Posts Tagged ‘fn’

UK: Muslim Terror Arrest Every 2 days

One Muslim is arrested every two days for terrorism related offenses in Britain, and 95 percent of all those in prison for terrorism offences are Muslim, according to the latest quarterly Home Office police data report on terror-related offenses. The statistics show that Britain is one of the epicenters of the Third World colonization […]

Germany: “1 Million Refugees”

With three weeks to go before the end of the year, the German government has officially registered one million nonwhite invaders as “asylum seekers” as of the beginning of this week, it has been announced. There were more than 200,000 new registrations in November alone, placing a massive strain on the “asylum processing procedure” […]

The Most Criminal Street in Germany

Nonwhite invaders have turned a 0.8 mile-long stretch of road in Leipzig into what even the controlled media in that country calls the “most criminal street in Germany.” The Eisenbahnstrasse in east Leipzig has been that city’s epicenter of nonwhite immigration for many years, and the immediate area’s large—some estimates put it as high […]

Spielfeld: Communist Thugs Smash Patriots’ Cars

Communist thugs behaved so savagely today in the Austrian border town of Spielfeld, attacking innocent passersby with planks and damaging more than one hundred  vehicles, that one of their leading local supporters, Green Party councilor Lisa Rücker, publicly condemned them saying that she was “deeply ashamed” that she had even been there. Spielfeld is […]

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