Updated: Christian Woman in South Lebanon to MP Gemayyel: Sayyed Nasrallah Protects Us (Video)

June 8, 2024

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Martha Al-Hajj, a Christian woman living in the southern Lebanese town of Rmeish, affirmed that all the South locals maintain a national unity in face of the Israeli enemy away from all the sectarian considerations.

MP Sami Al-Gemayyel,

In a phone call with Al-Manar TV, Al-Hajj greeted Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah and the Resistance men, stressing that they protect all people in South Lebanon, including the Christians.

Image of Pierre Gemayel (1905-1984)

Al-Hajj expressed frustration about the anti-resistance remarks made MP Sami Al-Gemayyel, underlining that he knows nothing about the coexistence in South Lebanon and ho much the southerners suffer in face of the Israeli criminality.

Al-Hajj reminded Al-Gemayyel that his grandfather, Pierre, once underestimate and ignored the presence of Christians in South Lebanon.

Source: Al-Manar English Website


The above video shows the footage of the Islamic Resistance’s operation targeting an “Israeli” military vehicle and its crew at Har Addir site belonging to the “Israeli” enemy army in northern occupied Palestine. 

In support of the resilient Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in solidarity with their courageous resistance, the Islamic Resistance carried out a number of operations against “Israeli” enemy sites and deployments along the Lebanese-Palestinian borders

Hezbollah Military Media issued a statement to mourn the resistance fighter Hussein Neameh Al-Hourani who embraced martyrdom all the way to Al-Qud.

Hezbollah Military Media issued a statement to mourn the resistance fighter Hussein Neameh Al-Hourani who embraced martyrdom all the way to Al-Qud.



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