Posts Tagged ‘kooks’

Chelsea Clinton Believes GOP Are ‘Kooks & Lunatics’, But Democrats Are ‘In The Business Of Solutions’

Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton said that she agreed with former Speaker John Boehner that the Republican Party had been taken over by “kooks and lunatics.” Appearing on on ABC’s “The View” on Thursday , Clinton then attributed a recent rise in Democratic Party affiliation to the party being about “business of solutions.” You can unsubscribe any […]

REAL scientists decimate idiot claims by Left-wing climate kooks Gore and Brown that California’s wildfires are the “new normal”

(Natural News) As wildfires continue to rage in Southern California, Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and former Vice President Al “We’re dead in a decade” Gore took to media mics to proclaim that, thanks to human-caused “climate change,” the fires are now the “new normal.” When Brown wasn’t blaming the fires on President Donald J. Trump, […]

What’s going on with the kooks of Arabia?

Benny Mileikowski (a/k/a Netanyahu)  has serious troubles in the brothel which is the Zionist Apartheid State.  He is facing 4 separate investigations into his malfeasance as PM.  As the article below correctly points out, he is in need of a diversion.  With public trust eroding and accusations of betrayal appearing more frequently, he must pull […]

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