US Constitution not applicable to veterans: Those unable to pay child support can end up jailed without trial

Jonathan Benson
Natural News
Saturday, September 17, 2011

(NaturalNews) Delinquent U.S. parents who fail to pay court-ordered child support, regardless of their circumstances, are not subject to the same constitutional protections as those charged with violating other laws. Even war veterans who have faithfully fulfilled their child support obligations for many years, but have suddenly lost their jobs or have otherwise come upon legitimate hard times, can be jailed without a trial — and in some states, they can even be thrown in prison arbitrarily without any sort of legal representation.

MSNBC reports that while most cases of child support delinquency are presumably due to parents simply not wanting to pay, some cases involve a legitimate inability to pay. But as far as many court judges are concerned, the simple act of not paying is enough to warrant prison time, regardless of the situation. And for some down-and-out veterans, this has made their already difficult lives even worse.

“I felt that with my payment history and that I had just started working, maybe I would be able to convince the judge to give me another month and a half to start making the payments again,” said 39-year-old Randy Miller, and Iraqi war veteran, to MSNBC. Miller had faithfully paid child support for more than ten years, but unexpectedly lost his job in 2009.

Miller was recently hired in a new position, and had made this fact aware to the Floyd County, Ga., judge that presided over his recent court appearance, noting that he would soon be able to start making payments again. But the judge apparently did not care much for Miller’s situation, and “went ahead and decided to lock [him] up,” where he remained for three months.

A similar situation occurred to 58-year-old Thomas Ball, a father and military veteran from New Hampshire, who had also faithfully paid child support for years, but lost his job unexpectedly. But in Ball’s case the situation ended in tragedy when, out of desperation, he doused himself in gasoline and lit himself on fire in front of the Cheshire County Court House where he was to be sentenced to prison for his inability to pay.

These and many other cases of unconstitutional, not to mention compassionless, acts of supposed justice in enforcing child support laws are an affront to honest, hard-working individuals — many of whom are veterans — that come upon difficult times outside of their control. Rather than be treated like guilty criminals, the law must be modified to recognize the difference between inability and indifference.

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46 Responses to “US Constitution not applicable to veterans: Those unable to pay child support can end up jailed without trial”

  1. The Government use to require a criminal act to grant a divorce. Punishment of illegal action is justified. Problem is the current system is not based on criminal action, it is based on opinion. Imposing child support or taking one’s children away without an underlying criminal act is tyranny.

    • “The Government use to require a criminal act to grant a divorce.”

      That’s true. But then all the whiners and crybabies started up, so they dropped that idea and now marriage is like a long steady date. The results are the kinds of situations you see on this thread. This is a speech being given in a political education class. It is from the movie “1984″ with Richard Burton. It shows how they plan to use artificial insemination to fertilize eggs to make children. With no family upbringing, the State would be completely responsible for what people “thought”.

      “I just want to finish by saying a few words about the impact of this imminent neurological breakthrough. When the orgasm has been finally eradicated, the last remaining obstacle to the psychological acceptance of the principles of INGSOC, as applied to ARTSEM, will be overcome. In other words, the unorthodox tendencies towards OWNLIFE, which constantly threatened the erosion of the family unit, will no longer have the biological support of the organism. As we all know, the biological and social stimulation of “the family” leads to…private reflection outside party needs, and to the establishment of unorthodox loyalties which can only lead to THOUGHTCRIME.

      But the introduction of ARTSEM, combined with the neutralism of the orgasm, will effectively render obsolete “the family”, until it becomes impossible to conceptualize.

      Thank you.”

  2. I can tell you from experience that this is one big judicial scam. It’s revenue generation for the State, as most states tack on a distribution fee that is paid for by the noncustodial parent on top of the child support itself. Although I believe every parent should contribute to their child’s welfare, I think the Judicial system has no right to interfere until the custodial parent makes a claim. Fortunately, my ex-wife was compassionate enough to understand that the amount the court ordered was obscene and would have rendered me homeless. We mutually filed a motion to modify the amount before the court. The ruling was outrageous, in that the Judge’s remedy was for me to get a 2nd Job.
    By doing this, my monthly obligation was raised (The rate is based on a percentage of your total before taxes income). This increased obligation also raised the court’s “distribution” fee, as it is also based upon how much your obligation is.
    Not only do the Courts not give you any redress based on your financial situation, but they usually impose other sanctions that artificially make it more difficult to ever get out of their data base. They incarcerate, suspend Driver Licenses, make you pay for and attend bogus parenting classes, put burdens on employers to have payroll services send separate checks to the treasury, which is another added fee for the non-custodial parent.
    it’s never “really” about the welfare of the child in the eyes of the State, it’s always about making anything and everything “criminal” so the state can impose fines and fees for non-compliance.
    Does a Dad/Mom in jail for inability to pay make the child any less vulnerable to mental or psychological problems? It’s more apt to cause emotional distress when a child feels that they are the cause of a parents incarceration. I remember my own son telling his mother he hated her because his dad was poor and had to give her money. Fortunately I was able to explain that it was not his mom, but the Court that caused all of this.
    The State needs to stay the hell out of family issues and stop making everything a contractual agreement. It is the Lawyers and Politicians that are the only beneficiaries of these contrived laws.

