SOTT FOCUS: The Hero-Worshipping American Voter: Ron Paul & the 9/11 LitmusTest

Let’s say, for argument’s sake, there’s a politician out there with a conscience, who genuinely wants to change things in the U.S. for the betterment of the People. He presents well, speaks to the heart of the working class, to the disillusioned, to the cynics, to the politically jaded.

Let’s also say this refreshing gust of political WHOMP is oh-so-savvy, articulate, successful, and gives ALMOST every appearance of being “just the guy we need to lead the nation”. He’s an all-around-nice-guy, to boot, at least from what we see at his speeches, press conferences, from what we read in his writings and hear during his interviews.

Let’s go further. Let’s say he’s well-informed on numerous issues. We hear him going after institutions like the FED, and his finger occasionally palpates the public pulse on controversial issues like 9/11 truth – in SELECT venues before CERTAIN audiences. “Wow, he’s our Man!”, you might say. You’re not used to hearing a politician speak so openly, so forcefully, even if the language shifts before certain audiences – Wow, you say – this guy is cool!! He thinks so like YOU on these hotbutton topics. He’s refreshing. Exciting! Hope makes your blood burn. You BELIEVE.

Let’s also say he’s learned all the right “buzzwords” to garner the attention of disaffected voters. His words seem to speak to the heart of EVERY hero-starved red-blooded American.

He’s Everyman’s Patriot. He’s the ONE. We NEED this guy. He’ll save the day. Or will he?

I wonder…

Why would anyone with a conscience who knows so much about our government’s disgraceful history, its deceptive ways, the daunting POWER that drives it, someone who is so hip to the knowledge that our government LIED to the world about 9/11 and about the reasons for the bogus war on terror, who KNOWS that extremely POWERFUL, RUTHLESS people are behind this government front, driving it like a speeding bullet, who knows the POWER of a banking cartel like the FED – WHY – WHY – WHY – would this amazingly popular, oh-so-intelligent and GOOD man with a “conscience”, WHY would he CHOOSE to embrace this sick, broken, twisted Killing Machine we call “government”?

Why would he think in his own mind that HE could wave the magic wand of change and transform it into an entity of GOOD?

We’ve had our fill of the CHANGE buzzword in the last decade, and in particular, in the last couple of years, haven’t we?

Moreover, WHY would anyone out there who can still put 2 and 2 together, whose cheese has not slid completely off the cracker, who isn’t a brainwashed Stepford Citizen, think or believe such a thing could or would actually ever happen in the good ole USA, Inc.?

Where are we, folks – Fantasy Island?

WHY would such a man want to rise higher on the fungal political ladder of this diseased government?

I’m told by his defenders that he’s JUST WAITING to GET into the PRESIDENCY to let the really hard truths rip. Oh, that must be it. He’s JUST WAITING. As if there will ever BE a RIGHT “moment” for the likes of a Ron Paul to ever let that hard stuff escape his mouth in a public venue. AS IF there could ever exist any such moment when doing so would not seal the deal on his political suicide.

If he’s not saying all that needs to be said now, what exactly makes anyone think he’s gonna SPILL the BEANS if he somehow manages to achieve his political aspirations?

History bears witness that U.S. Presidents, not just foreign leaders, can also be taken out of the game. Think JFK. Think RFK. Our “leaders” have not been immune.

Do you think it likely that Ron Paul just doesn’t realize that this government has been usurped by psychopaths who are extremely well-organized and masterful at what they do?

I find that highly unlikely.

If he is smart enough to realize oh-so-many-other important truths, how is it possible that he may NOT realize such a key truth? Do you think the psychopaths driving this government front would EVER allow a good, decent man with a conscience to actually disrupt their PLAN?

Do you think things happen in politics by chance or by accident?

Seriously, do you?

Does ANYONE out there truly believe that this man could – or more importantly, WOULD – BE ALLOWED to SAVE this country from the evil psychopaths who are destroying it – and our society – and our WORLD?

