Ron Paul Wins Majority Of Washington Delegates, Other States Expected To Follow
April 27, 2012

Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign has won the majority of Washington’s delegates to the Republican National Convention, and a number of other states are expected to follow suit, pointing to a hectic convention in which Mitt Romney’s path to the nomination may face a major insurgent opponent.

Washington is now the third state, after Iowa and Minnesota, in which Ron Paul has locked up at least half of the state’s nominating delegates. In order to be officially entered in nomination at the Tampa, Fla., convention, he needs to secure half or more of the delegates in five states, and as of Thursday, he looks poised to grab a majority of delegates in other states like North Dakota and Maine in coming weeks.

Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign has taken an unorthodox tack, hoping to draw state delegates to his camp rather than simply winning the popular vote. As such, he is stacking up delegates who once backed Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum and other fallen candidates.

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25 Responses to “Ron Paul Wins Majority Of Washington Delegates, Other States Expected To Follow”

  1. Love me some hard tack. Who’s side are you on, boy?

  2. Every time I talk to someone else about voting for Ron Paul they always say a vote for Ron Paul would be a vote for Obama because you are throwing away a vote for Romney. And the goal is to get Obama out.

    I say, all we are doing is trading one tyrant for another. Only different shades, of tyranny. Marxist globalist? or Corporate Globalist? take your pick. End game, the same.

    So, regardless is Paul is on the ballot or not, make mine a write in vote for Ron Paul. If we get another four years of total dictatorship…. Well we deserve it. That’s right, we deserve it. It will be the only way to bring all of this to ahead. Then and only then will our only choice be clear. There is no right or left. There is only tyranny and liberty.

    • excellent comment r.p. sensible and realistic. i agree totally and my vote will also be for ron paul, even if it is a write-in. like you said, if we get another 4 yr. of the same, perhaps we will coalesce and develop into a reasonable guerilla force of citizens and patriots.

  3. If RON “DOESN’T” get it, I hope he decides to run, on the “INDEPENDENT” ticket, because all of the other tickets, have a NEGATIVE response from “MOST” people, where the independent ticket has LONG been “EXCEPTED”. ( Its why LIBERMAN, is STILL in the SENATE )

  4. FUCK MITT ROMNEY the Establishment Neocon Whore!

  5. I’m RACIST for criticizing Obama.
    TERRORIST because I’m not with Bush.
    ANTISEMITIC for not supporting Rothschild Zionism.
    TEABAGGER for supporting the Constitution.
    TRUTH-ER for asking unanswered questions.
    TRAITOR for whistle-blowing on my corrupt Government.
    CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts.
    TROLL for uploading news, videos, quotes and U.S.Atrocities.
    ANTI-AMERICAN for supporting Constitutionalists like Dr. Ron Paul.
    RON PAUL 2012!-

    • To them you may be all that you say, but most of those calling you these names are certifiably domestic enemies of we the people, of the Constitution, and of our Republic.

  6. Romney’s ancestor was groom of the stool …

    Traditions die hard …

  7. Beat the elite at their own game! Go Ron Go!

    Free Ron Paul bumper sticker images ready for printing.
    Click hotlink.

    • The people verses the ass clown establishment dinosaurs that Ruining this country.

      Go RP!

  8. All I know is that if Paul doesn’t get the Republican nomination my vote goes to the Libertarian candidate. If we are lucky they not only prove Obama is inelligable for President but also Romney.

  9. I’m seeing in the establishment media, all kinds of stories like Limbaugh’s “Romney by a landslide” recent comments about Mitt as the presumptive republican candidate… yet it’s a bit premature to think that Romney will be running for anything after the convention.

    You must considering the beauty of the power controlling mechanisms the founders built into the constitutional election process making sure the peoples will would be heard in spite of the machinations and shenanigans of power and the omissions by the power media — truth will out, as long as the people remain active within the process. Well today, the people are active in a big way.

    Romney is lucky if he draws 500 people to any of his events which the MSM shouts out with “rock star banners”. By contrast, the true front runner, Ron Paul, draws thousands wherever he speaks, which the “globalist press-titute media” refuses to report at all, yet Dr. Paul continues to grow in popularity.

    As an answer, the Alternative Media is growing exponentially in spite of an unconstitutional power attempt by the usurper government at blackening the Internet with SOPA and now CISPA. This new popular media is reporting everything, not just the tightly scripted controlled spew being touted by the MSM. After all volume speaks, and Ron Paul is still the most popular political figure in America…

    The proof… according to GOP officials the states, Paul has captured the Majority of delegate votes in Minnesota, Iowa, and Washington, with Maine and Nevada to follow soon; there will be more as state conventions commence, this fight is far from over. The People are awakening to Liberty.

    Perhaps folks should check out the real news, rather than the carnival media of globalist terror barkers.


  10. We had a libertarian(Danielle Smith of the Wildrose Party) lose out on a election recently for premier of our province to a progressive liberal democrate , she imposed fear in the minds of the voters not to vote for this libertarian because of her views and the sad thing is the voters fell for the fear .

  11. The mass brainwashing media is losing the battle to twart Dr. Paul’s campaign because anybody with a darn cell phone and internet connection can upload the campaign rally video’s of the “thousands” of supporters that regularly show up at all of Dr. Paul’s rallies! They know damm well that Dr. Paul is better equipt intellectually and has the long term character and integrity track record to back his words up! The mass of supporters that show up at Dr. Paul’s campaign rallies know what he is saying is the truth! The know that the corp media says about Dr. Paul is pure BS!

    The establishment central bankers are damn scared of Dr. Paul because they know he means what he says and has a long congressional track record to prove it! The politicans that sneek around trying to trwart the “Bill Of Rights” are scared to death of Dr. Paul because they know that Dr. Paul actually means what he says when he says you “CAN’T INFRINDGE” on the Bill Of Rights! So In fact the big govt freedom hating warmonger, private central banking crooks are all scared to death of Dr. Paul

  12. Finally

  13. This is a wonderful way for Paul to keep the voice of Liberty alive during this time of great deception. “Anyone who still believes in the official Conspiracy Theory is either stupid or afraid to see the truth.” — Lord Stirling

    • There is no voting in the US that isn’t possibly rigged or manipulated if needed throughout the process of electronic sorting or end of the line counting that can invisibly be interfered with so who is to say who will win except who Corporate Amerika wants in office!

  14. Contrary to popular belief (a.k.a. MSM bullshit) Ron Paul actually does have the popular vote as well. Do your own polls and educate the people whose “opinions” are wrong. There is right and wrong. Going against the Constitution is wrong. Period. It is not open for public debate.

  15. On 05/25/2012, Ron Paul Supporters across America should gather together to discuss the idea of Dr. Paul running on an independent platform and brainstorm a clever strategy on how to launch a parallel campaign in the event he is denied the opportunity of becoming the Republican presidential candidate. The end goal is witnessing Congressman Ron Paul announcing his presidential bid as an independent the same day America celebrates Constitution day: September 17th, 2012.

    A very interesting video clip indeed.

  16. that is F^%$ng AWESOME! do NOT give up hope people- there is a rEVOLution coming………………….

  17. It is nice to see they can no longer keep the truth from getting out! Let freedom ring! Ron Paul 2012!!!!

  18. Ron Paul 2012!

    Veterans for Ron Paul

  19. GO RON GO!!!
    Show the sheeple the corruption of the elite! Five elections have been stolen buy the corrupt for the corrupt the American people be damned…. Well this voter is tired of it and you have secured my vote.

  20. Go Ron.!

  21. Only Ron Paul for 2012,he’s the only sain one!!!

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