Saturday Night Live Again Begins Show Trashing Romney, Makes Disgusting Gay Joke About Marcus Bachmann

Noel Sheppard's picture

As NewsBusters reported last week, now that Mitt Romney appears set to win the Republican presidential nomination, Saturday Night Live is going to do its darnedest to trash him every week through Election Day.

This pattern continued Saturday as for the second week in a row the program began with a segment attacking the former Massachusetts governor while also taking shots at all the other candidates including a disgusting homosexual reference to Michele Bachmann’s husband Marcus (transcribed lowlights and commentary follow, video for those that can stand it available at Mediaite):

As the show opened, Jason Sudeikis (Romney) was seated at a bar with Adam Samberg playing the part of Rick Santorum.

The pair cordially discussed the race, with Samberg ordering a chocolate milk to drink and Sudeikis just a napkin.

Samberg thanked Sudeikis for being “the only candidate that can ever make me look exciting.”

Sudeikis responded, “And you’re the only candidate that can make me look gay-friendly.”

This wouldn’t be the only homosexual reference. For supposedly tolerant people, liberals sure do like gay jokes.

The duo then strangely entered into a version of Green Day’s “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life),” after which the barmaid appeared with their drink and napkin with Sudeikis saying, “I’ve placed your tip in this envelope. Make sure you give it to your husband when you get home – he’ll know best what to do with it.”

Nice swipe at Romney making him looking like a sexist, misogynist pig. Anything to help Obama’s numbers with women, I guess.

Samberg shouted after the barmaid, “And don’t spend it on birth control.”

Could almost have been written by Obama’s chief campaign adviser David Axelrod.

At that point, Bill Hader walked into the bar as Rick Perry who said of the campaign, “I might have won the darned thing if I didn’t take a deuce every time I opened my mouth.”

Nice. SNL presented the Texas governor talking about having a bowel movement when he speaks. Warms the cockles, doesn’t it?

Hader next asked if they remembered the game show they were all on standing in front of podiums answering questions. Sudeikis replied, “Rick, that wasn’t a game show. Those were debates.”

“Debates?” asked Hader. “If you ask me, they were de-worst.”

From there it was back to “Good Riddance” with Hader substituting in the chorus, “Really not that bright.”

Anything to make a Republican look like an idiot.

Not that anyone could have been surprised by it, next Kristen Wiig walked in as Michele Bachmann. Sudeikis asked, “Hey, are you crashing boys night?”

Wiig disgustingly responded, “Oh, I’ve crashed a lot of boys nights – usually when I come home early and unannounced.”

What is it with liberals and gay jokes?

Even some in the audience seemed uncomfortable with this as you could hear an audible grown from the crowd.

Wiig then bemoaned her fall in the campaign blaming it on Newsweek’s “creepy cover photo of my face.” The guys then asked her to replicate it, and she did to their cheers.

After a “Good Riddance” quartet, in walked Keenan Thompson as Herman Cain who said of the campaign, “This country just isn’t ready for an African-American president- especially if he wears a cowboy hat, runs a pizza chain, and sexually harasses every woman he meets.”

Wiig observed, “You never harassed me.”

Thompson simply nodded his head saying, “Uh-huh.” He continued, “In the beginning, I was all, ‘I can fix this economy with 9-9-9,’ and by the end I had 999 problems, and the bitch was all of them.”

After the laughter died down, Sudeikis said, “I love it – it’s a rapster reference.”

This is how conservatives get treated by comedy shows in America today.

Into a quintet of “Good Riddance” with Thompson substituting in the chorus as he pointed at Romney, “But in the end he’s white.”

You see, supposedly tolerant liberals are allowed to make racial jokes as long as they’re directed at conservatives.

Last but not least, in walked Bobby Moynihan as Newt Gingrich. The five at the bar hid their faces hoping he wouldn’t see them.

After Samberg commented that Gingrich’s campaign is completely out of money, the camera panned to Moynihan stuffing his suit pockets with bar nuts.

As the sketch mercifully wound down, Sudeikis admitted to his bar mates, “RomneyCare is just ObamaCare.”

Once again – could have been written by Axelrod.

So it was back into one final quintet of “Good Riddance” with Hader this time completely bungling the lyrics.

And thus ended, for the second week in a row, SNL totally trashing conservatives, and in particular, the man that will likely be facing Obama in the upcoming election.

I’m sure all involved were very proud of themselves.

After all, their pathetic attacks on Sarah Palin four years ago helped cement a negative impression of the former Alaska governor that certainly helped Obama defeat McCain.

Now they all feel it’s their job to do the same to Romney and anyone associated with him.

Makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

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