Russia: West Purposefully Sabotaging Peace in Syria

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Also, German paper FAZ reports Houla was the work of rebels, not pro-Assad militias

Tony Cartalucci
Sunday, June 10, 2012

In his most recent statement, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov repeated that Russia opposes any attempt to intervene or level sanctions against Syria. He also exposed the West’s role in purposefully perpetuating violence in order to sabotage peace efforts and create a pretense for NATO-enforced regime change. He warned, “the way the Syrian crisis is resolved will play an important role in the world tomorrow; whether the world will be based on the UN charter, or a place where might makes right.” This after US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice declared the West was prepared to “take actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of this [UN security] council,” to implement regime change in Syria.

Lavrov’s sentiments were echoed by China, Iran, and South America’s ALBA nations, whose collective populations equate to over 1.5 billion people.

Video: Russia’s stance reflects a growing global consensus of independent journalists and geopolitical analysts who have meticulously and objectively documented a timeline of what is certainly a premeditated destabilization of Syria by the West. Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research gives perhaps the most comprehensive back-story on Syria’s conflict to-date.

Lavrov made his statements during a conference held yesterday, focusing on evidence contradicting the politically motivated coverage of Syria’s conflict by the Western media – the latest example of which was in fact the West’s coverage of Lavrov’s comments themselves. Western papers declared different variations of, “Russia supports departure of Assad,” in sensational headlines that purposefully took Lavrov’s statements out of context.

Conversely, and more accurately, RT reported, “Annan plan ‘only chance for peace’ but stalled by intervention supporters – Lavrov.” For those who actually watched Lavrov’s conference live, this was the overall message – with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stepping down if, and only if, unconditional negotiations began, and both sides could come to an agreement independent of foreign influence. But as Lavrov illustrated, the Syrian “opposition” is entirely propped up by the West and its Gulf State allies.

West’s “Houla Impetus” Unraveling, Major German Paper Implicates Rebels, not Regime

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Of course, the US’ pretext for making such bold statements has been the recent “Houla Massacre,” pinned on the Syrian government even before UN monitors arrived on the scene. Similarly, Western media has been reporting “activist” hearsay regarding a string of additional “massacres,” none of which have been confirmed in an attempt to generate general hysteria and support for a broader intervention.

In a recent development, Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) paper has reported (Google English translation here) that evidence indicates rebels, not pro-government militias, were responsible for the violence at Houla, and that many of the victims were in fact supporters of the Syrian government. Covered by John Rosenthal in the National Review Online, his article warns of “rebel atrocities being repackaged in both Arab and Western media accounts as regime atrocities.”

Already, Western press has backpedaled and been caught outright fabricating evidence in regards to the Houla Massacre, with the BBC even being caught using pictures taken from Iraq years ago for their Syrian coverage. This latest account from FAZ further indicates that indeed the West is engaged in a vast campaign of war propaganda to do exactly what Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has warned they are doing, attempting to  fill the international community with indignation, and “start a full-blown intervention in Syria.”

Read Tony Cartalucci’s articles at Land Destroyer.

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25 Responses to “Russia: West Purposefully Sabotaging Peace in Syria”

  1. Ah yes, the Lord has a plan, and it’s going to be bigger then the west too, it’s coming, just be patient.

    JohnstonGabriel Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 7:05 am

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  2. Think and learn!

    How tough to process: // being ecstatic never jibes although many in near fullness undone left forever on roads derailed. Never ever trustworthy.

    wiggins Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 4:20 am


    OliverKlohzoff Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 11:25 am

    More of his CoIntelPro shill posting promoting the nutcase Benjamin Fulford. He’s just here to get people off topic.

  3. I’m watching how the money’s drying up, and how they can’t fix the leaks in the pot. Yeah, it’s going to be a hot summer for those outside the beltway joggers out thar. I guess they’ll be stocking up on broccoli and carrot juice ? Just can’t seem to find a way to detoxify the brain ?

  4. Ah yes,

    Those naughty little rebels….

