Posts Tagged ‘betis’

Joaquin Sanchez Helped Real Betis to Head Europa League Group C and Broke Record as the Oldest Scorer at 41

Spanish midfielder Joaquin Sanchez Rodriguez, known simply as Joaquin by the fans, plays for Real Betis of Seville in La Liga. He scored in a Europa League Group C match against Ludogorets of Bulgaria, in Seville on Sep 15, which led to a 3-2 win for Real Betis. At the age of 41 years, Sanchez […]

Joaquin Sanchez Helped Real Betis to Head Europa League Group C and Broke Record as the Oldest Scorer at 41

Spanish midfielder Joaquin Sanchez Rodriguez, known simply as Joaquin by the fans, plays for Real Betis of Seville in La Liga. He scored in a Europa League Group C match against Ludogorets of Bulgaria, in Seville on Sep 15, which led to a 3-2 win for Real Betis. At the age of 41 years, Sanchez […]

Ade Manuhutu – Sst Si Betis Indah

[embedded content]madrotter-treasu… The Jakartass website unfortunately doesn’t exist anymore, been gone for a few years already. Terry, who was the guy behind it passed away. Source

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