Van Jones Tells Occupy Libertarians Are Racist, Homophobic and Hate America

Mike Riggs
April 3, 2012

Obama’s former Green Jobs czar Van Jones lit into “so-called libertarians” at an Occupy rally in Los Angeles last weekend:

Jones began his speech by citing his six months of work in the White House before launching into a tirade against the “so-called Libertarians.”

In citing the Libertarian principle of economic liberty, Jones stated “They’ve taken their despicable ideology and used it a wrecking ball, that they have painted red, white and blue, to smash down every good thing in America.”

Jones continued, “They say they’re Patriots but they hate everybody in America who looks like us. They say they love America but they hate the people, the brown folk, the gays, the lesbians, the people with piercings, ya know ya’ll.”

”They love going to New York City! [sarcastically] I just had to take my child to see America’s beauty.” Jones then referenced the Statue of Liberty and fumed ”You can’t be an anti-immigrant bigot and a Patriot at the same time.”

I’m going to have to mic check you there, Mr. Jones. You’re not talking about so-called libertarians, but your former boss and current president. See, it’s Barack Obama who supports “traditional marriage”; Barack Obama who supports a drug war that sends an alarming number of black men to prison and destroys their employment prospects; Barack Obama who supports a foreign policy that kills children; Barack Obama who supports regulatory barriers that require the poorest of the poor to borrow their way into the workforce; Barack Obama who supports an immigration strategy that rips apart families and sees the children of undocumented workers put up for adoption.

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33 Responses to “Van Jones Tells Occupy Libertarians Are Racist, Homophobic and Hate America”

  1. the guy is an unAmerican IDIOT.

    DC, Wall Street, big banks, corporate nicknames, ALL CONSPIRED..
    to treasonously sabotage our real productive working economy.

    there wouldnt BE an occupy movement,
    if not for the TREASON committed from the top down.

    is TREASON “patriotic” mister Van Jones?!!

    YOUR BOSSES, are now declaring their victims to be “low-level terrorists”,
    your rhetoric is enabling their attitude and actions TRAITOR.

  2. WHAT a SCUMBAG. The liberatarian party is BY far the most diverse political party. I interact with THOUSANDS of them and I can assure you there is no such racial, religious, social, or any other form of prejudice within libertarian ideology. How does Van Jones get away with spewing such mountains of false information? MLK would be turning in his grave watching Van Jones and Obama DIVIDE this country rather than UNITE.

  3. He probably meant to say LIBERALS~

  4. Political Correctness, that thing at the heart of these libitarians, is a doctrine of hate and division. It is a divide and rule ideology. Until people realise this and get rid of it we will make no headway. Just like the Rockerfella funded selective femenism movement, it is a doctrine of division and hate.

    • Learn to spell the word libertarian then people might give a fuck what your opinion is.

      • lolol

  5. This is why Alex Jones should pay more attention to the racism hidden in the libertarian movement. It leaves the movement open to these kind of criticisms. In trying to second guess Obama’s motives in relation to the Trayvon Martin case, Alex has shown his bias, over played his hand and fallen right into the trap of those who want to discredit the libertarian movement. Had Alex taken a more impartial line and tried to help his followers do the same, Van Jones would not have so much ammunition to use against libertarians now.

    Right now the NWO is more evil than the libertarian movement is good. It takes more integrity than the movement is showing to prove itself as a credible alternative. Otherwise it does not deserve to win. What’s the point of replacing one set of people spouting principles they do not adhere to, with another.

    The libertarian movement must show that it truly stands for freedom and not a mixture or freedom, racism, sexism, conservatism and Christian fundamentalism. Until the leaders of the libertarian movement start living by their own highest principles, they will never achieve their goals and will always be easy to discredit. You cannot win the fight for freedom and justice, unless you want freedom and justice for everyone. Remember, the elites have always played the working class whites off against blacks. One of the most important goals of the libertarian movement should be to undo this programming, within its white followers, so they cannot be used by the NWO to do its dirty work for them.

    This is one example where going with your gut does not work. Because your gut has been infiltrated, subverted and re-programmed. Even Alex’s gut mis-informs him when it comes to issues of race. Racism is one of the most deeply programmed complexes of the Illuminati, as it exploits your sub-conscious sense of identity that determines who you think you are.