    The same ones that just happen to be on the USA gubbermint payroll via the CIA, right?!?

    Oh my, how shocking it is not what it was represented to be!

    This has GOT to be a first!!!

  5. the rebels are Al Qeida/CIA/NSA/HOMESEC.The real leaders of our world have decided to repress all morals that were given to us by our creator.Our country will not survive,as it is now falling apart.We must try to salvage what we can of of the great country of the United States.God help us all!It is happening!


  7. The Sunni majority in Syria will soon be armed with anti-tank missiles, it will bring down the Assad government and destroy its Alawite military. Tehran, Moscow, and Beijing will be the next targets. Anti-American governments will not exist in a free world.

    Billo Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 8:55 am

    They should take the anti tank missles they get from mossad and use them in Palestine.

    christmas Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 11:44 am

    free ? You mean like the police state in the US?

  8. Yeah, it’ll all be called collateral damage after awhile, but I wouldn’t set my targets on China anytime soon. They’ve got some internal strife going on, but their justice system allows for mistakes in judgement which may cost the lives of hundreds of people, and all for the benefit of the State. As Agenda 21 takes a foot-hold, China’s going to ramp it up, they’re not going to take chances on a global take-over; that you can bet on. They’re not going to sacrifice their investments here in America either. That shit that went down in Japan is going to affect America, it’s definitely not going to affect China.

    Yeah, we can watch the sides taking shape, as the Syrian destabilization program grows, Russia’s already pointing fingers with China at the West. And just to think, we were worried about the 1.5 billion in Islam ? You ain’t seen nothing yet !

  9. WWIII will happen if and when the 3 main parties have decided the after war agreement. They all cooperate at least to some degree.

    Of course, any agreement would mean that the oligarchs get to have more control and wealth than before. In other words, we have less wealth and less freedom.

    Hey, why not another cold war scenario, it worked well the last time.


  10. Zionists mossad/CIA banker scum. Hegalian dialectic, create a reason by massacreing [eg 9/11] blame the victim [eg.] TSA airport groping, Accuse the victims of the crimes you just did and start the genocide machine. Ramp up your wholly owned media propaganda machine and there you have it. This is getting old. The people behind all this are the ones that must be targeted. If they start dieing or disapearing I bet this type of stuff would stop.

  11. Fine.

    Let the USA gubbermint fall.

    I would love to see it.

    Let every state become it’s own COUNTRY based on existing boarders and FUCK THE FEDS!

    I will stay right here in good ole New Hampshire and take my chances with like-minded hillbilly patriots that have NOT forgotten where we came from, how we came to be, what language we should speak, and what god if any you want to believe in while you clean one of your many, many firearms!

  12. OMG, you people are exponentially stupid!

    Infowars involvement in Bilderberg’s Marriott/Chantilly, meeting involved the public directly in the affairs of occult rendition, this organization knowing damn good and well the crossover with Spierer and Diamond Jubilee, which they never shared this with the protestors for a reason. they wanted them there as a mob audience unknowing they were participating in a ritual human sacrifice.

    This organization is involved in kidnapping for torture with protection from the elite Globalists for which it functions as a gatekeeper, an example of which are the XI-U abductions.

    Research into these abductions has also redirected to involvement with George Soros, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Phil Bredesen, Ariana Huffington and a host of UK conspirators complicit in occult rendition of US women and children in a massive kidnapping for torture scheme which Infowars is not only aware of, It’s involvement in the Marriott/Chantilly protests makes this alternative media a partner in these crimes! Also, Huffington camps with the parents of these victims, which isn’t surprising for this occult journalism.

    Knowledge of this lofted panic in DC (April 21, 2011; April 23, 20122) when a researcher pointed to International Corporation BP/Whiting and later Monsanto involved in these kidnapping due in part to their ability to use cartography and satellite cell phone technology to perp the victims. At that time Lauren Spierer, Katelyn Markham and Karen Swift were still alive. One individual predicted Lauren Spierer by location and Karen Swift by last name. TBI DID NOTHING to protect these individuals, nor did this policing agency alert the public.

