The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden

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May 2, 2012

Alex talks with Peter Glidden, a doctor of Naturopathic medicine. Mr. Glidden is an outspoken advocate of wholistic health. He has lectured to thousands of people over the last two decades and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo and Youngevity regional meetings. Glidden is the author of The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, a book that describes how society is on the verge of a health care meltdown.

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4 Responses to “The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden”

  1. Since the mid 1800′s, the naturopathic doctor has ceaselessly and constantly come under attack by the MD’s and organized medical community. As the mechanized view of the body and the germ theory of disease began to become more accepted along with the belief that chemicals and drugs were the way of the future, the attacks became more frequent, bold and progressed to outright lies at times. That’s because the MD, with his surgical procedures, chemical drugs, fancy concoctions and useless medical terminology had much more potential for financial gain than did the naturopath or “country doctor”. They saw the country doctor as a threat to their growing influence and livelihood as well. In fact the medical terminology that doctors use was created precisely to make the average person feel ignorant and stupid and to keep people from ever trying to diagnose or cure themselves.

    The AMA was formed in 1847 specifically to protect the profits and practices of doctors, the MD, not the “country doctor” who they came to view as backwards and outdated. Of course they know that the methods and cures of the country doctor were far better, cheaper and safer than the drugs and surgery approach of the “medical doctor”, also known as the “Slash and Burn” method, but it was all about the profits, so if the AMA was going to represent any group they knew that the MD’s offered them the greatest chance at profits, growth and power. The AMA is a union created specifically for doctors, NOT patients, not to find cures, not to prevent disease, but to protect the profits of doctors. Just like any union, its job is to protect the jobs and income of its members. The AMA is not the wonderful, benign or righteous agency that it tries to convince the world that it is.

    The western allopathic medical establishments knows that nutrition prevents disease and cures most non-communicable and even many communicable diseases as well. That’s why they work so hard to suppress this knowledge and why they keep trying to get nutrients like vitamin C labeled as a “drug”. They haven’t yet, but they’re not giving up on this either.

    In the book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”, Dr. Weston A. Price details his discoveries in the 1920′s of primitive tribes and cultures around the world that were models of health and free of dental caries and degenerative diseases. Since he was a dentist searching for the cause of cavities (caries), that was the main focus of his book. However, he also discovered in his research and travels that a solid and irrefutable link existed between those who had cavities, crowded teeth, and “malformed” faces, and those that lacked nutrition. When the native peoples began to eat the modern processed foods devoid of real nutrients and loaded with chemicals and artificial ingredients, they too suffered the same dental and health problems as those raised on such diets. When the native peoples went back to their traditional whole foods diet, cavities that were progressing ceased and the next generation of children were born with perfect teeth and greatly improved immunity as had the previously untouched generations.

    Nutrition Secrets “They” Don’t Want You to Know About
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    frontline Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 5:30 am

    the AMA so called healthcare is nothing short of moderin witchcraft ….you cant poison people and then offer cures to help symtoms and call it healthcare …its the complete opposite…now they want to make it manditory that you engage and pay for this witchcraft without choice…this moderin terms is nazi healthcare plain and simple …..its consitration camp deathcare …i will never take anything from these scumfuck nazi deathcare ….

  2. Two powerful minerals that are starting to get more and more attention have a potent effect on preventing and even reversing cancer and other diseases brought on by nutritional deficiencies. These minerals are selenium and zinc.

    Selenium and Zinc are vital trace minerals normally found in the soil, though the zinc in vegetables has less bio-availability than from animal sources such as beef, pork, and lamb, which contain more zinc than fish. The dark meat of a chicken has more zinc than the light meat. I don’t recommend eating pork, however, for many reasons not the least being that pork is a very dirty animal on the inside who’s body is riddled with powerful poisons and toxins which are still there no matter how long you cook the meat or how it’s prepared. I’ll be talking more about that in a later article too.

    Due to destructive farming practices, the use of pesticides and herbicides, not allowing the land to rest, over farming, acid rain and more, about two-thirds of the tillable soil in the world has a critical lack or is totally devoid of selenium. This means that most of the world’s population is critically deficient in selenium and seriously lacking in zinc as well. This can and will be a major factor in the spread of disease and epidemics in the future since a population with weaker immunity will also mean a greater spread of such diseases. But there are things that each of us can do now individually to help protect ourselves and our loved ones too. It starts with the right knowledge and the right actions.

    Selenium and zinc are vital to the production of the two most powerful anti-oxidant and anti-aging enzymes in the body. They are Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Glutathione peroxidase. Without sufficient supplies of Zinc and Selenium it’s impossible for the body to produce these two vital enzymes. These are also known as the “Anti-aging enzymes” because many scientists now believe that the “Anti-aging gene” is responsible for the production of SOD. Many scientists are also seeing that the aging process is merely a result of declining SOD and many other anti-oxidant enzymes.

    Empirical evidence and modern research has demonstrated that nature purposely shuts off the production of SOD in the body when a person’s health declines to the point where they are no longer a viable candidate for reproduction. This is nature’s way of ensuring that only the more fit and healthy specimens survive and therefore reproduce only fit and healthy offspring. That’s why sexual dysfunction is one of the earliest signs of declining health and vitality. This is also mirrored in the traditional Taoist view that one’s sexual vitality and vigor is a prime indicator of flourishing health. This validates the numerous sexual longevity techniques used by the Chinese, and the Taoists in particular, who have known for centuries that sexual vitality is a prime indicator of health and longevity and can in fact be used to increase both when done properly.

    Never listen to the mainstream media or western medicine who will try to convince you that you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need from food today. They also state that because of the “fortification” of foods today, taking supplements is a waste of time. That is a lie and they know it! The so called fortification of foods today is a joke.

    Use Selenium and Zinc to Ward Off Cancer and Boost Immunity
    Learn more: -

  3. I was wondering how long it would take before these snake-oil salesmen got into their pitch…. please stop disguising the infomercials as “news”.

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