Xbox 360, 3DS again top the games industry in August

The 3DS was the top-selling hardware platform last month.

The 3DS was the top-selling hardware platform last month.


Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Nintendo’s 3DS were tops in the US gaming business in August.

During the month, total US-based spending on physical game content — discs, hardware, and accessories — reached $521 million, representing a slight 1 percent declined compared with the $516.3 million gamers spent during the same period last year. The boost came by way of software sales, which were up 23 percent year-over-year to $293.4 million. Hardware sales, however, were down 40 percent to $90.8 million as gamers gear up for the launch of the
PlayStation 4 and
Xbox One in November.

Despite the disappointing month, Nintendo and Microsoft wasted no time gloating. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 was the top-selling console for the 32nd month straight with 96,000 units sold. Neither Sony nor Nintendo announced unit sales on the PlayStation 3 and
Wii U, respectively.

Nintendo was quick to point out, however, that its 3DS was tops on the portable space and was actually the bestselling hardware in the U.S. last month. Nintendo didn’t say exactly how many 3DS units it sold last month, but in a statement, revealed that software sales on its portable are up 30 percent year-over-year to 6.5 million units sold so far in 2013 in the US.

Although the hardware market had a rough August, there was a glimmer of hope in the game numbers, according to NPD. For the first time since October 2011, the game market saw a sales increase.

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