Posts Tagged ‘Bird flu’

US egg prices soar as avian flu batters poultry industry

US farmers have been forced to kill almost 40 million chickens and other birds, causing egg prices to soar as a deadly version of the avian flu attacks the poultry industry. An outbreak of a particularly infectious version of the bird flu, believed to come initially from wild ducks and geese, has spread into 15 […]

Almost 40 million birds dead as avian flu ravages Midwest

     The devastating avian influenza sweeping the Midwest has forced the mass slaughter of nearly 40 million diseased chicken, turkey and wild birds in order to contain the outbreaks, according to the latest grisly numbers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). BREAKING: State officials confirm #Malvern landfill among those receiving avian flu remains. […]

Bird flu could cost nearly $1 billion in Minnesota and Iowa

Bird flu could cost nearly $1 billion in the economies of the two states hardest hit, Minnesota and Iowa, agricultural economists said Monday, and the virus is still spreading. Iowa, the nation’s leading egg producer, has lost about 20 million chickens that lay eggs for food use, more than a third of the total. Minnesota, […]

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