Posts Tagged ‘fk’

Turkish Academics Jailed For Signing Anti-Erdogan Petition

Three academics in Turkey has been thrown in jail after they signed a peace petition in January 2016 criticising Erdogan’s regime.  The academics were charged with “making terrorist propaganda” and jailed on March 15, 2016 amid an ongoing criminal investigation. reports: At least 30 other academics have been dismissed and 27 suspended by their universities […]

In Whitney Exhibit, Poitras Explores The Art Of Surveillance

Print Friendly Above Photo: This image released by the Whitney Museum of American Art shows a pigmented inkjet print on aluminum by Laura Poitras, titled, “ANARCHIST: Data Feed with Doppler Tracks from a Satellite (Intercepted May 27, 2009), 2016,” part of a solo exhibition titled, “Astro Noise,” showing at the Whitney Museum of American Art through […]

I’m Not Food to be Preyed Upon by the Police State

The “police” treat their fellow citizens as prey. The “police” are reliant on us allowing them to victimize us. They make eighty grand a year on the backs of politicians’ dictates and our refusal to resist. And the cop’s wife is reliant on us believing in the myth of “hero cops,” so her husband is […]

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