    It takes real guts to go against your gut, when your gut is not your own anymore. True leadership in the Libertarian movement has to focus on reshaping the false sense of identity embedded with a racist programming, that the Illuminati has embedded into many who call themselves libertarians. Racism is the trogan horse planted by the Illuminati, into the psyche of the libertarian movement many years ago.

    I do not say this to try and be-little or humiliate libertarians or info-warriors. I say it because you don’t realize what you are up against. Not even Alex Jones does. This is not an info war you are fighting it is a spirit war, being fought on multiple dimensions. Right now you are only fighting the info war and neglecting the other areas that you need to focus.

    The Truthorator
    I’ll Be Black …

    • Go placate the socialists, I won’t. Shill.

      • You didnt understand what he meant. Calm down and reread it.

        You want the Constitution, right? You want your Rights and you want to be left alone, right? Well, so do people of color. You want folks to be self reliant? Well, there’s a lot of spirtual enlightenment we all have to wake up to before it can happen. NOBODY is truly self reliant. We help each other get through hard times..and nobody goes through life without going through hard times. These illuminati chumps have been highly educated in using political correctness against all groups, keeping them divided.

        I grew up in socialism…even my grandparents were communists. I was trained to ‘SEE’ beyond the bullcrap. The Left is afraid of the ‘Patriots’…the media grouped US all together under a Libertarian umbrella. Not a Constitutionalist umbrella. I am not convinced of Libertarianism. Why? Because we are not spitiutally enlightened enough to pull it off. The Left is afraid of this. Ideally, Libertarianism is the truest form of our Constitution. But it would require all of us to be generous, help those in need…as if we were angels on Earth. Can you be that? Can you stretch your brain – and see why trusting each other is scary? So often we hear Libertarians react defensively about their obligations to society, saying, “ITs my money, its my land, its my right…” to ignore the pleas of others who desperately need help? This is why the Left is afraid of losing federal aid. I’m not talking about welfare moms(besides, statistically, welfare moms are fewer in numbers than the feds want you to know…and theyre white women), I’m talking about finacial ruin…so many have fallen through the cracks. LOOK at what these MF’s did to the small family farms for the past 30 years! Devastating! Look what happens when soldiers come home, freshly toxified by depleted uranium and pursues a career to raise a family only to find out his life will slowly come undone by disease and death? Was it his wife’s fault she couldnt pay the bills? Will everyone step up and care for these families? Are there enough GENEROUS Libertarians to go around? This is what scares the Left.

        What is required of you in honesty…from every perspective, or we wont succeed in saving the Republic ands OUR PEOPLE.

        • Maybe libertarians are his enemy because he is a communist tyrant? use your own brains people.

      • I am not sure what you mean by that. You can ignore this advice if you choose. But if you do you will lose the infowar. And deservedly so. The bars you wish more blacks were behind will soon encase the libertarian movement, unless it addresses its racism. Everything is being set up to put libertarians in prison and you are all falling for the trap. The problem is that most white libertarians love their race more than they love freedom. Its the dilemma, that will destroys everything libertarians are working for.

        I write on this site because I agree with libertarian principles, but I am very disappointed with the people who are espousing them. Libertarianism is actually a natural position for black people given our history. But the movement is so racist, what’s the point of helping it succeed. Why should black people help a bunch of freedom loving closet racists, get into power only to have them turn around and reveal their true character. We may as well stay with the devil we know, it can’t get much worse for us anyway.

        Your the ones who will soon be treated like blacks have been for years as you stood by and watched and often joined in. Where was your libertarianism then. Because of its betrayal of it’s own principles the libertarian movement has already lost the war.

        • “We’re all on the Reservation, now.”

          Truthorator, honestly? I have met many Libertarians and most dont profile by race. However, I am in New England, so it might be a cultural difference. Most Libertarians around here are very proactive, inviting all people to unite. I think when we’re witnessing the loss of jobs, the elite throws race division programs at us, knowing this will further divide and conquer our will. Competing for jobs is very base in nature…and the elite love ‘base emotions’, like the old anthropological term for human behavior, “US against THEM”. It’s in our nature to feel more power when our clan is united…its up to us all to make it clear that THE CLAN is ALL of US. This is why I don’t differentiate by siding with any Party. I am a Constitutionalist and a Patriot. When we stand by this OATH, we stand for freedom…for everyone. Freedom to be who you are without harm to others, without domination of any kind…it’s a spirtual path for sure. Even I, being a parent, have struggled with dominating another’s will. And I’m no saint…oh my god, I am no saint!

