UK surgeries to remove "man boobs" up 400% as gender bender chemicals grow breasts on biological men

Image: UK surgeries to remove “man boobs” up 400% as gender bender chemicals grow breasts on biological men

(Natural News)
The number of British men opting for breast reduction procedures due to enlarged or swollen breast, otherwise known as gynecomastia, has increased fourfold over the past five years, according to Dr. Navid Jallali, a leading consultant cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon. The doctor noted that while more men are seeking medical attention for their condition, a higher number of patients have been ridiculed and treated unfairly because of their enlarged breasts.

According to Dr. Jallali, up to 50 percent of all men may be suffering from the condition. Unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle has been associated with the onset of gynecomastia. However, the doctor stressed that other factors such as hormonal imbalance may also play a role in the condition. The expert also warned that the condition may greatly contribute to psychological problems in men. Likewise, social psychologist Dr. Paula Singleton warned of the possible psychological effects of having gynecomastia. According to Dr. Singleton, the federal government should also be allocating funds to cover surgery cost for the condition.

“We’re seeing more and more patients with gynaecomastia…Gynaecomastia can be caused by an imbalance between the hormones testosterone and oestrogen. Too much oestrogen causes breast tissue to grow. While all men produce some oestrogen, they usually have much higher levels of testosterone, which blocks the oestrogen from causing breast tissue to grow. However, if the balance of hormones in the body is altered then this can cause a man’s breasts to grow,” said Dr. Jallali in

“Many teenage boys will grow out of the condition after puberty. But for those who are left with large breasts — while the rest of their body is slim and healthy — depression can be a real issue as they’re left shouldering the heavy burden of such a stigma. It’s deeply troubling. Many male patients develop suicidal thoughts, and outbursts of torment are evident on many online forums dedicated to gynaecomastia. And I’d argue that snap judgements and a lack of understanding is causing unnecessary suffering,” Dr. Jallali added.

Gender-bending chemicals may be causing upsurge in number of feminized men

Gynecomastia is only one of the many health conditions that feminize biological men. In fact, other condition such as undescended testicles and altered musculinization have also become rampant over the past few years. According to studies, these conditions have been greatly driven by exposure to gender-bending chemicals such as atrazine and pthalates.

A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives revealed that pthalates disrupt development in male infants. Pthalates are hormone-disrupting chemicals commonly used in manufacturing plastic product. To carry out the study, researchers at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry examined 85 male infants born to mothers who had daily exposures to pthalates during pregnancy. The research team found that mothers with the highest pthalate exposure were more likely to have a child with short anogenital distance than those with lower exposure levels. The study  also showed that 21 percent of boys with short AGD had incomplete testicular descent. The researchers also cautioned that higher pthalate exposure may lead to testicular dysgenesis syndrome in boys. (Related: Follow more news on gender phenotypes at

An animal study also revealed that exposure to the pesticide atrazine resulted in depressed testosterone, decreased breeding gland size and demasculinized/feminized laryngeal development as well as suppressed mating behavior, reduced spermatogenesis and decreased fertility in male African clawed frogs. According to the researchers, atrazine-exposed frogs had lower testosterone levels and reduced dermal breeding glands compared with the controls. The research team also found that male frogs exposed to the toxic chemical also exhibited fewer testicular tubules with mature sperm bundles than those in the controls. The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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