  3. All these arguments and stories show what happens when the Communists move to destroy the Family. Cultural communism, with its pro-queer agenda, feminism, the equality of women in the workplace, and anti-male tendencies, cause all of this. “Let no Man put asunder..” is the idea. Once you are married, it is for life. Divorce should be as illegal as murder. And the things one can read on this page are what happens if you don’t make it illegal.

    You get all kinds of things for which there are no good answers.

    Ultimately, the commies want all of the children, no fathers, no mothers no family. Everyone will be illegitimate. This completely detached population will have no individual will power at all.

  4. Well, its a lack of knowledge that keeps the guys and gals joining the military and
    are main players in this plan for change.. Their doing satan’s work and don’t have a clue..
    Then the system chews them up and spits them out.

  5. WTF is the idea that Religion causes ppl not to think? The people who the world understands as the great debaters such as Socrates, Plato, ect. Were renound for their deep insite into SPIRITUAL TRUTH. So befor you open your unknowledgable world veiw, and vomit your ignorance, understant that most of historys GREAT thinkers were discussing, explaining, and arguing RELIGION. Educate yourself because public ed is crap.

    • James Madison:———————————————————
      “Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.”
      -letter to Wm. Bradford, April 1, 1774

    • “Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.

      Thomas Jefferson – letter to Peter Carr, Aug. 10, 1787

  6. i can’t believe they’re doing this when unemployment is so damned high and so many people are barely surviving. These judges should be removed from their benches!

  7. That government and religion should have any say in marriage and the offspring of a marriage is spiritually sick.

    Society entered failure mode centuries ago when it walked away from individuality and let government tell it what to do and let religion tell it how to think. Forfeiture of personal responsibility not only makes us irresponsible, it promotes the steady, unrelenting progression of humane law into inhuman Tyrannolaw.

    Why are the animals free to mate or go their separate ways without interference from God? Why should we heel under a self-appointed priestcraft?

    Strident defenders of law and “justice” pop up to argue that law, despite its imperfections, is better than the law of the jungle! Utter nonsense! We can conduct ourselves ethically, without courts and lawyers, when our reality-based consciousness makes us loving, respectful, cooperative, and trusting. We’ve done it before, we can do it again!

    Judges and lawyers in fine clothes, but dirty inside, are still brute savages in a jungle of laws written by tyrannical empires with self-serving agendas. No one needs more proof of the rank corruption that is now the norm.

    Our spiritual duty is to be independent, and solve our problems out of our own resources.

    Not only are courts jailing fathers willing but unable to pay child support, they are also giving custody of children to unfit mothers. Every woman and every man has the equal responsibility to evaluate the future consequences of what may happen should the relationship fail.

    Life brings pain as well as love. Pain is the creator of awareness, and we live only to learn. The substitution of law and dogma for personal responsibility does not stop life’s pain, it only brings more.

    What is Tyrannolaw? A peremptory system of law rising above humanity. Whenever the two conflict, humanity must yield. Tyrannolaw subjugates humanity to unyielding, despotic, blind, and arbitrary authority. We have Tyrannolaw to the degree that:

    Your leaders say, “No man is above the law!”

    Lying cops arrest you, prosecutors jack up charges to force plea bargains, jury selection is warped by prosecutors, the selection of jury instructions is manipulated by judges openly stating they “don’t get into the Constitution,” Public Defenders get paid for pretending to help you, and half-awake granny juries believe you did something wrong or you would not have been arrested.

    It is a crime to break the law itself, though having done nothing else wrong.

    Legal history, not what really happened, determines subsequent decisions. Once litigated, forever closed!

    The number of laws grows beyond reason and you have little power to weed out undesirable laws.

