and fax press releases to the media, especially talk radio stations. Try to get on as a guest of major talk radio programs, and call in announcements of the muster during listener call-in periods. The notices should answer the questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Send along supporting documentation.
          [] Compile patriot mailing lists. Enter them into a computer database if possible, or prepare mailing label masters for producing self-adhesive mailing labels for repeated use.
          [] Prepare draft by-laws, regulations, and guidelines. Adapt them to your local situation. Make enough copies for the number of persons you expect to attend, and try to get the documents out to them in advance to save time trying to read them at the first meeting.
          [] Mail announcements to as many people in your area as you can. The advertisements and radio broadcasts are important, but many people will also need something in their hands that they can read that will motivate them to attend. They need to come with some common understanding of what a militia is, how it can be organized, and what it might accomplish. You might include the draft by-laws and regulations in the mailing if you can afford the postage and copying costs.
          [] Invite local officials and representatives of military and law enforcement organizations to attend. Try to involve them from the outset, to reassure them and win their support.
          [] Prepare documents to be handed out at the muster. They should provide information and instruction on all the points that may be of interest and concern to the attendees. Make enough copies so that everyone can get one set, and make some extras for persons who could not attend.
          [] Conduct the muster. The first order of business will be an introductory speech, followed by adoption of by-laws, regulations, and guidelines, then the election of the commander and other officers.
          [] Give attendees an opportunity to speak. Let them voice their experiences, their feelings, their understanding of the situation, and their hopes. Build a resolve to recruit more participants, train them, and conduct more musters.
          [] Elect a Safety Committee and a Correspondence Committee. Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of participants. Pass out materials. Collect contributions toward the expenses of the muster and to pay for notices of future meetings. Agree on the date and place for the next meetings of the committees and perhaps of the next muster. Adjourn the muster.
          [] Followup publicity. Issue press releases to the media. Visit reporters and explain what you are doing, providing them with literature. Get on talk radio and television.
          [] Assist in activating the militia in neighboring counties. Encourage attendees from neighboring counties to go back and activate the militia in their own counties. Send organizing teams on a tour of the state and nation to find and motivate local leaders to do the same. Establish correspondence committees linking local militia units at all levels.
          [] Set up regular training sessions and camps. Initially, each of these may need to serve a multi- county region. Shooting ranges, especially those that can simulate combat. Tactical military training. Police training. Emergency and medical training. Survival training. Seminars on constitutional law, on jury powers and duties, on investigation of official and corporate corruption and abuse, and on reform measures.
          [] Set up an alert system. Establish and exercise a telephone tree. If feasible, set up neighborhood sirens or other sonic alert signals. Establish alternative communications networks, such as amateur radio, line-of-sight comm links, visual signals, and couriers. Establish links to the broadcast media, and contingency systems in the event that the media are shut down.
          [] Either publish a newsletter or use an existing one. Sometimes several counties can combine their efforts in a regional newsletter. Maintain a steady flow of information and guidance to supporters.
          [] Get on the Internet. Share information and plans with others across the country and around the world. Pass on the information to people not on the Internet through newsletters and handouts.
          [] Recruit officials and civic leaders. Make sure all of them are informed of what you are trying to do, and make sure you know where each of them stands. Insist on strict construction of U.S. and State constitutions according to the original intent of the Framers, and make sure they know what that means. Line up both the high officials and rank and file of law enforcement and military organizations. Identify supportive judges and lawyers. Work to defeat opponents and replace them with supporters.
          [] Set up regular booths at public events. Gun shows, fairs, conventions, political rallies.
          [] Operate a speakers’ bureau. Get your best speakers to speak before civic and other groups at every opportunity.
          [] Do some fun things. Parties, picnics, and other events for the entire family.
          [] Enforce the law. Investigate official and corporate corruption. Infiltrate corrupted agencies. Recruit whistle-blowers. Protect witnesses, investigators, and their evidence. Get grand juries to bring indictments. Expose wrongdoing. Concentrate on vote fraud, corrupt judges and law enforcement officers, and other offenses that would not ordinarily receive official attention or that are being covered up.
          [] Secure entire areas against attack. Make it infeasible for criminals of any kind to attack people in certain defensible areas, which can serve as safe havens for larger areas. Establish defensive perimeters around persons or organizations that might be particularly subject to attack. And establish mobility and secure communications in the event area security cannot be maintained.
          [] Roll back unconstitutional legislation. Work on legislators. Pursue cases in court. Get rid of abusive officials. Go after the special interests that are the ultimate source of corruption and reduce their power.
          Soon, Sooner than you can imagine, We Will Not Get This Opportunity. The New Law Allows For The Military To Detain,Imprison Indefinitely,And Yes Even Make Americans Disappear!
          Don’t Think About Yourselves, But Think Of Your Children And Grand-Children’s Future!

