Posts Tagged ‘gallbladder’

Is Your Gallbladder Causing Digestive Issues?

Story at-a-glance Your gallbladder is an abdominal organ that stores and concentrates bile produced by your liver. The bile helps your body break down and absorb the fat that you eat. When you eat a fatty meal, your gallbladder will contract and squeeze more concentrated bile into the small intestine to aid in the breakdown […]

Leprosy Was Treated with Ass Fat, Bull Gallbladder and Steamed Flies!

It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists developed an effective cure for leprosy.  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Is your gallbladder healthy? 10 signs in may not be, and what to do about it

(Natural News) The gallbladder plays a central role in maintaining a healthy digestive profile. This tiny organ is located just below the liver and is essential in releasing bile into the digestive tract in order to metabolize food. Fatty foods are known to negatively impact the organ’s overall health. Cholesterol deposits are shown to trigger the onset […]

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