        • TessaC

          It’s very encouraging to encounter someone who truly aspires to libertarian principles on this site. I have come down on the people here pretty hard because for freedom lovers, their other attitudes are such a let down. But I do think your location has a lot to do with the good types you are acquainted with.

          There is a whole other side to the libertarian movement that is seriously letting it down and is ruining its chances of success. And this site is actually more focused on pandering to racist libertarians than to the ones who have evolved beyond racist reactions to others. It’s such a shame to see how foolish they are being and how they do not realize they are causing their own failure.

          The sad truth is they are just not ready to be free. Infact the world is not ready to be free. The Illuminati knows this only too well. Which is why they can play everyone for fools including Alex Jones, Ron Paul and the whole libertarian movement.

          It’s actually easy to defeat the NWO, if people focus on defeating the evil inside themselves first. But failing that the war is lost. Why do so many libertarians refuse to understand such a simple truth.

      • TessaC perspective is correct.

        Most Libertarians lack the love needed for freedom to succeed. Without love freedom will end in tyranny as surely as supposedly free markets have led to monopoly in the hands of the selfish capitalists. The human race, but most especially the white race, is being challenged to evolve or be enslaved. To qualify for freedom you first have to show you can love freedom for others as much as you love it for you self. Otherwise you will get played.

    • Obama’s motives in relation to the Trayvon Martin case:

      “Even if it means the threat of race riots. They are willing to go that far – go down that road if need be. If the Obama team can’t guilt enough of White America into voting for them in 2012 – they are just fine with trying to scare the sh-t out of them to do it.”


      Never let a crisis (or a tragedy) go to waste…

      • BTW, that report is from August of last year.

      • What Infowars should have done is be impartial about the Trayvon case, show both sides of the evidence and also expose Obama’s agenda regarding the case. Instead it’s biased response has lost it a great deal of credibility, both with blacks and with whites who a looking for signs of real integrity, before committing to the libertarian movement. If Obama wants to guilt whites into voting for him, Alex Jones has helped him greatly in his cause by corrupting the possibility of a truth worthy alternative.

  6. Now will OWS defenders wake the hell up and finally realize this faux movement is nothing but a prefab, Soros-funded sham?

  7. Sorry, but Mr. Rigg’s editorial is frought with at least two logical fallacies that by definition render his point null: red herrings and straw man.

  8. I will sink to an all time low.. but this is what i think.. Van Jones can Blow me

  9. We, homo sapiens, cannot recognize qualities or faults in another, unless we possess them ourselves. If Van Jones is human, he must also be a freedom loving racist. Or he is a.different, better species, or maybe He has evolved beyond human. Frankly, i find his behavior to be more reminiscent of a troglodite.

  10. It’s a riot, really…it means he can’t do his job. Foolery and secret agendas were exposed. So many people got the TRUTH from Alex and his courageous team.

    Those of us who came from the Left, (now, with EYES WIDE OPEN) and Libertarians who stood BESIDE the Occupy protesters all those days, on the sidewalks of Wall Street, talking to each other, explaining their reasons for being there. The grass roots libertarians looked organized and well educated on the issues of bankers, which helped the Occupy protesters become more informed and grounded in their purpose. UNITE, People of Truth!

    I grew up in the African American Community and I am NOT even remotely racist, yet, because I am white, I will be profiled as such. Doesn’t matter that many of my friends and relatives who are people of color agree that Obama is a puppet, just like every president since Kennedy and Martin were shot.

    AND…Let me tell you something else. MALCOLM X was a Libertarian! THAT is what scared the ‘powers that be’ more than anything else. The idea that people, of ANY color, could sustain their own communities without Govt intrusion or even help. He put the notion into The People that ‘WE CAN’ could be made reality. A deep socio-psychological healing of religious(realization) proportion. Thus the Black Panthers were formed in every urban community, starting with feeding the children breakfast before school and sending them off with a healthy bag lunch. Most of the Panthers were not eating junk food. They started up the concept of ‘food co-operatives’ so food was healthy, fresh and cheap. After School Care programs. Transportation for the handicap and elderly in the community. These were all independent orgs, usually students, church orgs in the beginning.

