British MI5 ruthless Security Frenzy

Tension is increasing for London’s security as the 2012 Olympics draws near. The Home Office has recently rejected 100 applications for approval of viewing the games, resulting as the largest evaluation process since World War II.

This severe security act carried out by Britain’s MI5, follows the paradox of many immigrants residing in the UK, as some of these individuals from various countries have been recently victimized by British armed forces on their lands.

Grudges are possibly held towards the British system by immigrants, due to the destruction occurring in their countries, their high expenses within the UK or not being able to see their loved ones that remain in their homelands.
Therefore, issues like these emphasize anger and vengeance and are brought to the MI5’s attention to take special caution when handling volatile public events like the Olympic Games.

However, meticulous security in the UK notoriously creates misunderstandings where people without any violent history or criminal record, are considered suspicious and then mistakenly pursued by the British police.

An example dating back to 22nd July 2005, 27 year old Jean Charles de Menezes was followed and shot in the head ten times at Stockwell Tube Station by the London Metropolitan Police without hesitation. Jean Charles de Menezes happened to be misidentified as a fugitive supposedly involved in the 7/7 London bombings.


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