    You are attacked by people who manipulate the law.

    You cannot speak for yourself, only through a lawyer.

    You pay steep legal fees to a lawyer who has his own agenda.

    Your lawyer agrees with prosecutor to lose your case in exchange for the prosecutor letting him win another.

    You are right and can prove it, but you lose in court due to procedural technicality, chicanery, corruption, judges threatened by your intelligence, and black lists from the feds.

    Law is strictly enforced to earn revenue.

    Law favors profit, privilege, religion, or morality codes.

    Law is stupid or unreasonable.

    Law claims to have come from God.

    Law is written and exploited by the global empire.

    Law is too complex and its interpretations debatable.

    Law answers to no one, not even itself.

    Law conspires to enlarge its power base by
    ….setting us against one another with distracting morality trivia
    ….spying and keeping secret files on us
    ….using advanced technology to control us
    ….creating incidents to inspire fear and the demand for more law.

    …………………………………….THE LOGICAL FALLACIES OF LAW…………………………………..

    Law descends from people. People serve their own interests. Therefore, law invites corruption.

    Law has no power to prevent its abuse. Clever people abuse the law. Therefore, law is used to abuse the innocent.

    Law forbids taking matters into our own hands. Law fails to take care of matters for us. Therefore, too often, law ignores us.

    …………………………………..THE MYTHS AND REALITIES OF LAW…………………………………

    The myth: Law is divine. The reality: Law is invented by people.

    The myth: Law protects us. The reality: Law cannot prevent its abuse.

    The myth: Ultimately, justice will prevail. The reality: We’re still waiting!

    The myth: The Rule of Law is better than the Rule of the Jungle. The reality: Justice rises no higher than the intelligence or stupidity, the skill or bumbling ineptness, and the integrity or treachery of those who administer it.

    Casting off Tyrannolaw and the global tyranny it spawned, means choosing to think for ourselves and act for ourselves.

  8. And they are completely shutting down any form of legal aid for many people.

  9. Cameron, or as RT accidentally called him the other day, Camera-man, has a new scheme to strip benefits from single mothers whose children play truant. That’ll teach ‘em, eh?

  10. i was able to lose my 1st wife before she started squating chirrun out. now she has 2 with no fathers around to support them. what a waste of good poon. the world has taken its toll on her for the worst. GOOD. meanwhile, i struck it rich and have been living the high life for 15 years now. soooo glad i wasn’t the fool who got stuck paying for play. always pull out. it just aint worth the misery.

  11. My dad, 40+ years ago was a career officer in the US Army. That sorry SOB not only left my Mom and sister and I, but didn’t pay jack squat to help us. I almost died as a child due to his lack of responsibility and character.

    He was NEVER held accountable by the Army. To the contrary, they protected him.

    He even finally suggested that my step dad adopt me to “get this over with”.

    If any of these stinking sob’s are like him, then they deserve prison time. Lots of it. Pieces of shit.

    • You got a point too …

      Actually , real soldiers should be able to make babies in a more random fashion
      than other members of society , but these days , ignorance and stupidity prevails …

      Most people have no class , and don’t know how to behave , or even wash their
      ass for that matter …

      P.S. And the ” leaders ” are ignorant cowards as well !!!

    • Oh wow, you think he had it easier in the army? Get a life. You almost died because of him? Where was your damn mother when this happened? Don’t put all the blame on your biological father because your mother cant keep you in line and healthy. I would say from your character, apples don’t fall far from the tree. Take a look in the mirror.

      Parents staying together for the sake of children leads to arguments, and abuse from both parties, are haven’t you learned that. Technically, if your mom remarried, then your “Step-dad” legally becomes financially responsible for you.

      What is wrong with new dads adopting children of their new wives? Do you have issues with that, or is it all about the mulah for you guys?

      If your mother couldn’t afford to take care of you after your dad left, then she shouldn’t have been able to keep you either. A man can serve is country then come home to crap like this? No wonder fathers are killing themselves…its mothers like yours, and children like you that drive them to insanity.

      Take accountability for your own life and your own actions. If you are able to get online and type in here, then you obviously have some form of education, and know how to take care of yourself, or did your mother not teach you that?

      I raised my own child on my own for 18 years, no support, and didn’t want any. This way I had complete control of the welfare of my child. She was raised with morals, decency, and very healthy. I was not rich, I lacked money at times, but the needs of my child came first. If there were more mothers like me in this world, there wouldn’t be a need for any “support” agency. They were not there when your mother spread her legs and conceived you, nor were they there when your parents got married, so why should they be there when he decides to live his life his way? Was serving his country not enough for you? Did he not make you proud by doing so? NO…you only dwell on the negative. Its time your grow up and act like an adult.