        • That copy and paste shows where you are coming from…The Land of Angst. I have seen that post too many times already. Way too many times just like yours.

      • Stop using your stupid spam to “comment” on this website. All you do is show how much of a fool you are with your anti-Bible God-hating propaganda. Get a life!

      • @Ex-Christian…People here are starting to see right through your little game.You constantly spam the blogs on here to throw the conversations out of whack and push the bloggers comments down to the bottom.The argument you present through your copied and pasted comments is for nobody here but yourself.Your goal is not to “wake up” people on this site to what you percieve God and religion to be,but to distract people from continuing their conversations with hopes that they will make no leeway in their discussions as you contine to “throw a wrench” in the spokes.
        BTW, I’m quite cirtain that you and Inglorious Bastard are working together to spam this site as I’ve clearly noticed that you both continually spam in unison. Get a Life! We know you work for the government! Now go lick the boots of the masters who give you your pacheck like good NWO bitches,you pathetic traitors!

      • @Ex-Christian…People here are starting to see right through your little game.You constantly spam the blogs on here to throw the conversations out of whack and push the bloggers comments down to the bottom.The argument you present through your copied and pasted comments is for nobody here but yourself.Your goal is not to “wake up” people on this site to what you percieve God and religion to be,but to distract people from continuing their conversations with hopes that they will make no leeway in their discussions as you contine to “throw a wrench” in the spokes.
        BTW, I’m quite cirtain that you and Inglorious Bastard are working together to spam this site as I’ve clearly noticed that you both continually spam in unison. Get a Life! We know you work for the government! Now go lick the boots of the masters who give you your pacheck like good NWO bitches,you pathetic traitors

      • EXCHRISTIAN MAKE YAH ANGRY = 777 in multiples of 3

        See other results above……..


    • You’re evil! Do you have tatoos? Are you bald? Do you like guns and hide under that 2nd amendment? You’re evil! How uncivilised!!!!