    Martin L King was killed because he evolved The Movement into a new enlightenment. The ‘Poor People’s Campaign’ which consisted of poor and working class, union organizers(genuine folk, not sabateurs), church orgs, etc.. Together, they marched against an economic slavery system. Starting in Memphis(where he made his ‘I had a dream’ speech) at the Garbage Workers Union protest. And, most of us know the story…Martin did have a dream, he had many signs that he would not get there with us, nonetheless, he wanted everyone to hold fast to these realizations that the slave masters are still out there, pretending to be beyond our reach. They killed Martin because he was breaking down the matrix and telling everyone to LOOK and take action. Martin told everyone, “This isnt about race, it’s about economic opression” THAT is why they killed him. He frightened them(the powers that be) when he took out the race card.

    Racist, indeed.

    (sometimes I wish I could biotchslap a-holes like this shill, Van Jones, who is little more than illuminati shite)

  11. Van Jones and OWS are NWO. They hate the concept of liberty for all.

    • OWS aren’t NWO dude. They and the tea Party are lost twins, they just don’t know it. You’re just seeing the retard-side that the media is showing you. There are a lot of genuine “liberals” who see what Obama really is. Don’t dismiss them so easily, just like the genuine liberals who see through obama shouldn’t dismiss the TP’ers as “racist nuts”. Both have been subverted by the system, and idiots. But, they both started out as genuine revolts against the system. We need to be bigger dude…

      • I think your comment might be valid if we saw or heard from those that were of your description that left the OWS movement. The only OWS people that I have come in contact with, (in person) were idiot marxist anti-establishment only because they wanted someone else to provide for them.

      • LOL…”OWS aren’t NWO dude. They and the tea Party are lost twins, they just don’t know it.”

        I LUV THAT line!

      • The Tea Party originated organically. The OWS originated in the mind of George Soros and the NWO. OWS was cointelpro from day 1.

        • But I guess you could make the case that both attracted a lot of ill-informed patsies. Dude.

  12. No, He is the racist POS poor excuse for a human being. Libertarians are the most excepting of everyone and their rights and liberties. They just want you to take care of your own affairs and don’t burden everyone else with your life choices that turn out to be bad ones for you!

  13. van jones??? Who cares what the racist idiot says….except maybe his black panther homies.

    • They arent REAL Panthers. They’re Illuminati a-holes.

  14. Like… It’s so ridiculous and backwards, I can’t figure out whether they actually believe this BS they push, and are that confused, or are deliberately straight-out lying and difference-baiting. Are they lying to themselves? Are they that sick and deluded? or are they stone cold grand jedi master willful dividers…? It’s absurd… I considered myself a “liberal” growing up (36), and I still hold on to some of the “principals”; but I know those “principals” are being used to deliberately deceive the “liberals” now. For instance: I don’t agree with Obama’s redistribution of wealth, but I know that if our illegal income taxes didn’t go straight to the Cartel “Federal” Reserve, they COULD be used to feed, clothe, house, and give health care to less fortunate people.
    I woke up long before Obama, and didn’t bother voting in 08; and I can see clearly now I was…not wrong?, I guess. What would POS McCain have done differently? Nothing. And I knew even then -no small thanks to genuine non-partisan media like AJ- that Obama was in the Goldman Sachs pocket; just like i know now that voting for DB Romney will make no difference, other than cosmetic, and we’ll end up under un-elected world-central bank techno-fascism either way.
    I’m not disappointed in the corporate sociopaths in the least, sociopathy is as does; but I AM disappointed in the so-called liberals who were up in arms at Bush’s -relatively tiny, now- tyranny, the patriot act, torture, etc, -who went right back to their theatre seats as soon as the military industrial complex changed the paint and re-masked themselves as “progressive” with Obama. I just don’t get it. I’m so disappointed in the American public. It makes me wanna f’n puke.
    I don’t necessarily agree with all of AJ’s individual opinions, but we owe him a debt for speaking up against the general tyranny, and subversion.
    It amazes me how many of my idiot friends disregard the articles I post just because they’re under the AJ banner; never mind checking out the content of the articles and verifying them for themselves; which I always do. People are *asleep* and under the black-magic spell of the main stream media. My spirits are low man. It’s getting very hard to hold out hope….

    • dont lose hope, most people are normal, the NWO just wants us fighting amongst ourselves.

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