      And lastly, why should the army make him accountable for your mothers greed? THEY SHOULDN’T”T… that’s why. You all think that by revoking their licenses, throwing them in jail, etc…is going to make them love you, or pay any money for you? THINK AGAIN. It drives them further away, and makes them wish they never had you in the first place. You should be thanking them for providing part of your DNA, and for being alive.

      And yes, I am ALL FOR the abused fathers!! The fathers who lose their kids to greedy pigs of women who produce children merely for profit (in the end). When did baby making become a business? When did people stop having children for the sake of WANTING children and not worry about having to get a JOB to take care of them? You wonder why so many ousted dads kill themselves…MOTHERS LIKE YOURS AND CHILDREN LIKE YOU…who have nothing better to do then berate dads who simply cannot handle being manipulated and taken advantage of. I bet your mother never even told you the truth as to why he left in the first place.

      Ultimately, move on, get a life, and grow up. Nothing last forever. Your just a sad child from a broken marriage (join the crowd honey) who places blames wherever they can so they don’t have to feel anything anymore.

      @Sir Baby….I don’t know what its like in your country (unless you watch too much Jerry Springer) but branding soldiers as baby making machines instead of a person fighting a war that isn’t even theirs (for which too many die senselessly…) isn’t going to make you any smarter (or smart at all).

      There used to be a time when parents grew older, and it was the children;s responsibility to take care of them, but what is happening these days? YOU STICK THEM IN OLD AGE HOMES WHERE THEY GET ABUSED OR THROW THEM IN JAIL BECAUSE THEY DON’T PAY YOUR WAY THROUGH LIFE. I got three words for you: GET AN EDUCATION.

      • And lastly, mothers get the advantage of alimony and child support, what do fathers get when their stinkin ass wives leave them? STUCK WITH CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS…they get screwed in the end.

  12. wow you think you have a bad deal in the states.
    In canada they can take your wages direct from the bank and then get your driving liscence stopping you from earning then can put you in jail when you cant pay. if yout payin too much spend 1000,s more on getting it back into court….. terrible system but what better way than to get you in the system.

    • Nope, they take your license here in America too.

      • Yup, and they garnish your wages.

  13. Before you put your dick in her and start shitting kids, you better have a “PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT,” insurance on a marriage! Especially if you know your prone to a lot of breakups! Don’t put yourself through a hell where the system can intervene and start calling the shots or you’ll just end up fucking yourself in the long run.

    • Especially in this day and age where a lot of people are chasing that paper currency.

    • With all the flouride in the water, nutrisweet, high fructose corn syrup, and the other poisons, you need to be weary of alot of people whose mental capacity has been destroyed. This is another cause along with the obvious economic issues that have made many people especially women mentally with lots of screws loose. The worse part is the woman get away with being mentally deficent but the men get body slammed for everything and anything minor or major.

      If this had been a woman, she would not be in jail.

    • I’d rather stick to my method of birth control…butt-fuckin’ blowjobs let the bitch get her money from some other source….

      • Gawd … you could spare us , especially the butt pluggin’ bit !!!

    • ” Prenuptial agreement ” ?!?

      That sounds real romantic !!!

      That”s like saying ” We don’t trust each other ” …

      The way it’s done , is to use top notch Hindu astrology to determine if two people
      are supposed to even get along on the long run , before gettin’ involved …

      P.S. Some people are just not meant to be married , even if in the early stages
      the sex is good etc … ( ” Bitter tea tastes sweet at the first cup ” !!! )

    • I totally agree with the prenuptial agreement thing. It was designed for a purpose. Everybody knows that women are out to get a man’s money in the end. It was designed to protect those with the money from having it stolen from right underneath them.

      Those type of agreements don’t say to someone that you don’t trust them, but NOT signing one shows that you SHOULDN’T be trusted.

      *big thumbs up for our comment…love it!

      • Prenuptial agreements still have to follow the law, regardless of what people believe. A prenupt will not stop the state from finding you guilty of non-payment in child support cases. Either way the government shouldn’t get involved. If the father or mother doesn’t want to support the child then good riddance. most of the money doesn’t even go towards the child anyway. Children are not as expensive as the “media” and courts let on. Your number one expense is food. I remember reading a pro-child support billboard that claimed it cost over $900.00 per month to raise a child! What a load of crap! It doesn’t cot anywhere near that to raise two children!