    Rather than respond protectively by providing this information to the public, TBI/Fusion center forwarded it on to Obama which he subsequently lofted Bin Laden to shield himself from becoming involved in kidnapping for torture. May 1, 2011, forward brought us all sorts of hellish fallout from these discoveries, including Hardin, which was a first attempt to use legislation to stop this information from being reported, and ultimately S.1867.1021, which was designed to provide a rationale for kidnapping of this nature in the first place and to protect Obama retroactive.

    Demystification is easy regarding these abductions, since we are perceiving the perps can not actually muster their alleged occult skills in shape shifting to save themselves, but they CAN and DO lie to accomplish the same end (eg Infowars non-disclosure on Spierer and the Diamond Jubilee. Their attorneys have redirected this be reported to police, since this organization has no interest in conspiracy theories). They’re sociopaths, and they and YOU believe they’re nobly empowered by their Lucifer/Molech to run wild over the planet to do as they please. In reality, they are negative core on charm offensive and the double bind, and they are getting away with this because people are willing to dismiss their involvement out of some perverted desire to be schmoozed constantly surrounded by them after the fact what mollification is quite simply directed at victim survivor capitulation.

    These are dangerous circumstances. Infowars posted a protest group at Marriott/Chantilly what date of this event fell on June 3, the one year anniversary of the abduction of Lauren Spierer, and concurrent date of the Diamond Jubilee in the UK, which is 333 in the occult by the way, but you people already know this. Does Mike Adams double 13 assure Infowars some sacred place in the NWO hierarchy as alternative media? It’s the same extralinguistic con the monsters who perped these abductions are using. Infowars has been found out. It’s just a matter of time before people are willing to see reality.

  13. Alextonians are like willows bending to the life giving force that is Alex. For he is their only source of nourishment. Eat the same thing everyday and you will get sick.

    coastx Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 11:56 am

    There is a tree of life in Austin, no shit! The thing discharges water that if you drink it you never get ill! It was in the news a decade ago. The idea here is the tree of life may in fact be water filtered through some kind of arbor. Look it up! As for your critique of Alex Jones being the life force, I hope yo were fucking kidding!

  14. Quotation by jeffydiver:

    “Ah yes, the Lord has a plan, and it’s going to be bigger then the west too, it’s coming, just be patient.”

    Sheesh. It’s been 11 years since 9/11. When do you think the Lord’s going to activate this plan?

    coastx Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    hahaha…You think there is a Lord. FOOL! (don’t take that personal, I do it for effect) This Lord you speak of is man himself, and people are too fucking stupid to see it. People like to call this entity Jesus, which this way they can skirt personal responsibility for their fucking domestic and economic failures. If they fail, God willed it so, and they subsequently languish in purgatory (eg fraud elections) for their capitulation, or they masturbate to playboy centerfolds. In this case, the Lord is a pervert, and his preoccupation with occult rendition his acknowledgement that he cold care less about the affairs of state because of his fucked up state of mind, but whisper when you talk about this, because he’s E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E, and he gets his feelings hurt easily.

  15. NATO is the new Hitler

    coastx Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    or a manifestation thereof!

  16. Here in is the faith and patience of the believers.. we know what is going on, yet we don’t get caught up in their violence… because we know there is a bigger power coming that will burn them

    coastx Reply:
    June 10th, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    hahaha…Vengeance in mine, sayeth the Lord, something like that? Let me help you out here. NAPALM, you poor foolish bastard. God has forsaken his flock, and in THESE circumstances, unless the flock fights back it’s about to be surrendered to the slaughterhouse. You fucking think Gos is going to stop Corexit? HE INVENTED THE STUFF, idiot! God is whatever you want Him to be, you just have ot make up your mind whose side you’re on, and that’ll be easy once you witness a human ritual human sacrifice and fully acknowledge what you are looking at!

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