    • How to Activate the Constitutional Militia in Your Area

      Once you have received and read the materials that may have accompanied this document , and have decided that the constitutional militia needs to be activated in your area, there are several things for you to do:
      [] Try to find like-minded persons in your area. Ask around. Try patriotic organizations, such as the VFW and the American Legion. Sound out people at gun shows and gun stores. Ask if there is already a militia activated in your area or if anyone is considering it. Put out notices for interested persons to contact you.
      [] Form a Safety Committee. Having found a few like-minded persons, meet together, share materials, and agree to issue a militia call-up.
      [] Pick a suitable date, time, and place for the first muster. It should commemorate some historical event. Ideally, it should be in a highly visible location, within the municipal limits of a major community, and on public property.
      [] Try to have a notable speaker or stage an event that will appeal to the media. Be creative. Although the first muster will primarily be an organizing meeting, it is also a media event and should be staged that way.
      [] Publicize the muster. Post public notices in the local newspaper of record, on the courthouse public notices bulletin board, and in the newsletters of sympathetic civic groups. Mail and fax press releases to the media, especially talk radio stations. Try to get on as a guest of major talk radio programs, and call in announcements of the muster during listener call-in periods. The notices should answer the questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Send along supporting documentation.
      [] Compile patriot mailing lists. Enter them into a computer database if possible, or prepare mailing label masters for producing self-adhesive mailing labels for repeated use.
      [] Prepare draft by-laws, regulations, and guidelines. Adapt them to your local situation. Make enough copies for the number of persons you expect to attend, and try to get the documents out to them in advance to save time trying to read them at the first meeting.
      [] Mail announcements to as many people in your area as you can. The advertisements and radio broadcasts are important, but many people will also need something in their hands that they can read that will motivate them to attend. They need to come with some common understanding of what a militia is, how it can be organized, and what it might accomplish. You might include the draft by-laws and regulations in the mailing if you can afford the postage and copying costs.
      [] Invite local officials and representatives of military and law enforcement organizations to attend. Try to involve them from the outset, to reassure them and win their support.
      [] Prepare documents to be handed out at the muster. They should provide information and instruction on all the points that may be of interest and concern to the attendees. Make enough copies so that everyone can get one set, and make some extras for persons who could not attend.
      [] Conduct the muster. The first order of business will be an introductory speech, followed by adoption of by-laws, regulations, and guidelines, then the election of the commander and other officers.
      [] Give attendees an opportunity to speak. Let them voice their experiences, their feelings, their understanding of the situation, and their hopes. Build a resolve to recruit more participants, train them, and conduct more musters.
      [] Elect a Safety Committee and a Correspondence Committee. Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of participants. Pass out materials. Collect contributions toward the expenses of the muster and to pay for notices of future meetings. Agree on the date and place for the next meetings of the committees and perhaps of the next muster. Adjourn the muster.
      [] Followup publicity. Issue press releases to the media. Visit reporters and explain what you are doing, providing them with literature. Get on talk radio and television.
      [] Assist in activating the militia in neighboring counties. Encourage attendees from neighboring counties to go back and activate the militia in their own counties. Send organizing teams on a tour of the state and nation to find and motivate local leaders to do the same. Establish correspondence committees linking local militia units at all levels.
      [] Set up regular training sessions and camps. Initially, each of these may need to serve a multi- county region. Shooting ranges, especially those that can simulate combat. Tactical military training. Police training. Emergency and medical training. Survival training. Seminars on constitutional law, on jury powers and duties, on investigation of official and corporate corruption and abuse, and on reform measures.
      [] Set up an alert system. Establish and exercise a telephone tree. If feasible, set up neighborhood sirens or other sonic alert signals. Establish alternative communications networks, such as amateur radio, line-of-sight comm links, visual signals, and couriers. Establish links to the broadcast media, and contingency systems in the event that the media are shut down.
      [] Either publish a newsletter or use an existing one. Sometimes several counties can combine their efforts in a regional newsletter. Maintain a steady flow of information and guidance to supporters.
      [] Get on the Internet. Share information and plans with others across the country and around the world. Pass on the information to people not on the Internet through newsletters and handouts.
      [] Recruit officials and civic leaders. Make sure all of them are informed of what you are trying to do, and make sure you know where each of them stands. Insist on strict construction of U.S. and State constitutions according to the original intent of the Framers, and make sure they know what that means. Line up both the high officials and rank and file of law enforcement and military organizations. Identify supportive judges and lawyers. Work to defeat opponents and replace them with supporters.
      [] Set up regular booths at public events. Gun shows, fairs, conventions, political rallies.
      [] Operate a speakers’ bureau. Get your best speakers to speak before civic and other groups at every opportunity.
      [] Do some fun things. Parties, picnics, and other events for the entire family.
      [] Enforce the law. Investigate official and corporate corruption. Infiltrate corrupted agencies. Recruit whistle-blowers. Protect witnesses, investigators, and their evidence. Get grand juries to bring indictments. Expose wrongdoing. Concentrate on vote fraud, corrupt judges and law enforcement officers, and other offenses that would not ordinarily receive official attention or that are being covered up.
      [] Secure entire areas against attack. Make it infeasible for criminals of any kind to attack people in certain defensible areas, which can serve as safe havens for larger areas. Establish defensive perimeters around persons or organizations that might be particularly subject to attack. And establish mobility and secure communications in the event area security cannot be maintained.
      [] Roll back unconstitutional legislation. Work on legislators. Pursue cases in court. Get rid of abusive officials. Go after the special interests that are the ultimate source of corruption and reduce their power.
      Soon, Sooner than you can imagine, We Will Not Get This Opportunity. The New Law Allows For The Military To Detain,Imprison Indefinitely,And Yes Even Make Americans Disappear!
      Don’t Think About Yourselves, But Think Of Your Children And Grand-Children’s Future!
      Thanks For Your Time, And God Bless The People!

      • Now this is a post worth reading. My cousin and I are starting a Freeman movement in our area, and all these ideas are just what we need. Peace.

        • Oh well, then it is having a positive effect. Peace.

    • i am balding , fat and have tatoos, ok not balding but support humor in baldings regard, medium penis, small ass, I kiss guns, and uncivilised!!!! YOU WIN !!! like the sound on the price is right….ding ding !!!

  10. romney will support auditing the fed when my underwear supports 12 inches….NEVER. but goddamnit I tell the truth

  11. Get off public property with your free speech! Public property is government property and theat is speech crime in our communist government.

  12. I think instead of “attacking” questions like this, why not ask it nicely? “Would you support auditing the FED?” It seems so much less like attacking and will go much further to waking up people.

    • no dammit we wont audit the fed…that would lead to terrorism you mean insurgent you !!