  14. The legitimate inability to pay just shows how cracked the system is.

    • Actually, there ARE legitimate reason why a person cannot pay. Its called NO JOB, and NO MONEY, dumb ass.

  15. Some of these judges are straight from hell …

    Veterans are not ordinary goody two shoes citizens , and should have a completely
    different set of rules applied to them , and not by goody two shoes judges !!!

    P.S. What a cluster fuck …

    • Thats one of the ‘sacrifices’ people in the military make when they enlist…you basically lose ALL of your constitutional rights.

      Ironic considering thats what -allegedly- you’re fighting to defend…

      I smoked enough weed to get kicked out of the Navy the myth of it affecting my ability to find a job, etc was just that..a MYTH….

      • The Navy doesn’t know what it lost when they kicked you out …

        Veterans should have more ” rights ” and perks than the average grease
        ball , not less !!!

        It’s all topsy-turvy !!!

        P.S. You should smoke your weed with a good dash of calamus root , as
        is recommended in the illustrious ” Ayurveda ” … That would make for
        a nicer high , while keeping at bay some of the long run side effects
        of pot usage , like the clogging up of the liver with the sticky tar etc…

        • Well-spoken, sir….

          Of course now I’m part of the ‘machine’….I work for one of the largest conglomerates in the world (not named Walmart or Exxon) that makes everything from jet engines to washing machines THEIR anti-weed rules are worse than the military.

          Fuck them too….what I do on my own damn time is MY business….

        • Working for the beast ?!?

          Mixing Calamus root with your weed also has the positive side effect
          of messin’ with their effin’ testing gizmo results !!!

          P.S. And taking blood cleansing herbs now n’ then too !!!

        • Veterans should not have “more rights”, that’s freaking ridiculous. They volunteer to go into the meat grinder and fight illegal wars. They don’t protect my freedom or do anything that benefits my country. We’re all supposed to be treated equally under the law of the land. The original 13th amendment made it illegal to bestow any titles of nobility or special honors to U.S. citizens. This isn’t the bullshit cast system of India where the poor remain forever poor due to their “Karma”.

  16. Alex Jones should have Glenn Sacks on his show, The guy is winning against these issues, massive effort over many years paying off with lots of supporting legislation at the state level.

    Fathers and Families has the best record of legislative success, the largest membership base, the highest media profile, the most funding, and the most successful legislative representation of any family court reform organization. Fathers and Families has:

