Tax Payers fund Jewish Organised Crime

ELEANOR HALL: The Australian Crime Commission has found that global syndicates of criminals gouge about $15 billion a year from Australia’s economy.

Launching the Commission’s latest report on organised crime, the Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare warned that digital technology is changing the face of international crime and that national law enforcement authorities are struggling to keep up.

He said the report reinforces the need for Australia’s states and territories to standardise their laws, as Lexi Metherell reports.

LEXI METHERILL: The report notes that organised criminals worldwide make more than US$870 billion a year.

The Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare says that means if organised crime was a country, it would be in the group of the world’s richest nations, the G20.

JASON CLARE: Organised crime is like a cancer that is growing. This report tells us how serious this is.

LEXI METHERILL: And in Australia, the Crime Commission estimates $15 billion is lost to organised crime each year. Mostly it goes to overseas criminals based in failed or failing states. Australia’s wealth makes it a prime target.

Jason Clare says that’s shown by the prices criminals can command for drugs.

JASON CLARE: The typical wholesale price for a kilo of cocaine in Colombia is about US $2,500; in Mexico it’s about US $12,500; in the United States the average price is more than US $30,000; in Australia it’s $220,000, Australian dollars – so that’s a mark-up of over 9,000 per cent.

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