  13. Thats the Rothschild bank of the federal reserve. In 1790 Mayer Amschel Rothschild stated ,let ME ,issue and control a nations money and I care not who writes the laws,well if you control the money,you make and can break all the laws,evem murder and genocide,as the COES ,of American corperations that funded the monster Hitler have proven,Prescott Bush? Then in 1791 the Rottenchilds get a hold of a nations money through Alexander Hamilton,their agent in George Washingtons cabinet ,when they set up a central bank in America called ,the first bank of the United States. Romney is a Rothschild little Pomerainian that pisses himself everytime Evelyn Rothschild,the puppet master behind the curtain yanks a string. When this clown is nominated by his party ,it will show how fake the Republicans are . When I think of great Americans like Audie Murphy,Will Rodgers,Helen Keller,Martin Luther King,and will also say John and Bobby Kennedy,these paper meche discusting phonys are what giving this country a terminal case of diariha ,and that go’s for the Moloch worshiping Obama puppet. Jesus Christ is Lord letthetruthbeknown

    • DIDNT I ASK YOU TO HUSH? oops caps lok. you are way to smart to post here….FOUL! get out smart guy….only dipshits apply here

  14. Wall Street is broken.

    Washington is corrupt.

    And your wealth, (what you have now AND whatever
    you make in the future)…

    It’s under attack.

    Need proof?

    Tell me — how did you 401K/IRA, mutual funds or
    stocks do last year?

    Not so good? Or… non-existent returns?

    The top 13 mutual funds based on a CNN survey got
    0.25% in 2011 so far. Your savings account is
    paying more… and it’s GUARANTEED interest.

    Something is severely wrong with how you can
    save, protect and grow your money in these
    economic times.

    But you can escape this financial mess.

    (click on my profile name to go to my blog)

  15. Mitten’s is a total tool. Way to go after him Luke!

    Ron Paul 2012

  16. Luke, (this may sound sacrilegious) next time wear a Red Sox cap and they might not throw you out. Don’t forget, a lot of Romney’s crew is from MA.

  17. Good Job Luke…….Keep this Bankster Scum on the ropes.

    nwofordummies dot com

  18. “Who are you, who are you with?” Luke: “I’m with Fox News, my name is Bilderberg.”

    Love it!

  19. Besides the Fed’s off balance sheet accounts, we would all like to see Rmoney’s offshore, off balance sheet accounts…and throw in the Clintons, Bush family the Obama’s accounts to that long list, too.

  20. Romney has more banker money going toward him then all the other Republcan candidates combined. Romney is a banker puppet scum just like the past 4 presidents.

    Lou has the right to stay school property or not. Romney is a public figure campaigning for a public office.

  21. This tool is lyin again- aint an honest bone in his body.



    Chalk ANOTHER up to the GOOD DOCTOR!!!!

  23. He’s obviously lying. The normal response to an accusation that’s not true is to get defensive and attempt to correct the misinformation,but to just offer a fake smile and fail to adress the accusation by saying”everyones entitled to their opinion” is not only an apathetic response,but also shows a serious lack of leadership.

  24. He’s a Sears mannequin with a talk box. Not a real person. Not an original thought. Not a president.

    • Romney and his WHOLE family look like robots or zombies…….

      OR BOTH!!

      • They look like typical Utah Mormons

      • They got to look like that for their NEXT GIG.
        Which is, they will be going to live on planet “Kolob”
        have sex for eternity to make “Celestial Children”
        who will populate all the other planets in the Universe.

        (even though you can’t get one to admit it publicly).

  25. “I support the Federal Reserve,auditing the Fed” What is he,some kind of an “oxymoron? And what’s up with the security dude with the gay ass earring above his earpiece,is Romney going out of his way to get the homosexual vote? Or is it just so they can have a few of them around for sexual favors on the long bus trips from state to state?

    • “Birds of a Feather”……..

  26. Romney’s body language seemed to shrink from the questions. Not good for old Mitt.

  27. Romney says whatever people want to hear at the moment. His track-record is what people must look at.

  28. I’m subscribed, and I will be happy to help by demonstrating my 2nd amendment right for you Luke

  29. c’mon the man cant shut down his money machine, and we all know his backers also give to both parties either way they win

  30. Romney you know biting the hand that feeds you might not be smart. This is reverse psychology at best. He has to appear to support the Constitution. He supports war.

    • Lets audit Romney’s account and who paid for his campaign and where the money came from?
      How come msm will not ask Romney who supports his campaign?

      • MSN was bailed out? Banks were bailed out. Romney is getting bailed out through his campaign by the banks. Whoa. This is big.

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