    Passed 5 Family Court Reform Bills in California in 2010, including child custody reform (AB 2416 and SB 1188), child support reform (SB 580 and SB 1355) and alimony reform (SB 1482)
    Helped defeat two 2010 California legislative attempts to prohibit or limit family courts’ ability to recognize and properly deal with Parental Alienation (AB 612 and AB 2475). These successes help protect the loving bonds parents share with their children.
    Reduced excessive child support by over $1 billion in Massachusetts from 2001 through 2008
    Helped lead successful campaigns in 2004 and 2006 to defeat California “move-away” bills which would have made it too easy for custodial parents to move children to other states without regard for children’s best interests
    Helped pass military parent child custody legislation in California, Georgia, Ohio, Arizona, Nevada, and Indiana in 2010/2011, and in numerous other states previously.
    Helped block 2010 bill to dramatically increase Ohio child support guidelines
    Enlisted over one-quarter of the Massachusetts Legislature as co-sponsors of our shared parenting bill
    Placed a shared parenting initiative on the 2004 Massachusetts ballot and led a successful campaign for its passage, winning 86% of the vote
    Helped achieve a 50% reduction in the interest rate Massachusetts charges on overdue child support
    Helped pass bills in California, Arizona, and Indiana to protect disabled parents from family court financial abuses
    Helped defeat a 2010 Massachusetts bill which would have further marginalized noncustodial parents in relation to their children’s medical needs
    Helped pass paternity fraud legislation (AB 252 and SB 1333) which allows California child support obligors to use DNA evidence to set aside false paternity judgments and the concomitant child support orders
    Worked on the 2009 National Defense Reauthorization Act (HR 2647) to include a mandate that the U.S. Secretary of Defense produce a report on child custody litigation involving members of the Armed Forces, as well as international intrafamilial abductions of servicemembers’ children
    Persuaded the Boston Globe to become first major newspaper in country to publicly endorse shared parenting (Feb 23, 2008)
    Written an amicus brief which helped win a precedent-setting Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court case protecting children in joint physical custody from being moved out of state, away from one parent. To read our brief, click here.
    Penned an amicus brief for the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in A.H. v. M.P. supporting the parenting rights of a non-biological lesbian mother — a woman who had been a parental figure for the child for years but who was cut off from the child by the biological mother after the couple separated. Fathers and Families feared that the case could set a precedent marginalizing parents to whom children are deeply attached simply because they are breadwinners. To read our brief, click here.
    Been instrumental in passing a law opening up access to report cards and school records to non-custodial parents in Massachusetts
    Led 2008 campaign which stopped FOX from airing the anti-father reality TV show Bad Dads
    Led 2009 campaign which stopped Lifetime Television from airing the anti-father reality show Deadbeat Dads
    Helped extend and expand California’s COAP program, which allows parents who are unfairly saddled with inflated, unpayable child support arrearages to settle them for modest cash payments
    Worked with Texas Senator Jane Nelson to pass SB 279, a bill to protect military parents’ custody rights, which was signed by Texas Governor Rick Perry in 2009.
    Helped spearhead a massive nationwide grassroots protest campaign against anti-father PBS show on child custody, successfully forcing production of even-handed documentary
    Helped spearhead a successful national protest campaign against Florida’s refusal to reunite a fit and loving Cuban dad with his daughter
    Helped lead a successful campaign to free Brian Gegner, a father jailed because his adult daughter didn’t get her GED.
    Helped pass California SB 285 to protect disabled veterans. The bill prohibits courts from illegally garnishing disability compensation for child support. It also prohibits courts from calculating veterans’ disability compensation into divorce settlements as income or as a divisible asset.
    Helped defeat an amendment to California AB 164 which would have prevented fit noncustodial parents from gaining access to school and other records
    Built the only organization of its kind to achieve financial stability through broad-based individual financial support
    Developed the largest website, blog and e-newsletter in the world devoted to family law reform. Our subscriber list is the largest in the world on our issues.
    Become an established presence in major broadcast and print media, including CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR and others; hundreds of radio shows; major magazines, including Newsweek, Time, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, People, and many others; and hundreds of newspapers, including the New York Times, USA Today, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Houston Chronicle, the San Francisco Chronicle, the New York Daily News, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Chicago Tribune,, and numerous others.

    fathersandfamilies DOT org

  17. What a moron judge! How does it help to imprison someone who has just gotten employed? They lose their job and the ability to pay and when they get out it will be harder to get another job! Where is common sense? The judge must be getting a kickback for each incarceration.

    • Tell me about it…

      I divorced my NEUROSURGEON wife (who made just under 900k/year when we were married), tried the job route, then went back to college.

      I did the Pell Grant student loans thing, and worked as a metal musician bouncer to supplement the other 2.

      Meanwhile, New York State jumped in, based my loans, etc as INCOME decided to charge me child support; although my ex didn’t need the money my daughter has a 7 figure trust fund left by her maternal grandfather.

      I was offered a job upon graduating involving good pay a chance to see the world. Never got the job because New York had a passport hold put on me with the state department because I owed more than $5000 in child support….

      So…goodbye job, goodbye paying back money that the ex my daughter could have literally BURNED in the marble fireplace of their Central Park townhouse….

      Even my EX went to bat for me -hired an attorney to fight my battle FOR me- but NYS still won….

      No big deal…I managed to pay everything off ($43,000 total) get my passport 10 years several jobs later, but it just shows what kind of fucking IDIOTS are in charge in capitals everywhere….

      (Yeah, I know…WHO’S the idiot for divorcing a rich doctor? She didn’t like sex, so fuck off, naysayers!)

      • Next relationship you have, become a freeman on the land, don’t sign your children up for a health card or register them, and just live off the land. There are herbal remedies so no need for a doctor….then you register them, the gov’t watches your every movement, and know when to take action against you.

      • You’re a pretty vile character aren’t you Viking? Try speaking without so much profanity and vulgar language. If sex is the most important thing in your life keep it to yourself. No one here really wants to hear about your anal fantasies.

        • !

  18. People that are no longer in active or reserve duty in the military, are no longer under
    the UCMJ. They are a normal citizen and should sue if denied their Constitutional rights.

    • No MAN can take away our Constitutional rights. Period.

  19. When the revolution starts at least you know who to lynch first.

  20. Thank god some of US get to shoot blanks.

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