Posts Tagged ‘bank scams’

British Bank, the Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC , JP Morgan, Fed money laundering scams

Lord James of Blackheath, House of Lords February 16 2012 Breaking news Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation. I think there are three possible conclusions that […]

Westpac Bank Financial Planner scams

I was conned by a Westpac financial planner in Botany NSW branch years ago. I wanted to buy $20k shares in Westpac, back then it was cheap. The financial planner from Westpac in Botany NSW conned me into signing up to one of his Westpac funds instead. In 6 months Westpac stock had tripled… I […]

Commsec online trading scams

Went to do some trading last week with my commsec trading account. Commonwealth Bank Commsec decided to ignore the funds that I already had in my Commsec trading account, and decided to debit funds from my bank account that didn’t have enough funds.. Commsec decided to slap a $54.00 rejection fee on me.. I then […]

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