Stop whining, and remember that if The Donald hadn’t stood up in the breach, the commie JEW Bernie Sanders would’ve been America’s next president!

Stop whining, and remember that if The Donald hadn’t stood up in the breach, the commie JEW Bernie Sanders would’ve been America’s next president!

Donald Trump

“Never forget” that if the patriot Donald Trump hadn’t made that fateful decision back in June of 2015 to run for president, the once fair land of the free would’ve have been locked down under the commie Jews and their JEWISH lackeys in Homeland Security, beginning with the reign of the commie JEW Bernie Sanders in 2017.

Hillary Clinton will not face off against The Donald in the general election, the JEW Bernie Sanders will!

Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani says Reagan democrats, blacks, and Latinos will endorse Trump; and he adds that a popular black union boss Norman Seabrook, president of the New York City Correction Officer’s Benevolent Association (COBA), the largest municipal jail union in the United States, has now publicly endorsed The Donald. Also check out the Diamond and Silk prelude to Trump’s rival speech for the vets in Iowa to the FOX NEWS presidential debate trash. Most blacks and Latinos will vote for Trump in the general election.

Yes indeed, Megyn Kelly WAS outside of her boundaries when she railed on Trump as “sexist” in that earlier FOX News GOP debate. But even if she did only make The Donald more likable for more women when he famously quipped back “only Rosie O’Donnell”, Trump should’ve been at the Iowa FOX News GOP debate the other day. Check out the following pretty sharp perspective on Trump from a young pundit that indicates that a lot of younger voters are starting to get it about the rise of Trump in the polls…


Did you know that the rise of Donald Trump is likely a precursor to the rapture of the church at the last trump of the sound of a trumpet and that he’ll likely support the biblical remnant of Israelis who’ll convert to Christ in the land of Israel, after the church, the body of Christ, has gone? Trump won’t be raptured with the true believers because he’s only a nominal (Presbyterian) Christian and not truly born again.

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

However if Trump is US president after the true church is gone, he will serve the Lord’s agenda, by supporting the rise of a remnant of Jewish converts to Christ in the land of Israel, as a precursor to and during the biblical apocalypse. In fact a president Trump would be a sort of antithetical counterpart of the merely nominal Christian Hitler who served the Lord by wiping out several million apostate Jews, and missed out on heaven, like Trump likely will, when he suicided in the bunker at Berlin…

Is Christianity under siege from the antichristian Jews in America? The Lord’s apparent choice of Donald Trump to turn the tide weighs in against the Jew media creeps and their handlers and lackeys…

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