The World Zionist Organization

World Zionist Organization = 333 / 135 / 315 / 135
It turned 126 years old just before the war in Israel
WZO = 64 *Israel = 64 *Zion = 64

Notice the 333 Gematria of ‘World Zionist Organization.’

Read about Trump’s visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, 333 weeks before Israel’s war declaration on Hamas, October 8, 2023.

Read about Pete Davidson selling the Israel conflict on SNL 333 days from his birthday.

Again, the founder of Zionism, Thedor Herzl, died on 7/3, and now war is breaking out in Israel while Netanyahu is at the tail end of being 73-years-old.

Read more about Theodor Herzl’s death at 44 and Israel’s establishment 44 years later here.

And again, his death in 1904 had its 119th anniversary on July 3, 2023.
Star of David=119, Orthodox=119, Ashkenazi Jews=119

Read about the 119 assassination ritual of Meir Kahane on November 5, 1990.


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