The PSYCHO KILLING MACHINE is bigger and stronger and more well-organized than the likes of any Ron Paul. Realize this.

Does this man stand a chance in hell of transforming this predatory killing machine into a force of GOOD? Government is nothing BUT an entity of FORCE.

Does ANYONE TRULY believe this could happen? Or that THE PSYCHOS would allow it to take place within their own evil playground? Come on already. It’s time to snap out of it.

Many of you out there are investing your hope and faith in this latest political flavor du jour because his words go down so easily and your hearts want to BELIEVE that there’s SOMEONE out there, some HERO, galloping in on a fine white steed in his snazzy 3-piece suit, to finally save the day.

I get it, I do. My heart goes out to all of you, because I want to think there’s someone who can make all the BAD SHIT go away, too. But I still maintain: THERE IS NOONE.

The ever-present hero-worshipping American votier, I beseech you to face reality and take off thy rosy glasses.

There is no hero on the horizon, not even in Ron Paul.

Take off the glasses and LOOK far into the distance. He’s not there.

“Mr. Everyman” has ONE message for his mainstream audience and yet another for the disillusioned-disaffected-patriot-truther target demographic. Where I come from, this is known as talking out of both sides of your face. It’s not a character-selling point in my book.

Gee, now why would this oh-so-amazing fella be speaking out of both sides of his face?

Why doesn’t he bring the same exact message to all the people in every audience, mainstream or not? So, is 9/11 truth perfectly acceptable to address in front of that percentage of American voter who KNOWS the government has brought us nothing but BULLSHIT since 9/11 went down?

You think Ron Paul feels your pain and identifies with you, 9/11 truthers?

How come he doesn’t express this 9/11 truth in front of his more “mainstream” audiences?

Oh, right. He’s JUST WAITING. Yeah.

Take heart, you can still cast your electronic blip vote and continue to play the game using the rigged, broken, toxic, corrupted system’s Illusion machine. You can keep telling yourselves that your vote still counts, even though all they have to do is rig the votes in ONE county to screw up an entire election for the whole country.

Think back to VOLUSIA County, Florida. Think “pregnant chads”.

They don’t even need a Diebold to rig a damn election. The “election” charade is part of the grand illusion, friend. “Selection” is where it’s at – and this is a very old game they’re playing.

The VOTE is simply one more scene in an ongoing drama, a production of political theater we know as the “political process”. But that’s a whole other ganglionic cyst waiting to be aspirated.

Back to “Everyman’s Patriot”, Ron Paul.

Ask yourself:

Is this fine, upstanding person WHO CHOOSES TO EMBRACE EVIL REALLY a HERO of the People?

Is he your political SAVIOR? Are you selling yourself the notion that there is a lesser of two evils? Are you conning yourself to rally behind another political question mark, simply because MY GOD, WE MUST BELIEVE IN ONE OF THEM. We have to BELIEVE in somebody.

We HAVE to VOTE for SOMEBODY, I’m told by the Ron Paul campers.

Is that it? We HAVE to vote for SOMEBODY, just BECAUSE?

I’ve said it before and I maintain my position:

UNTIL the day comes, if it EVER comes, that Ron Paul or ANY politician comes clean about the government’s role in orchestrating, implementing and covering up the events of 9/11, in collusion with the Talking-Tools of the mainstream media, I choose NOT to buy into Paul’s (or anybody’s) schtick, no matter how good it feels going down.

Even if it tastes just like chocolate ice cream.

Friends, PLEASE consider the very real possibility that Ron Paul, “god love him”, is merely just another political puppet of the Maestro, a new and improved version of last year’s political tool, simply refurbished and wearing a different, more pleasing mask.

If Ron Paul really wants to be the GREAT AMERICAN HERO, he’d better start acting like one.

9/11 is the LITMUS TEST. I’m still waiting. We all are.

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