UK scraps £17bn of defense gear in 3 yrs

The ministry disposed of £2.5 billion worth of equipment in 2008-9 and £3.2 billion in 2009-10, but the disposed items value leapt in 2010-11 to a massive £11.4 billion.

The leap happened after the 2010 Strategic Defense and Security Review which was designed to plug a £38 billion black hole in Britain’s military budget by 2015.

Indeed, the MoD scrapped of equipment worth equal to 29 per cent of the whole target of the review and Britain’s total £39.5 billion spending on defense that year.

The ministry, which revealed the figures in a parliamentary question raised by the Scottish National Party’s defense spokesman Angus Robertson, has refused to say whether the equipment were sold to foreign countries and if yes how much the sales returned.

The MoD secrecy has raised concerns that a greater part of the concerned items were fully scrapped and brought in no return value to the ministry, which decommissioned nine new Nimrod MRA4 spy planes worth £4 billion only in 2011.

“We need to look very closely at this disposal because the stated value of the assets does not mean that the MoD has actually recovered that amount of money,” Robertson said.

“The scrapped Nimrod program is the ultimate example,” he added.


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